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How to choose

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So I'm new to the world of Malifaux, and still combing through rule book and trying to select a crew.  Before I looked at actual game play I planned on going with Neverborn, and probably Pandora or Lucius.... Just going by models and fluff/character.

However, now that I'm reading through the rule book and the abilities/game play of the all the characters... I'm in trouble.  


How do you choose??


In the end it turns out I'm not a big fan of Pandora's game play dynamics... But I am a big fan of SO MANY other characters.

Hoffman, McMourning, Ramos, Marcus, Lilith, Zoraida, Dreamer, Collodi, Lynch, Viktoria... 


And I haven't even finished reading over the Outcasts, Ten Thunders, Gremlins, or wave 2 Ressers!  I could possibly whittle down a few more just based on models (maybe just by one or two) - but they're all pretty awesome.  So I was wondering how other people out there figured out what crew to start with

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Well see, you have a demo, and you like the crew you're borrowing for that. Also really like the crew you're up against. Almost buy one of those but instead buy a different crew that's at least in the same faction as the one you were up against. Start painting some of those guys up, have a game or two on your own, just enough to know that there's a whole lot you really don't know. In order to correct that problem, spend some time looking through the entire big rulebook, during which you start looking at the models of a bunch of other factions, including that one.. you know the one, that has that guy and that other guy. They're not in the faction you already have, or the other one you played that one time, but what the hell, find them on ebay, find them in a store. Buy them. Open them, cackle with Maniacal Laughter. After that, it gets a little hazy.. but that's okay, it's perfectly normal. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. 

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I did a bit of poking around on the internet and asked for recommendations about good masters for learning the game with. Once I had a shortlist I just picked the one whose models I liked the most.


This is a good outlook. The average player more likely to stick with a game if you get some sort of fun out of playing (usually friendlier masters) or even win given the rate of liking to win : just getting in for the models.

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I choose the faction that suits my playstyle the best. There's no pressure to be faction monogamous or collect an entire faction, so I choose what makes me happy and triangulate around that. My main faction is 10T, but I play Nephilim as a sub-faction. I don't have any interest in expanding outside that sub-faction, and that's okay. That's something I really appreciate about the game design. I never feel "locked in" because expanding your options or completely changing the game you're playing is so approachable.

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I think the variety in Masters/models and the playstyles they have is the biggest boon and issue facing Malifaux from a newcomer perspective.


Fortunately, I think that's the initial hurdle many of us with multiple masters can help new players with most easily. To simplify it, the game is in a state where changing a single master will drastically change the way the game is played so helping newer players find their favorite(s) is the best way to get feet on the ground on the other side of the breach. :lol:

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Thank you all for your feedback!  Even if you basically all told me not to sweat it because eventually I'll buy them all lol.  ResserRob, I laughed hysterically at your response.


I've managed to come up with a top five... with five runner ups... and an honorable mention.  

Top 5, In no particular order: Lilith, Zoraida, Dreamer, Collodi, Leveticus

Runner ups: Marcus, Colette, Kaeris, Ironsides, Lynch

Honorable mention: The Gremlins.  I love them all, but they just don't feel like a good first choice to me.  And a lot of the outcasts are awesome but I'm trying to be good.


Also, the person I'll be playing the most is leaning towards Nicodem (or at least some summon heavy army).  Does that/should that impact which crew I start with?  Any more feedback based on the crews I'm most leaning towards? 

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From your overall list, I would go with the Neverborn because they are comparatively high on your list., Collodi isn't out in plastic yet, so he's out, but Lynch, Zoraida and Lilith all make good starting Masters. I think Lynch would be the most easy to learn the game with of those three, as he is straight forward (as far as Neverborn ever are).


Nicodem can be wicked strong if you play smaller games, and you should make your friend aware of that. That doesn't mean that he is not good to learn the game with or against, but it is something to be aware of.


Does that/should that impact which crew I start with? 


Nah, not really. Summoners tend to be stronger in smaller games, but they are also held back by a smaller model pool. Nicodem is strong, but so are the Masters you listed. Don't expect 100% balance from the get-go, as that is usually achieved by a larger model pool, balanced boards and playing larger games (around 50SS), but it's something you will grow into as you learn the ropes.

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Lilith - Runs around, hits things, has synergy with models that run around and also hit things. Blocking tricks with line of sight and placement. Good to start with.

This is what stops me from loving her.   With so many awesome dynamics in the game (card control, summoning, manipulating other models and markers).  I don't know how thrilled I am to mainly just run around and hit things.  Grow is pretty neat, but I worry it won't have much of an impact in smaller games.

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This is what stops me from loving her.   With so many awesome dynamics in the game (card control, summoning, manipulating other models and markers).  I don't know how thrilled I am to mainly just run around and hit things.  Grow is pretty neat, but I worry it won't have much of an impact in smaller games.


Errm. That was a really short abstract of what Lilith does. In fact, she has a card control mechanism baked in, has great battlefield control and manipulates models via Tangle Shadows and Rooted, even before you consider her summoning upgrade. Lilith is one of the most versatile Masters in the game. In fact, I have seen people putting her on the shelf becasue they couldn't cope with the amount of choice she brings to every activation.

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Everyone who has posted in this thread thus far is actually incorrect.

The first step in deciding what faction to choose in Malifaux is deciding on your preferred type of prostitute. From there things get a lot easier. ;)


So that's why no one likes the Guild?

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After rereading and rethinking.... I'm down to Lynch, Lilith, and Pandora (yep she got added back in)... with strong plans to grab either Collodi and/or Dreamer when their crews are more available.


Part of the problem is there are the crews I want to play, and the crews I want to paint (Dreamer, Collodi, Pandora, Viktoria, Misaki, Kirai).  So that's why Pandora came back up.


Think I might take it to VASSAL to decide from here.

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Just get the models you like the look of. The game is fairly balanced, so pick something you will enjoy building and painting. 


Then when you've narrowed it down to two flip a coin. Assign Master X to heads, and Master Y to tails. As soon as you flip, you'll inevitably think "oh man, I hope it lands on heads/tails." And then you'll know.

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This is what stops me from loving her.   With so many awesome dynamics in the game (card control, summoning, manipulating other models and markers).  I don't know how thrilled I am to mainly just run around and hit things.  Grow is pretty neat, but I worry it won't have much of an impact in smaller games.


Lilith is so much more than just a run around and smack things Master. That title belongs to Lady Justice. Lilith has area denial, movement tricks and denial, badass offense, pretty sweet defense and great synergy with many MANY neverborn models and has a fairly unique form of summoning at her disposal. She is so incredibly versatile that there are very few scenarios she wont be able to handle. 

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Lilith is so much more than just a run around and smack things Master. That title belongs to Lady Justice. Lilith has area denial, movement tricks and denial, badass offense, pretty sweet defense and great synergy with many MANY neverborn models and has a fairly unique form of summoning at her disposal. She is so incredibly versatile that there are very few scenarios she wont be able to handle.

I gotta agree. She is one the most versatile masters in the game. MD pretty covered it here.

That go around hitting things is reserved entirely for Lady Justice and Vikkies / Misaki to a point.

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