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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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I was loling as i did it vik of ash with 4 wounds and 0ss within 3" of papa who was on 3 wounds lucius walks commands the rifleman to shoot papa who blows up scoring 3 points for assasinate! So damn fluffy!


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He couldve used tara wouldve been nice to stomp a resser again!

Tara is an Outcast! Certainly Rob plays her as one and I think she fits much better with that lot than Ressers.


I was loling as i did it vik of ash with 4 wounds and 0ss within 3" of papa who was on 3 wounds lucius walks commands the rifleman to shoot papa who blows up scoring 3 points for assasinate! So damn fluffy!

It is very cool.  Although seeing as we all agree that Lucius is a Neverborn the 10-0 victory probably shouldn't count right ... :D

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OK, I have a game to report.  So I took on those nasty Viks and decided I'd run with Seamus (who I think I've settled on for the tournament in a couple of weeks).  The game started and before I could get Viks applied to the face Seamus applied his Flintlock to the face of the Vik of Ashes before she'd even activated - muhahahaha!  Decaying Aura is gross!  I was still quite lucky as even though I focused my opponent burned a SS for Defence so I was on a :-fate for damage and flipped two severe.  One dead Vik!  However, I'd also taken Deliver a Message so despite the satisfaction I could only fight for seven VPs.


Bishop then killed off Hannah early in turn two and it really put my opponent on the back foot.  However he kept his head in the game and still made me work for VPs.  In the end I won 5-4 scoring three VPs for Breakthrough and two VPs for Stake a Claim with my opponent scoring three VPs for Breakthrough and one VP for Protect Territory.


Lady of the match for me was the Nurse who jacked Seamus up with meds so he could (bitch)slap the Vik of Blood around (unfortunately she survived then run away!), made the nothing Beast only able to do Ml attacks, Paralysed the Vik of Blood and Johana :D


Another win for the Resser cause!  Hoping for a game next week.

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Got my last two games in for this month. First was Bounty with Nicodem vs Ophelia. Damn, the Dead Rider is good...I didn't lose a single model and nearly wiped my opponent on turn 3. Not much else to report...the game ended very quickly in a 10-3 win for Ressers


Second was Interference with Kirai vs Pandorra. Pandorra took Frame for Murder on Barbaros and spent most of the game trying to get killed by Jakuuna while she just sat there and refused to touch him. I took Frame on Chiaki, and ended up having to force WP duels on her so she got killed by Pandorra's Aura, netting me 3 points. I denied his final distract point by getting my crew to beat itself up, ending the game in a 10-2 win.



So...6 games, 6 wins, 60 vp. If we lose this, I'm going Outcast...

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I took Frame on Chiaki, and ended up having to force WP duels on her so she got killed by Pandorra's Aura, netting me 3 points. I denied his final distract point by getting my crew to beat itself up, ending the game in a 10-2 win.



So...6 games, 6 wins, 60 vp. If we lose this, I'm going Outcast...

That is a great trick. Outstanding! Poor Pandora.


Stryder, who do you feel like the Dead Rider is so good?

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I managed to play my first game of the month. Used Sonnia against Ramos. Scenario was close deplo, reconnoitter, ALITS, breakthrough, bodyguard, make them suffer, frame for murder.

I won the game 10-0 and turned both Joss and Ramos into witchling stalkers.

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Had another game vs Patzer today. Today it were Neverborn (Patzer) vs Resser (me)


50 SS game, Lillith for Neverborn and Nicodem for Ressers. Hopefully I will post a better battlereport when Patzer post me his list. The game was a nice walk in the park for Neverborn who beated me fair and squar 9-4? Might had been 9-3, not entierly sure.


We played a Headhunter strategy with Entourage, Make them suffer and Distract. I can't remember the last one


I picked Make them suffer and Distract (wich I totaly forgot)


Patzer picked Make them suffer and Entourage


I got (from memory)

Distract 1

Heads 2

Make them suffer 1 (or 0)


Patzer got

Heads 4

Make them suffer 3

Entourage 2


I saved me a point with a summoned Rotten bell Luring Lillith back out from my deployment zone


So a loss for the resser :S


And as allways against Patzer, an awesome and funny game, even he totaly owned me!

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Pantser is an amazing opponent. 

And as allways against Patzer, an awesome and funny game, even he totaly owned me!

Flatter, I like that.


Peejay, last scheme was Bodyguard (and LitS of course).


"I saved me a point with a summoned Rotten bell Luring Lillith back out from my deployment zone". --Great move. Poor Lilith.

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