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A Couple of Beginner Questions

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Hello Wyrdos,


First of all let me thank all those People who put together those availlable and great ressources, my Eyes are still red from a night of reading and trying to wrap my Head around Things. And Thanks to Wyrd for a lovely oddball Game.


Back in 2012 I picked up a Death Marshall Box and LJs Totem because I loved the idea and that ladies Sculpt. Sadly I never got around to playing it for the Lack of opponents and the fact that I play loads of Games (Yau all know Gamer ADD).


Now some years later I feel the urge to look back into Things. I decided that I need to pick up a 2nd Crew and simply force people violently to play with me ;).


I know the following Questions probably mirror every 2nd Question in here, I tried to read up as much myself as possible but its not an easy task. And sometimes I feel like I am reading a forbidden Tome in a foreign Language. I picked up the rules Manual, every Chronicle and looked up the Wiki.


Maybe you Guys find the Time to help me along the Path. My financial Means are rather limited and every purchase has to be planned well.



1) For the 2nd Crew I would love some Neverborn. Lilith is out of the Question as I dislike the Starter and since Lady J is allready more of a Melee Master, I would like something diffferent on the opposing side.


2) I am undecided between Pandora, the Dreamer and maybe Jacob Lynch. It should be interesting but manageable for Beginners. 


3) It should make for a balnced and interesting Match up. I know the Balancing has become rather good with 2E, but maybe I am picking up something thats a hard counter for the opposing side which especially for Beginners would make for a bad experience.


4) My Death Marshalls seem to come in between 30 to 35 SS, I found it hard to build that with the dreamer Starter. I fi took him I would be mor einterested in the Lord Chompy route for starters as it is easier to manage financially. And I got the feeling that some Key Nightmares/Models for him are not rereleased yet. But I just LOVE the Background of that Kid.


5) With Pandora I a not sure about the starter as it feels like the included Miniatures are a tad flimsy and you really need to know what you are doing, what would be needed to make it an managable  Match up so Pandora can start to chip away? What i also like about the Boy is that most of it can easily proxy in other Games for  Spirits. I love it when I can use my Stuff cross system.


6) What to add to my Marshalls next? I know that the most boring Question but there seem to be a lot of viable Options and I can only pick one. Witchlings, Austringers, Dogs,  Executioners etc...the Options are limitless but I feel the urge to add something lovely (should fit the Theme adn round ou my Crew a bit more), and preferably something thats availlable.


7) Any thoughts on Jacob Lynch, that Box went past me and I just saw it, most of the Models look rather cool.


Thanks a bunch if you made it this far and even more thanks if you find the Time to get back to me. Any help is more than appreciated!


(PS: English isn`t my native Tongue so applogies for any clumsy sentences and Typos)




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1. You can't go wrong with Zoradia, Pandora or Lynch. All are pretty good starter crews, avoid the Dreamer. He needs a TONNE of models to get going. 


2. See Above.


3. Death Marshalls can be a bit of an NPE to an unsuspecting beginner, bury can seem very unfair but it is fun. Lynch's box has nasty beatstick it in so that may balance it out well. Zoraida's crew also has a beatstick and some nice nimble Silurid so that's an option. There isn't really many hard counters anymore so you should be fine with whatever you pick. 


4. Dreamer is cool, it's undeniable but his crew box is not starter friendly as most of the models can't complete objectives due to being insignificant. It'll cause issues and he is a finacially reliant master. He will need a lot more models to really get going. 


5. My friend is using the Pandora starter in a beginner friendly league I'm running. He's doing very well with it. It takes some getting used to but with the addition of a Teddy you can do some horrible and very fun things with that box set. It's a blast playing against her although some find her irritating. 


6. If you want something thematic then the Lone Marshall would be a good bet, he's really fun. If you want something really useful / more optimal then Austringers or Witchling Stalkers get my vote. Both are solid average cost minions that bring a lot to the crew. 


7. Lynch himself is fairly fragile and prefers ranged combat but Huggy and the Illuminated rock in melee, Illuminated are some of the best models in the price range and are easily justified inclusions for many other Neverborn crews. Whilst many dislike Huggy's model he is a great henchman and I've had a blast playing Lynch. His card antics are thematic and fun whilst also being pretty strong to boot. He's a great pick for beginners. 

