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Collodi - how many wicked dolls?


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Collodi has Marionettes and Effigies, Mannequins. They are more durable and useful than Wicked Dolls and less or same costs. 

So Wicked Dolls are usually used to support by their poison and (0) Action. ("First Comes One, Then Comes Two!" is usually a trap.)

But Collodi doesn't need to depend on poison, and Wicked Dolls' (0) Action's  :+fate  needs AP transfer.

Simply, Wicked Dolls are less competitive than other low SS puppets. 


But if you want to summon some puppets, Wicked Dolls can be good. 

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I'd say none or two at the most: they work better in groups, and die easily.  The reason I often take two is


A. like many in this thread, I bring a performer with Collodi--it is both fluffy and damn effective, especially since I usually bring a mannequin too and the two of them can do terrible things to scheme markers which you can produce in droves with the marionettes and nuke for double negatives to WP, on or off the performer's turn with Collodi's intervention. Also the Coryphee can use the performer to teleport out of harm's way.


The wicked dolls just add to the performer's existing synergy, making her a killer as well as an interaction monkey. 


B. I like the Widow weaver for the +1 movement for constructs as well as her WP shenanigans and she can summon wicked dolls from corpses with the Handbag upgrade, Collodi can also summon them, so they are good models to own, just because if you have a corpse or scrap marker lying around, there is just no reason not to spend either her or Collodi's AP and probably card to give yourself another model at full health. Unless of course you are going for...


C.  Widow's Weaver's Teddy! The dolls drop scrap, and you often want a lot of dead bodies around, wicked dolls and marionettes speed up the process of getting to 4 bodies/scarps and bringing out Teddy.


so basically I use them for A. poison, sometimes B. summons C. scrap


Not really something worth spending 4-8 points on, much less 24. If you really love wicked dolls, just summon them from the bodies of the dead, the 4 points is better spent elsewhere. 

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I'll sometimes run 1 or 2, though they're rarely ever invented to live to the end of the game. I most often use them to sneak around and use "over the needle" and Defensive to quickly throw themselves in the way of a model I need to stall for a turn or two.

Most of the time though I'll run mainly Marionettes and Effigies.

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I use wicked dolls as not caring scheme runners, they are cheep and are often overlooked. Ht one and decent defense makes them often ignored, i use 1 if at all. I do at times run the widow weaver to resummon him, but to calrify a previous post this can only be done from a scrap marker. The teddy however can be made from both scrap and corpse, oh to see the look of horror when you summon teddy with an 11

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