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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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this was the score last i looked,


And with that, Entropolous, you're our new general. You're the only one on the Guild side who reported three wins.


To continue my old count for people who don't like tables:


39 games in, 253 - 240 VP in favor of Guild.


and i got 14vp after that.

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Got my first game in for this month. Headhunter with 'that' Nicodem list vs Hoffman with a very master-centric scheme pool (Assassinate, Bodyguard, Entourage, Spring the Trap). Managed to score 6 heads during the course of the game (including my two belles). Having a turn 6 meant he actually managed to assassinate Nicodem (I am shamed), but the game still ended in a 10-4 win for ressers.

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Got my first game in for this month. Headhunter with 'that' Nicodem list vs Hoffman with a very master-centric scheme pool (Assassinate, Bodyguard, Entourage, Spring the Trap). Managed to score 6 heads during the course of the game (including my two belles). Having a turn 6 meant he actually managed to assassinate Nicodem (I am shamed), but the game still ended in a 10-4 win for ressers.




The reasons why we call you the Resser King. Good job.

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this is a real quick recap of game as i had got off work been up for a while and the pics i thought i saved arn't there, after work ill do the next.


first game


strat: recon




deliver the message


take prisoner


Turn 1: Typical movement turn 1, nico and company moving up the left side and yan lo down the right. a combination of rigor mortis, fresh meat, and hookers allow me to place 3 Line in the Sand markers, Archers take pot shots at belles and kill a dog.


Turn 2: dog and hookers gang up on a tough tengu on the left sybelle moves up pulling a belle who walks and places a breakthrough marker. toshiro summons ashigaru from a dead dog and ashigaru moves up to place a marker next turn, nico blasts the ashigaru and summons a Student of viscera that then charges kang (after he had activated), failing spectacularly. archers shoot things rest of 10t move up more.


turn 3: kang plus ashigaru finish off the student, nico summons a punk zombie to replace him, toshiro and tengu place breakthrough markers. yan lo reaches a useful place in response mortimer runs around a tree and throws rot into his face giving him poison within sebastians range. sybelle pulls back to center table to give support next turn, archers shoot.


turn 4: yanlo dances mortimer and nico over to the lower right into his crew mortimer and the rest of the crew engage in mortal combat mortimer dieing to poison at end of the turn. sybelle and sebastian team up on yan lo and he dies to poison as well, rest of my crew places the final markers.


Turn 5: won the critical initiative flip and lured nico away from anyone who can deliver the messege, bit of meaningless scuffles going on dog removes a breakthrough marker denying a point.


I got 8 vp, 3 from breakthrough, 1 from line in the sand, 4 from recon.

he got 2 from breakthrough, and 3 from recon.

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