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Pandora | The Lure List


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I haven't played Pandy in sometime (purely because my crew combo's got a bit stale, and my fellow players got tired of her dirty tricks). I want to get back into the dreaded Neverborn mistress, and I think this is a cool list (I think it's balanced to face any combination of strategy and schemes, with minimal tweaking).


Pandora (Fugue State, The Box Opens) - 3SS





Baby Kade

Lilitu (Depression)



Pandy and the Sorrows work to create the death bubble of Misery, whilst Lilitu, Beckoner and, if needed, Kade Lure potential targets into the bubble where the Poltergeist can cause chaos. Not to mention all the WP duels and subsequent Misery-drains from failed resists against the Lures once they're in the bubble. Making each Lure attack a must-resist. Lilitu's long engagement range is a great combo with Kade's mechanic, making him a deadly little chap. Lilitu with Depression makes her Impure Thoughts trigger a more likely threat, forcing WP duels and possible Paralyze. The Beckoner's Despicable Promises is also a nifty attack that forces WP duels at long range.


Now, there aren't any designated scheme runner in the crew, but Candy is quite a handy all-rounder to have and the Beckoner's free push on her Lure also makes her very mobile (which can be exploited for schemes). In terms of schemes such as plant explosives, deliver a message and the like I've found Sorrows more than capable of achieving these.  

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Doesn't look like a bad list indeed. Let us hear how it goes. 


Maybe Fears Given Form is a good idea to pick on some models. Most have high engagement ranges and you can force models to activate within those ranges.

Probably not a good idea if you're bunching up your own models.


I worry about this sort of list in Reconnotre, squatters rights and stake a claim. ( And especially Interference, probably guard the stash, )

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Probably not a good idea if you're bunching up your own models.


I worry about this sort of list in Reconnotre, squatters rights and stake a claim. ( And especially Interference, probably guard the stash, )


You are right, I forget about bunching up your own guys. That will most likely backfire.


Also, Isn't Kade a better carrier for depression? He has no (0) on his own, and can make use from the suits with his little knife.

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Squatter's rights is probably fine, bubbly lists can usually span the middle three markers and then it's up to you to draw stuff away from the other two or send someone to flip them if necessary. Terrain is also going to be a big factor as well since with good line of sight around the middle you could advance up and use lures to drag enemy scheme runners out of your half of the table to stop them scoring stuff like Stake a claim or Breakthrough.


Overlapping auras usually works better in theory than in practice since terrain can make it awkward and your opponent is going to avoid/disrupt it, plus you'll usually need to spread out at some point for points. I think this list is kind of nice though in that there's plenty of redundancy so you can set up mini-interactions at different points and a lot of the models are also pretty mobile so you can throw them out of the bubble when you need to.

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I'll second switching out a sorrow for insidious madness. Best of all, you can use IM for sorrow-delivery system... IM moves, does something, sorrow moves (maybe) and uses Misery Loves Company to place against IM. If you do it correctly, you may be able to use MLC without moving, as both models are incorpreal, thus leaving an action for the sorrow. Also, IM brings its own Wp shenanigans to the table, so why not.

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Alrighty! So I tried the Lure list out against the Viks...


Strategy was Reckoning, and I played Murder Protege (on Vanessa) and Deliver A Message...


My opponent ran -

Ash, Blood, Vanessa, Student, Librarian, 2 Ronin  and a Trapper...


Turn 1, my Lures did well to pull the Trapper off from a tower, dealing 3 damage to him and pulling him into range of my crew. With the Poltergeist alongside the Trapper, Pandora made quick work of the Freikorps... 


Turn 2, Lures from Lilitu and the Beckoner managed to drag Ash out of position and into Candy's engagement range. Managing to get Pandora's Incite off twice, I was able to manipulate my opponents activations - allowing Candy to Deliver a Message on Ash before the Vik could activate. With the Lures pulling his crew forward, my Sorrows could use Misery Loves Company to get into position easily enough to spread the doom bubble. I was lucky enough to position Pandora and the Geist amongst the Ronin, Librarian and Blood - making quick use of Blood and the Student with damage from Misery by forcing failed duels from Incite, Self Loathing and the Geist's Ml attack. 


Turn 3, with Incite on the two Ronin  I was able to prevent Ash and Vanessa from activating early on in the turn. Not to mention Candy in base contact with Ash made him think twice about activating Ash. With his crew's activation sequence disturbed Pandora activated first and killed Vanessa, getting points for Murder Protege (with help from the Sorrows and Geist). Unfortunately, Ash did what Ash does and killed Kade, Candy and the Beckoner in her activation - leaving a massive whole in my crew. I was incredibly lucky by getting a Red Joker on a damage flip from my Geist on a Ronin, dealing 6Dg (not to mention the 3Dg from Misery), giving me a point for Reckoning.


Turn 4 and 5 slowed down with most of the Viks' crew tied up with Pandora, Sorrows and the Geist; and Ash tied up by Lilitu's 4" Ml range... 


End scores were - Pandora 8 and Viks 3 (murder protege on Candy).


I wouldn't say the Lures played an incredibly important role in the game - but it was fun...

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