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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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I would love a rematch, but I haven't played Shenlong in forever; so you will have to face someone else.

I can carve out a neat scheme-pool for you, where killing isn't the only thing you need to be doing :)


Hahaha sounds good, one day we can get round to that! zFiend and I have been trying to find the time to play each other recently and failing pretty spectacularly at it! 


It doesn't matter what the scheme pool involves. We would end up ignoring it and just murdering each other. We both have grudges that need to be repaid in full. :D

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Man, 10th April and I've already played all my games for this.  We need some sort of side competition going!  I've already had my fourth game of the month and should get 5-7 tomorrow!


Well, you could just make a batrep thread.





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Just checking because it's not clear from this but Misaki herself wasn't teleporting right?  Because it's Minion only.


As to my own exploits I can totally swap my game from yesterday with my one from today right ...?!  Scored a 10-4 victory against a Shen Long TT crew.

Yep, it was the Torakage doing the vanishing. He got lucky a few times on Misaki's disengage and really nailed the whole "hit and run" aspect of the crew. it was a hilarious game.

To answer MasterD, yes I did consider watchers, but not until we had already started. I figured if I could set things on fire, I wouldn't need LoS. then when I saw how difficult it was going to be to keep stuff on fire, I wished I had taken him.

maybe I should just ALWAYS take the watcher. Not like he is expensive or anything. :P

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To answer MasterD, yes I did consider watchers, but not until we had already started. I figured if I could set things on fire, I wouldn't need LoS. then when I saw how difficult it was going to be to keep stuff on fire, I wished I had taken him.

maybe I should just ALWAYS take the watcher. Not like he is expensive or anything. :P


As you may have already read I had very similar problems with Sonnia, keeping stuff on fire is just too much hassle. I've decided I don't like Sonnia and probably wont use her anymore. I just never get any great results with her, it always feels like and up hill battle playing her. 

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Got my other two games in. First was Guard the Stash with Molly (Horror) vs. Ophelia, ended in a 10-6 win for Ressers (Ophelia scored nothing for strat).


Second was Turf War with Seamus vs Hamelin. Ended in a 10-7 win for Ressers as he scored nothing for Breakthrough.

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Got my other two games in. First was Guard the Stash with Molly (Horror) vs. Ophelia, ended in a 10-6 win for Ressers (Ophelia scored nothing for strat).


Second was Turf War with Seamus vs Hamelin. Ended in a 10-7 win for Ressers as he scored nothing for Breakthrough.


Hail to the King!


Do the Guild players even get games in?

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I still have one game up, and by the looks of it it will be the one aginst tom, unless I find a Guild player to play this weekend. Have a McCabe game comming this weekend (maybe)


It doesn't matter what your opponent plays, we just need your score from playing a Rezzer master. :D 

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Got my other two games in. First was Guard the Stash with Molly (Horror) vs. Ophelia, ended in a 10-6 win for Ressers (Ophelia scored nothing for strat).


Second was Turf War with Seamus vs Hamelin. Ended in a 10-7 win for Ressers as he scored nothing for Breakthrough.


Hail to the king! 


And this is why Dirial is buying a Molly box! :D 

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Got my other two games in. First was Guard the Stash with Molly (Horror) vs. Ophelia, ended in a 10-6 win for Ressers (Ophelia scored nothing for strat).


Second was Turf War with Seamus vs Hamelin. Ended in a 10-7 win for Ressers as he scored nothing for Breakthrough.

Yes!  Good work Stryder.

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If you play someone on the opposing team it counts as a game for you both.

How can we do this when I've already had my third game though?  Do we cancel out one of my other games?!  I'm thinking we probably shouldn't count it anyway as it won't be a fair game.  I'm using the 35SS Henchman list again a tournament practice and have told Bertmac most of what I'll take and asked him to deliberately design a list to try and combat/break it as I want it tested as much as possible. 

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OK, so we played and I won 7-4.  As above he already knew most of what I was taking as I wanted him to specifically design a list to try and trouble it so not sure whether that should count (even though I won!) as it wasn't a 'fair' game?  Was just one of three victories today which was nice :D  McMourning killed lots of Gremlins then Francois LaCroix did 10 wounds on him and killed himself with Dumb Luck and I flipped a Red Joker for damage reduction which was pretty gross (a severe reduction would have killed him still!).  McMourning eventually went down to a Piglet somewhat amusingly (though if he could have survived the third attack I had the crow to Paralyse/full heal from a Nurse, can't complain though considering he was very lucky to survive in the first place!).

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