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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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I would make you the same offer, but I feel it wouldn't be too gentlemanly, because we would just execute all the Resser filth if you did.


See that's why you are the oppressing and wrong faction to win. If you'd surrender, we'd give you parasols and dresses and eternal life! And that is why we are the good guys! 

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It sucks if we don't get even games!  The Guild are six games ahead at the moment and those six games could make a big difference!  The VP difference isn't too bad but even the is swayed by uneven games, particularly on a small scale.


Though it doesn't count for this my most recent game will please MasterDisaster as I lost with McMourning due to Viks applied to face!

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Edit: Nice table you have there. I noticed I have played all my games with different masters. Maybe I should continue the trend next month...


Yeah, I did, too. I was thinking about not playing the same Master twice, but I don't have Hoffman yet. Pity.

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Just teasing, man.

Nah, you're right!  It's definitely odd and I'm not sure it's necessary (apparently people moan about random pairings skewing the tournament results if you get an easier draw so first round is worth less TP and is Henchmen led) but it's not my tournament so I'll go with what's on offer!  I am getting a little Resser'd out mind so might hit up my Outcasts for a bit (though I'll get the games in for this).

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So I've played 4 games this month all with guild, and in each game my opponent has declared guild as well...  Was hoping to get another game in wednesday, but that is not going to happen, so it looks like it was a month of scrimmages for me.


Game three:  

Guild McMourning vs Lucius


Interference w/ Standard deployment

Don't remember all schemes, both of us took bodyguard and plant explosives


My list was


-Plastic Surgery, Evidence Tampering, On the Clock

2 Guild Hounds

2 Nurses

Death Marshal


Witchling stalker

Pale Rider - Bodyguard


His List was something like

Lucius w/Hidden assets


3 Riflemen

2 Guild Guard

2 Hunters


Final score was 10-5 in my favor.

Took me three explosive runs to get full points, Pale rider's push and drop a marker for the win.  Was able to get McMourning scalpel slung up into his fire team, denying him points for that quarter and holding up dashel, his bodyguard target which ended up denying him points for that even though it cost me McMourning fairly early in the game.  

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And with that, Entropolous, you're our new general. You're the only one on the Guild side who reported three wins.


To continue my old count for people who don't like tables:


39 games in, 253 - 240 VP in favor of Guild.

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Also it seems like we pulled the short straw in this one missing 6 games is quite a big number. Taken into account we are still holding our ground. Should have known you dirty Guildies take this by some schemy technicality.

Indeed.  We really need to do something to ensure the games are even next month.  Though using VP difference does mitigate somewhat against missed games the amount of games we're playing is small which means that this could skew the results.  Let's theorise that team Resser wins four of those missing games at an average of 3VPs per game that's another 12 to our score putting the Guild scum only one VP ahead.

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