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Thoughts on the New Arcanist Master?


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Look at the back of Colette's box then look at the back of the carnival box, and you can tell from the groupings who is who. The mannequins are mannequins, the performers are in a pair of two, the strongman and bearded lady are in a pair of 2, so they are most likely performers. The doves come in a set of three and so do the monkies so the monkies are the totem. That leaves Colette and Cassandra, the fat balleria could be Colette but given the promenence of the ringmaster's art on the box, and in the story, I think we can safely assume he is Colette and the ballerina is Cassandra. I don't think confirmation is needed because they haven't broken up groupings of like models on any box so far, IE putting Chiaki in a grouping of 2 ashigaru and 1 Ashigaru off on its own, so those labels are most likely a money worthy bet.

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Well, I hope they wont just be the same cards with different character art?


Be nice to see a thing or two unique to each of these unique models even if they are performers etc.


I wager they have something unique to them, be a wasted oppurtunity on some brilliant models otherwise.





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Well, I hope they wont just be the same cards with different character art?


Be nice to see a thing or two unique to each of these unique models even if they are performers etc.


I wager they have something unique to them, be a wasted oppurtunity on some brilliant models otherwise.






They're a nightmare colette crew - the only thing different about their stat cards will be the art on them.

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On the card difference issue, they could rename the abilities to better fit the characters, while keeping the abilities exactly the same.  Would that cause any problems?


Yes, it makes the game slightly harder to play for new players, which is a big deal in a game this complicated.


Honestly, we discussed it at length. Keeping the names the same made it so you know what someone is doing when they say Prompt, instead of learning all new names for the same things (that's just confusion bloat).


Sometimes, you must sacrifice theme to mechanics!

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Yeah, Colette with flying monkeys would be awesome, and I think the nightmare Mannequins are pretty sick.

You guys make some pretty amazing models and I love the aesthetics of pretty much everything I have seen you bring out, but I do have to say that my model buying tendencies tend to run towards utility within my crews. I can honestly say that when I saw this box I didn't care what it does in game, just that I need to have it. Great concept and stunning renders. I guarantee that this will be the first box from Gen Con that I will end up building. Keep up the great work, gentlemen!


42 days until Gen Con and it can't get here fast enough!

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Yes, it makes the game slightly harder to play for new players, which is a big deal in a game this complicated.


Honestly, we discussed it at length. Keeping the names the same made it so you know what someone is doing when they say Prompt, instead of learning all new names for the same things (that's just confusion bloat).


Sometimes, you must sacrifice theme to mechanics!


Fair enough.  At least you considered it.

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