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What's your favourite Strategy?

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As far as capture the flag - what if it was "gain 1vp for every turn you have your opponents flag and your flag on your half of the board."

If both your opponent anf you have each others flag no one gains VP.

If you kill the flag carrier the flag drops in base contact. Interact (1) within 1" to discard flag marker and respawn a 30mm flag at start position.

Maybe I will do a write up, after all. It will be a low scoring strat like reckoning, not going to lie. As a denial player, I would like to see more low scoring strats - these 10-8 games (and occasional 10-nil blowouts) have got to go. ;)

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Agree about Reckoning.  Killing two things a turn is pretty hard generally in Malifaux, especially if your opponent has loaded up on Enforcer/Hench specifically to avoid it so I find it's much better to concentrate on schemes and VP denial.  That's part of the game.  One of the things I love about Malifaux is that there isn't as much emphasis on killing, makes for much more variety in games.

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I agree with that however my aim is to get as many points as possible with reckoning on the table that means killing. Avoiding the other crew completely denies you the opportunity to get full vp's you're essentially missing 40% of the game by avoiding the other crew.

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I agree with that however my aim is to get as many points as possible with reckoning on the table that means killing. Avoiding the other crew completely denies you the opportunity to get full vp's you're essentially missing 40% of the game by avoiding the other crew.

Victory in Malifaux isn't about getting 10 VPs, it's about getting more than your opponent.  You can concentrate on your schemes and denying your opponent from achieving theirs if ignoring Reckoning.  Then try to pick up the odd point from Reckoning if you can (as you shouldn't ignore it completely).  Claiming that you lose 40% of the game by not playing Reckoning also overestimates how many points you can score from Reckoning, it's very unusual to score full VPs from it (especially if your opponent has loaded up on elite models and are never going to have eight models that you need to score full VPs).

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If you wipe out your opponent you get a point at the end of the turn. 3 turns of 2 kills per turn then finish off the last model = 10 points.

Winning is second place to enjoying the game for me. Playing just the schemes and hoping my opponent is silly enough to try and be positive and lose out as he's using ap to get to you whilst you are trying to stay away is akin to parking the bus in football, it may work but its not that fun to play.

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I rather lose in a fun friendly game than play for the win in a game I don't enjoy. Which leads me to forget to actually pay attention to schemes and stuff if I'm having fun hopping around the board with Seamus for example. :D

I like reckoning, because it's about the fight. And you get points for doing so. :P

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I have to say Extraction is my favorite. You get to fight, you get to hold an objective, you get the strategy of trying to keep the opponent out, and you or the opponent gets to move the objective area each turn, which adds a nice twist and mid-game change of plans vs standard Turf War.


Also, I like it because Collodi, Pandora, and Jack Daw. :D

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If you wipe out your opponent you get a point at the end of the turn. 3 turns of 2 kills per turn then finish off the last model = 10 points.

Winning is second place to enjoying the game for me. Playing just the schemes and hoping my opponent is silly enough to try and be positive and lose out as he's using ap to get to you whilst you are trying to stay away is akin to parking the bus in football, it may work but its not that fun to play.

I should point out for others reading the thread that this is a post from the cheesiest most power hungry player in our group!  Who stomps the newbies!

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I rather lose in a fun friendly game than play for the win in a game I don't enjoy. Which leads me to forget to actually pay attention to schemes and stuff if I'm having fun hopping around the board with Seamus for example. :D

I like reckoning, because it's about the fight. And you get points for doing so. :P

I agree that it's really fun to murder stuff. The non-murder-based strategies and schemes are interesting though since you have to split your attention between doing them and murder stuff on the side. In my mind there is always a hidden strategy to do a little murdering. :P

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I agree that it's really fun to murder stuff. The non-murder-based strategies and schemes are interesting though since you have to split your attention between doing them and murder stuff on the side. In my mind there is always a hidden strategy to do a little murdering. :P

It's always worth killing stuff.  A. because it's fun.  B. it means you opponent has less stuff to use and C. because you an turn it into something more useful with a Parasol :D

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Headhunter is probably my current favourite and Reckoning my least favourite. I enjoy all of them though, Stake a claim is also good value but doesn't come up often.


If I want a game that's straight up killing there are plenty of other wargames that can fuel my bloodthirst, I get my Malifaux enjoyment from trying to pull off the trickier Scheme and Strat puzzles, even if I fail. I like the fact I can potentially win without killing anything and/or without any models left on the table.

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