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Mercenaries you're playing


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Since I'm using a few of them quite regularly I'm curious if there are any you like having in your Arcanist crews.

For me personally:



Johan - that guy is basically an Arcanist modell hidden in the Outcast faction but that's really no new news. For the 1SS you have to pay more you get a lot of added bonus like the better attack flip or the useful healing (both things aren't that useful in Outcast only crews). Being able to carry Bleeding Edge Tech is a nice bonus.


Malifaux Child - my favourite totem for Kaeris so far, since it brings a ton of utility on the table. Healing and copying your master's casts is pretty nice. Not sure about the other masters though, Marcus, Ramos, Colette and Raspy already have some very nice totems while gaining not that much from the Child. Colette maybe the most of them, but haven't tried it so far.


Taelor - sometimes when I know I'm against a summoner she's a decent replacement for one of my hardhitter (Joss, Howard, Captain for example). Being a Henchman too she can take quite a hit and dish out some too.


Lazarus - he's pretty nice in Colette although most of the time I prefer having a December Acolyte in my liste. I heard he's decent in Ramos too but haven't had a chance so far to try it out myself. Pretty nice synergy with Coryphee.




Beside these four I also at least considere Hans, Bishop, Student of Conflict and Sue once in a while, but they never really make the cut. Same goes for the Freikorps Librarian and the Flammenwerfer guy. Since Arcanists already have a ton of options for almost everything, I never really felt like they worth the 1SS tax, at least for me.


So, how about you? :D



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Bishop loves to buddy cop with Seamus. They make a good tag team. Also Bishop is a lowlife thug, so he's usually seen with the likes of Seamus. Right MD?

Lazarus I just got him but he will be running around I reckon.

Malifaux child always with Sonnia.

Killjoy I've tried once but he didn't do anything really. I will have to try him again.

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I don't really rate Hans as a merc. Although I've only played against him and not with him. I just don't see him as bringing enough to the table for 9ss.


I do however love Johana/Johan. A really good model for 7ss for the reasons you've stated. :)

I just undercoated my Malifaux child for Kaeris ^^


Bishop is someone I like. Especially with Marcus. You can Alpha him which is great on a 3 ap model that hits hard. And there's some synergy with Marcus's Howl and Pack Leader too.


The Freikorps Trapper is kind of nice. I don't use it much but if I want some long range fire it is a very good choice.


I know some people really like to use Lazarus with Ramos and Colette (good prompt target).



Zfiend: I think Surly wanted an arcanist mercenary use discussion :)

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Bishop loves to buddy cop with Seamus. They make a good tag team. Also Bishop is a lowlife thug, so he's usually seen with the likes of Seamus. Right MD?

Lazarus I just got him but he will be running around I reckon.

Malifaux child always with Sonnia.

Killjoy I've tried once but he didn't do anything really. I will have to try him again.


True about Bishop. Sad Seamus isn't an Arcanist :D


I also not really sold about Killjoy. For 13SS he's not really cheap, however with all our pushes it's not that crucial to get him where he needs to be. On the other hand Howard Langston is pretty similar imo, so I don't really see the need for Killjoy ...

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Zfiend: I think Surly wanted an arcanist mercenary use discussion :)

I really need to start paying attention to where I'm posting and what. :D

Yeah well. Bishop goes with Marcus too. For reasons Sybarite posted. :D Malifaux child might have a space in Arcanists as well.

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I am actually planning to run Gracie as a mercenary. Maybe as a tag team with Joss. Those two are tough! And who doesn't want a big, wise pig to join their crew? I think I'm gonna do a Colette crew with Gracie. Pig show!

Seriously she should be a pretty good prompt target :P But she kind of replaces miss step because they're competing for Rams. 

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I tried Gracie once as a merc. I really missed the healing that Gremlins have to offer her and felt she didn't really pull her weight out of faction. Gremlins can provide the rams, they can heal her, she can carry them around. Too much synergy wasted to my liking. I'd choose Langston in faction over here any day of the week.

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Malifaux Child is always a safe bet if you want to double up on spell castings.


I'm also getting more fond of hiring Ronin. They are pretty good at their 7ss cost if you think you need to ignore armour. Also pretty resilent, and I tend to get a lot of help out of those. Might not be that good in Arcanists, as they can ignore Armour pretty reliable themselves.


Johan is almost always worth his 7ss for Hammer time and condition removal. M&SU just makes him better.


I'm also Looking at Gracie for heavy hitting mercenary option. (She can get Reactivate herself, and does some damage) But she needs to run solo because there might not be good buffs in Arcanists for her. (Aside from Colette)


Seeing as this is on the Arcanists, I can't say much about others. 

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I guess Gracie could be decent with Purifying Flame Kaeris. With all that healing she has a hard time dying :D

On the other hand: so does Joss for example too, so I don't know if Gracie is that much of an improvement.



@Sybarite: could you explain why you like the Trappers but Hans not so much? Both are kinda similar while still having some differences.






 But she kind of replaces miss step because they're competing for Rams. 


