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Playing Against Pandora


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I think my issue with the 7+ argument is what if you don't have those models (say you don't know that you are playing Pandora, or they don't fit your strats/schemes or whatever).  What do you then to mitigate the havoc she can reek? 


There are probably crew lists out there that Pandora will complelty rip apart. (Probably ones with really high weak damage, low wp and low Wds).

But most crews can do something against her. It might be playing the denile game, if you dion't think you can kill her before she kills you.


There isn't a magic formula to beat her, but Knowing some of her general weaknesses, you might want to consider including at least one in a list when facing Neverborn.

Especially if you know you struggle against Pandora.

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You could always use Pandora vs. Pandora and beat them at their own game :D

I did make a joke about this!  But I think three factions is enough and don't want to go over to the dirty NB (and if I did I'd take Dreamer because I love his fluff and he was one of the first Masters I wanted to play but didn't start NB because so many of my playgroup did).

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Dreamer is ridiculous. Summoning is definitely a bit op in my experience.


Edited for truth.


But more on point, I feel that in games using Turf War or Squatter's Rights, Pandy can handle summoners quite well. 


Raspy is a good counter. Get enough arc node type things (forget the name of the ability) for Raspy and it becomes really, really hard for Pandora to get out of LoS. Plus the blasts just wreck things like sorrows.

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Bluefluff and Sonnia are definitely good counters to Pandy. Especially the latter in my experience thanks to Disrupt Magic (I hate that thing).


Jonahmaul, it seems like you got a handful of Pandy that game; steaming on full gears. I don't think that there is anything wrong with your set up then. Just need some more experience against her, I think at least.

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Bluefluff and Sonnia are definitely good counters to Pandy. Especially the latter in my experience thanks to Disrupt Magic (I hate that thing).


Jonahmaul, it seems like you got a handful of Pandy that game; steaming on full gears. I don't think that there is anything wrong with your set up then. Just need some more experience against her, I think at least.

She is the Master that I have played most against!  Myself and NeilH are regular opponents (probably average at least a game a week) and he regularly takes Pandy (exclusively at the moment as we're practising for a tournament).

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My friend used to kick my ass all day long with Pandy so I demanded he play her until I smashed the tits off her. One day I did and I've been smashing her ever since, not every game granted but I don't struggle nearly as much anymore. These days I rage about how bent the Ressers are, mainly Molly and Kirai and we do not speak of Seamus. Pandora used to sit in that place for me but now I'm fairly comfortable playing against her, never with her though. I'm not a total douche! :D

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Exactly. Also, their excellent Damage reduction trigger is on Df. They just melt against her. Second Misery in range and they die in droves.

Oh ok, I thought there were something specific about them. There are some other models that will die to a moderate+misery, or expensive beaters that die to two, e.g. Killjoy, Mature Nephilim.


So the generalized advice is to bring guys with modest tracks that do good damage with shenanigans, e.g. Critical Strike, Flurry.

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Oh ok, I thought there were something specific about them. There are some other models that will die to a moderate+misery, or expensive beaters that die to two, e.g. Killjoy, Mature Nephilim.


So the generalized advice is to bring guys with modest tracks that do good damage with shenanigans, e.g. Critical Strike, Flurry.


True, I've also found the classics are often the best way to go. Wait until the end of the turn when Pandy has dropped all her best cards and charge her with a Death Marshall and Pinebox her! :D

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Oh ok, I thought there were something specific about them. There are some other models that will die to a moderate+misery, or expensive beaters that die to two, e.g. Killjoy, Mature Nephilim.


So the generalized advice is to bring guys with modest tracks that do good damage with shenanigans, e.g. Critical Strike, Flurry.

Personally I find Flurry a bad choice against her.  If she flips or cheat a card to defend the first attack she pushes 3" away and you waste your other attacks (and effectively  waste 1AP)

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Oh ok, I thought there were something specific about them. There are some other models that will die to a moderate+misery, or expensive beaters that die to two, e.g. Killjoy, Mature Nephilim.


So the generalized advice is to bring guys with modest tracks that do good damage with shenanigans, e.g. Critical Strike, Flurry.

Low weak and moderate, but high severe damage is good. Critical hit is great! Flurry is not worth it in most cases since Pandora will most likely be able to get out of Ml  range if she wins the first duel. A flurrying Howard is another story as usual.

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As a Pandora player, my worst nightmare is a bad draw when already in the mix. She's got no way to stop whats coming then, the only thing to do then is bluff. It happens a lot, as often as anyone else gets a bad hand.

So true. That is why I tend to take a lot of stones and the Prim Magic with her! She is quite card dependent as soon as she is in the thick of it.

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[...] She also made a lot of my things insignificant so that I could not complete my schemes (this was the worst game (not because I lost, but because it was not in the slightest bit enjoyable) I'd had against her to be fair).

My take on this is to have Pandy, Doppelganger, and Prim Magic. Three ways of getting stuff insignificant. Usually does the trick.

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Oh ok, I thought there were something specific about them. There are some other models that will die to a moderate+misery, or expensive beaters that die to two, e.g. Killjoy, Mature Nephilim.


Sure, but usually people bring Rail Workers for cheap resilience... and are quite surprised when they see one die to a (0) action.

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Rapid Fire on the other hand.... ;)


Doesn't help me when playing Ressers much!


Yeah sh5 isn't going to worry her much if she has any cards.

Played a game recently where a glowy fast pigapult shot at her 4 times on turn 1. 16" of free movement thank you very much.


This was a dumb mistake to be fair!  Once you'd pushed towards it the first time he should have smelled a rat and stopped shooting her!

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