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On the whole, I agree with MD. I would vote for Lynch. Add a pair of Beckoners to the box, and done: Great starter crew. For Justice, I'd add either a box of Witchling Stalkers or Austringers or Hounds. The latter are somewhat hard to get, admittedly.

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If the finances need managing--you're not ready to buy enough models for full 50ss crews--there is no harm in proxying models while you get started.  


Since you have the metal Lady J box you'll want (already have?) the arsenal deck with the 2e stat cards.  Once you have the cards, proxies for Guild should be no problem.  


A little trickier with the Neverborn since you will likely be buying 2e models and won't really need the arsenal decks.  On the other hand, if, like me, you have an unnatural attraction to metal over plastic, you could find some of the metal box sets on ebay and buy the arsenal decks.  

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Thank you so much Guys, this was insanely helpful , Jacob Lynch has just made it to the Top of the Cue, while I haven`t read up on him much I really like the Them and teh Mdoels (okay, I too think Huggy looks rather odd but alas I can live with it or simply proxy in something more menacing). I Still really like Pandora, but the Lynch Crew is so Out there its what I like about this Game.


Thank you for for teh advice on teh Dreamer, its what i thought.


I do have the Arsenal pack 2 for the Guild incoming. I think I need to sit on my Hands and paint up both Crews before I put new additions in. I am leaning towards the Stalkers (although the Metal ones had more Details I think).


My Dealer has no Beckoners availlable, how would Mr. Graves do instead? He doesn`t provide the same kind of Uitility if I read Things right, but he looks like the forgotten Brother of Jason Fisk on a Bad day and looks great next to Lynch. Or does it make mrore sense to wait till they are finally back in Stock because they are that much better of a choice (which could take a while)

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Graves is great, but he has less points than two Beckoners. Good choice regardless.


Are you aware that there are two arsenal decks per faction? Do you have the right ones? The Wyrd online store lists the included cards, I think.

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Yeah, I ordered the Arsenal pack 1, had to google the contents as they weren`t that easy to find.


On Graves vs BEckoners I``ll be honest, the impatience is a driving Factor  ;) . I could order somwhere else, but the chosen Shop has great Discounts.


For the Crews I came up with those 35SS Beginner Lists. Not many Upgrades so far as I think it make sense to ease oneself in.

And I have no clue what Lucius Stuff does :P , need to do some serious reading on him. Not sure if the Badge of Office is a bit Overkill, especially  if the other Side runs no Upgrades, but I was wasting Soulstones and had to pick something.


Guild Crew - 35 - Dustup
Lady Justice -- 7 Pool
+Badge of Office [2]
  • Scales of Justice [3]
  • Death Marshal [6]
  • Death Marshal [6]
  • Death Marshal [6]
  • The Judge [9]




Neverborn Crew - 35 - Dustup
Jakob Lynch -- 7 Pool
  • Hungering Darkness [0]
  • Mr. Graves [8]
  • The Illuminated [7]
  • The Illuminated [7]
  • The Illuminated [7]




I hope this makesfor some great Learning Games and nailbiting Match Ups. Can`t thank you Guys enough so far!

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The lists seem okay for beginner games.


On Beckoners: Some shops aren't aware that Beckoners have been released for 2E. The first edition models have sold out, and they just never ordered new ones. Had that problem with a Pathfinder. Fantasyladen and Wayland both did this. May be worth checking.

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Thanks Ausplosions, if thats so I would ask you Guys again for your help.


How would good  50SS Lists look using the two Boxes as a starting point?


When I tried them myself I simply threw in 3 additional Witchling Stalkers for LJ and the 2 Beckoners and Mr. Tannen for Jacob. But that felt a bit like a clumsy Try.


And Iam doing a lot of reading on the Lynch Crew, man taht Crew sounds fun. Thematically and Gameplaywise . Huggy and the Illuminated nearly read broken to my uneducated mind, especially if you were able to give some Brilliancea round  :huh:. Lynch himself kills people with my Handcards...how cool is that :P .

I like the whole Bodyguard Idea of Graves, while he doesn`t synergize on the first Glance, its actually nice that he simply can do his Thing and keep Lynch and Tannen alive..and punch People. Still trying to understand the Beckoners (primarily spreading more Brilliance?) and Tannen (looking like a shifty, slimy Mofo?!).


I actually feel a tad guilty because from one moment to the other I am more interested in dreaded Neverborns than my beloved lady J...

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For a start, it's actually not a bad idea to simply add multiples of the same model. Fewer abilities to remember.