Tbh I find it really tough for Arcanists to build a crew that's not heavily needing those Rams :D


Edit2: nevermind - mixed up Rams and Tomes ... curse you non-native English language!!

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Well you could also heal Gracie with Silent ones and shoot into the combat with them. In no way am I saying she's better than Langston in an Arcanist crew, but it seems perfectly viable to me :) I just thought it would be fun to take Gracie and Joss as a mean team of hitty tanks. Would look funny! ^^

I don't think Hans impacts the game enough to warrant 9 ss and I usually want those ss for other things. He's just real expensive, and I tend to want to have Miss Step, Joss, Cassandra, Myranda and others in my crews, so I don't feel like I want to spend 9ss on Hans when I could get Joss, Myranda or Cassandra. Can end up being too many expensive models. The Trapper is a bit cheaper at 7ss and easier to fit into crews I build. And it's a very good shooter too. I just never felt I needed that extra shooting ability of Hans when he takes up such a big part of your crew. Plus he's easy to tie up and mess with.

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Thanks for pointing out, actually I never considered the Trapper tbh. Maybe I'll try it out, the main issue here is probably that it takes up the spot that December Acolyte has in most of my lists. And truth be told, that guy is pretty much already on the upper end of the power curve :D

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Yeah December Acolytes are awesome. I'd usually only take the trapper over the acolyte if I wanted a sniper who could shoot really far and try and pick off things like slop haulers, annoying support pieces that stay in the back, or for some reason want some long range shooting. Like say maybe if you want to put pressure on a Viks player early. I really like the trapper more than Hans (who i've not played myself mind you) because they're mobile too. They move while shooting which can come in real handy.
But yeah most of the time the December Acolyte is my go to shooter in Arcanists :)

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Sue - I take him if I think I will need to remove Corpse and/or Scrap Markers, esp if I am playing Kaeris (because of his Burning), or if I am facing a Ca-heavy Faction. His debuff to enemy Ca actions can be golden (screw you, Neverborn!)


Killjoy - I take him if I am playing Colette, because he can pop out of her Doves pretty much anywhere I need him too and because he is such a good Prompt target.


Hans - if something on the enemy crew is likely to hang back but really needs to die, I can usually Focus and put 6 Dg on it with a Severe on Turn 1. Colette lets him do it again. Other than that, I don't use him.


Johan - for all the usual reasons :)


Lazarus - good in a shooty Kaeris crew, but otherwise I don't take him very often. I just prefer melee beaters.


Like Taelor - take vs Summoners (ie Ressers).


Burt Jebsen - good for Raspy and Ironsides as he can bunch models up, and his Slippery ability can keep him alive a long time (esp if people end up hitting the Ice Golem and end their Activation). 3 AP is awesome, and you can usually Heal him in either of those crews.


Oiran - never found a use for them, even in a Colette crew.


Bishop - good, but not as good as he could be in a Colette crew, since his buffs only last for his own Activation. Still, at Df7 he can tank like a boss because no-one wants to risk his Df trigger. 3 AP is still awesome.

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Burt Jebsen - good for Raspy and Ironsides as he can bunch models up, and his Slippery ability can keep him alive a long time (esp if people end up hitting the Ice Golem and end their Activation). 3 AP is awesome, and you can usually Heal him in either of those crews.

An Ice Golem can't get the Sub Zero trigger, the upgrade only give it to minions.

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Lazarus - good in a shooty Kaeris crew, but otherwise I don't take him very often. I just prefer melee beaters.


I can't recommend Lazarus in a Ramos crew highly enough, his interactions with the Brass Arachnid can lead to some pretty hilarious situations. He's also all round awesome because he can (0) Assimilate almost anybodies actions. I've been tempted to try him with Mei Feng as well so see what sort of shenanigans I can pull there. 

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I haven't considered either McTavish or Burt for Arcanists so far, nice suggestions.

How do you use them though? Burt seems nice to push stuff together for Raspys blasts an paralyze. I used McTavish in Gremlins so far, but the best thing was imo his upgrade that he sadly can't use. Do you use him mainly to discard markers?

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I can see how Lazarus would be fun in a Ramos crew, esp a Reactivating Lazarus. If you had three 10+ cards in hand you could end up with Lazarus and two other Constructs Reactivating :)


Actually you could reactivate even more :huh:


1 - Brass Arachnid uses Rewire on himself and Stoke on Lazarus (needs a 10+)

2 - Lazarus activates, using his Assimilate to Stoke the Brass Arachnid (needs a 10 :tome+)

3 - Brass Arachnid uses Stoke twice on two other constructs (needs 2x10+ since you still have Rewire)

4 - Lazarus reactivates, using Assimilate again on another construct (needs a 10 :tome+)

5 - 3 other constructs activate and reactivate, wipe your opponents tears


However, since Ramos himself wants at least a 8+ or better even a 11 :tome+, it's probably not that likely to pull this off regularly :D

Especially because you probably want to use Larazrus' Autofire twice if you're making yourself all this effort, so you better had something killed with Imbued Energies to have the needed cards :lol:

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