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Colette - Combo models


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Oh right Just like you! is once a turn. Also, the wording is a bit weird, it says any resulting damage flip gains :-fate , would that include Killjoys cleaver if the child prompts him? Would the onslaught if I get that get :-fate as well?

I think by that time Killjoy will have started hitting your own crew!

I think by that point I would be killing my own crew out of principle.

"Well your crew is dead, lets see if my stuff can complete the schemes with Killjoy after them."

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Oh right Just like you! is once a turn. Also, the wording is a bit weird, it says any resulting damage flip gains :+fate , would that include Killjoys cleaver if the child prompts him? Would the onslaught if I get that get :+fate as well?

I think by that point I would be killing my own crew out of principle.

"Well your crew is dead, lets see if my stuff can complete the schemes with Killjoy after them."

It actually says the casting itself gets a + but any resulting damage flips gain a -ive . I had presumed since it was copying prompt and not killjoys attack then killjoy would NOT gain the -ive but I don't have the card at hand to double check the wording.

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Nah, Killjoy's damage is the the result of his own attack. Doesn't get the :-fate of the Child.

I'm at work so don't have the rulebook but unless 'result' is defined in there I'd say it's debatable if the attack is a result of the child's cast or not.

I would agree it's not a DIRECT result of it but if there is no distinction between 'direct result' and 'result' I can see how it could be argued a result of the original 'just like me' which allows you to prompt the extra attack which leads to a damage flip.

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P. 33, the outcome of an action is called a result in the Determine Success step. It's the closest we get. If you want to argue that all resulting actions are part of the result (which would open a huge can of worms), then I suggest to do it in the rules forum. There, Justin might see it in time for the next FAQ.

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I wasn't trying to argue either way I was just wondering if the rule book had a definition of 'result' in this context as I'm at work and couldn't find out myself.

I can see both sides of the argument and was hoping a page could be found that called it one way or the other as I can't presently check.

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I don't think it's that far of a stretch. Killjoy's damage is a result of an action which was the result of Prompt. It's fairly easy to argue although it starts getting silly at this point. As Prompt isn't causing any Damage there is nothing to have  :-fate applied to. Prompt on the other hand is generating a completely separate action which causes damage which has nothing to do with the Malifaux Child so I don't think the  :-fate should apply. 

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Has anyone mentioned Silent Ones yet?


Has a 0 action to heal, which is great. I've written about that a lot.


Her 1 action ca is amazing! It has no gun, so it ignores cover and shooting into engagements. It has a great damage spread, with blast templates. it has three great triggers, including healing nearby frozen heart models (summoned ice gamin, december acolytes, silent ones if they're doing their cast from melee), and placing ice columns (which can be used to protect models from firing squads). And to top it all off Cassandra can copy it, and cast it, while engaged.


Cassy Charge, Trigger Magician's Prop, cast freeze. trigger recast. Cast freeze, no triggers. Take second attack, trigger swirl of motion, push out. Nimble behind a wall.


Baller status.

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The only reason I haven't written about it or used it is that I can't find any Silent Ones and only play what I own (Both at the local club and on Vassal). I'm looking forward to their release, however, so that I can test them out.

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