Lynch is great. A lot of fun. Very thematic. The great thing about Beckoners is less the spreading of Brilliance, more the positioning game. Lure is a killer in some scenarios.


I actually feel a tad guilty because from one moment to the other I am more interested in dreaded Neverborns than my beloved lady J...


Interest shifts, depending of your the crew you last studied. At least that's my experience. The Lady Justice crew is a lot of fun on the board, as well. Maybe try both and try which style suits you better?

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How would good  50SS Lists look using the two Boxes as a starting point?


Here's what I'd go with for a beginner friendly 50ss crew or two. They are by no means optimal or ideal but both of them are somewhat fluffy and thematic, they have some bells and whistles and should give both players a good idea of how the mechanics of Malifaux work whilst providing the tools each crew requires to achieve various objectives. Both crews have some fast models for marker placement, both have varied types of attacks (both melee and ranged), tough models and some utility as well. Both also have a 4ss Pool to use in game so there is no advantage to either crew there. These crews can be constructed fairly easily by just adding a couple of extra models / boxes to each crew and should be a really fun match up. 


Lady Justice -- 4 Pool
 +Implacable [1]
 +Vendetta [2]
Scales of Justice [3]
Death Marshal [6]
Death Marshal [6]
Death Marshal [6]
Hunter [7]
The Judge [9]
The Lone Marshal [8]
 +Lead Lined Coat [2]
Jakob Lynch -- 4 Pool
 +Expert Cheater [2]
 +The Rising Sun [2]
Hungering Darkness [0]
 +Addict [1]
Beckoner [7]
Mr. Graves [8]
Mr. Tannen [6]
The Illuminated [7]
The Illuminated [7]
The Illuminated [7]
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The Hunter is a bit odd, MD. It's great in that list, but will only be available in the Hoffman box set at the moment. Unless you can hunt down a metal one. I'd replce it with a Witchling Stalker and go for a larger pool.


But that's me. I love Stalkers.

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My first question will be, -what- is your driving motivation? Is it a thematic crew, or a effective crew? (yes, I realise that there is a certain cross over in that question, but one tends to drive gamers more)

The second question is what is motivating your choices? Is it money being a limiting factor, or something else?


If it is money, I would very much recommend going another guild master just so you can share a model base and card base to a degree. For example, you mentioned you were interested in witchlings, and the Sonnia box would be a good second place to look at. That would give you for your $50 investment:


Lady J


The Judge

3 Death Marshals



Purifying flame

Sam Hopkins

3 Witching stalkers


Out of the box that gives you 2 crews of 30 for J and 27 for Sonnia without upgrades and allows you to expand to a 50 SS crew for when dad wants to go to the local shop for a game and restore sanity............ :D


From there, I would consider expanding into Lucius, who is the Duel faction Guild/Neverborn master. In the box he adds far more to the Guild side of things (as it is a guild box) but again supports your initial choice of models by providing:



The Scribe

Captain Dashel

2 Guild lawyers

2 Guild Guard

(for a total 31 stones as well)


At this stage you will have a broad selection of mini's to choose from, and have some that will help with expanding into the Neverborn faction via lucius' upgrade to allow you to have 4 guardsman even in a neverborn list.



Now, of course you can just go straight to Lynch, and he is a great master with a solid crew backing him as you have seen yourself, but now you are into building a "set crew" for minimal cost, and -EVERY- player here will tell you ad nauseum that you have to consider the various schemes and strategies when building your crew. Lynch, and a box of beckoners provides 35 SS of minions that all work well togeather, add in Graves and Tannen and you are up to 49 SS, 9 activations and a crew that for around 100 dollars AU can handle quite a few schemes and strats.


For your current Lady J crew, I would look no further than a Latigo Posse crew box that for 55 dollars AU will deliver Francisco, Santiago,  Papa Loco and Nino, which are all solid models to add to a Lady J crew to fulfil a wide variety of strategies and schemes. 

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My first question will be, -what- is your driving motivation? Is it a thematic crew, or a effective crew? (yes, I realise that there is a certain cross over in that question, but one tends to drive gamers more)

The se

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How does a hunter lead to playing Perdita? ;)

I think you look at the Hoffman boxset including the hunter and go "what? This boxset sucks. What else they got?" then you look at the Perdita boxset and go "a demon, huge jugs, guns, double lustf**ker moustaches and a top hat" SOLD! that's why I bought it.

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