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Pandora... how do you even *begin*?


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Convict Gunslinger is not bad does run into a problem against Pandora.  The sure he can ignore Terrifying if she has it but generally all it takes is one Fading Memory and his shooting might well be shut down.  If she is less then 7" away from the Gunslinger she can push into range of her 3" melee, denying the Convict anymore shots as it is now engaged but the target is not with in his 2" melee range.  If she is more than 7" she might just be able to push back out of range for any further shots.  If she is right at 7" she can go either way for the most part.  Only terrain hinders this but if there is any that could block LOS that could work just as well for her.


His 10" range kind of hinders his ability to play the distance game like a couple other shooters can.  To that regard she can reduce him to a single shot which would be a Sh6 vs Wp7, so they have about even odds of missing or hitting for each shot *Convict gets a slight advantage on the flip due to positive but Pandora takes it away if she has any cover*.

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Molly counters Pandora a bit with Black blood triggers and the pulse dmg from summoning, using the spirit list and Onryo's getting damged by the opponent gives them Adversary. You could also just summon the Necrotic Machine 3 times to force cards out of their hand. Freikorps Specialist can clear most conditions applied by most Pandora crews and also force more Black blood through.

Think about models that can just frustrate your opponent to try and also put them on tilt and over think moves and/or actions e.g. The Hanged

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Ah ok. That's probably why i've not seen one summoned.

That's because I don't own one yet!


I feel for you OP, my regular opponent (NeilH) plays Pandora a lot and is very good with her.  Our games are often close but I hate playing against her because she seems so good at everything and it can often me a negative experience playing against her.  I don't mind losing (too much!) but often against Pandora you can feel like you're not even part of the game, especially if she takes the Paralyze options (I've had her Paralyze Seamus and Bishop three turns in a row, it was horrible!  Though I am also the person who's Nurse paralysed Neil's Pandora three turns in a row (which is why Nurses are a number one target in my play group now!)).  Most of the good things have been mentioned but generally:


Anything with Ml/Ca/Sh 7 is good against her, as you need to be on level terms as one good card and she's away with her push.


Simple Df duels - she can only use her Wp to defend against opposed duels so any simple Df duels will make her cry.  Stack a load of poison on her (Zombie Chihuhua, Rafkin blasting off friendlies and McMourning Rancid Transplant are all good for this) and let Sebastian go to work.  Similarly the Punk Zombie Slice n Dice already mentioned works on a simple duel so she can only use her lowly Df3 against it (chop chop!).


Yin and Gnawing Fears.  Use the RJ if you have it because if you put her on :-fate for a whole turn then she is going to struggle to do anything.


Seamus is a good counter as he's Wp7 and if you take Sinister Reputation and follow Pandora around to put her on -2Wp it can frustrate the hell out of her although this isn't always effective as she is pretty mobile.


Most importantly just try to play the strats/schemes and ignore her as much as possible.  It can be easier said than done as she does like to get amongst your crew but if you can distract her with unimportant things so that the rest of your crew are going off accomplishing your VPs then you can still win even if she wrecks your crew.  Think about what she is good at when choosing your crew (if you know in advance it's Pandy) or choosing strats/schemes and choose ones that she can't shut down easily.  Also ensure that you bring some condition removal as if she makes you unable to take Interact actions that can really mess with the programme!

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