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Last minute tips for Raspy Vs Sonnia?


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I have a Sonnia player in our local slow grow tonight. We will be playing turf war and 1 scheme.


I am really looking forward to some awesome caster vs caster action but i am worried that Sonnia has the upper hand.


I will be running 2 december acolytes, wendigo, 3 ice gamin and ice pillars on Raspy (probably facing out the box sonnia). I am thinking i will put the acolytes as close to the turf as possible and use them both to try focus fire on the witchling stalkers and take them down as quick as possible and reduce hand size early in the turns.


I will run raspy up close to the middle and use ice pillars where i can to stop my models getting burning and making cover irrelevant.


Ice gamin will head to the centre and spread out a little to allow for good casting points for Raspy.


Unsure if i should use the wendigo aggresively as i am facing off against a ranged crew or to help spam the ice pillars.


I am expecting a tough match that in my mind could all go pear shaped very quickly if burning gets out of hand which seems hard to stop.

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Ice Pillars. Use them excessively. Use them in a way that no one burning is behind them. Be cool and calm, and don't get tempted into killing someone when you could set Pillars instead.


Don't think Paralyzed will protect you. He has a lot of condition removal.


Remember the FAQ. Sonnia cannot use her trigger to burning on someone, kill them, and make a Stalker with the same action.

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Helping your enemy Dirial? ;)


Be wary of correctly infiltrating the Acolytes. If you deploy first, you also need to deploy the Acolytes. So they might become easly removed when Sonnia sets them on fire and ignores cover on the Acolyte. If you are going second, think maybe of putting them close to your deployment zone. 


Wendigo should spam Ice Pillars as well, unless he can devour something. But be wary of conditional removal from the Witchlings. 


Go get the Bearskin armour upgrade on Raspy. It will protect against stray blasts. 

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He's not my enemy. Sonnia is tough to face for beginners, and we don't want any quitters from this awesome game, do we? :)


(I thought that any enemy of the Guild was your enemy)


But indeed, we don't want any quitters. 


Also, remember that the Wendigo is a quick significant minion, so he can be utilized for scheme purposes. 

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He's not my enemy. Sonnia is tough to face for beginners, and we don't want any quitters from this awesome game, do we? :)

What are you planning to post next? I don't think you are getting a pass on the mod hammer.

Anyways. Dirial gave good advice on the ice pillars and I second that. Use them. They are really good. Especially when you get 4 of them through Wendigo.

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I can see this coming up later, i think i know the answer but does Raspys Counter spell work on Sonnia's reflect magic? The name suggests that it does, however as the damage is the result of a DF action on sonnias part and Raspy's counter spell only triggers against CA actions i would say it does not work?


Correct. (Mostly. It's not a Df action, as it's not an action. It's a stat trigger.)

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Since the others have covered the basics I'll just throw this on in; have fun.


This is my favorite match-up in the game, two dedicated combat casters with deceptively similar tool kits and enough firepower to wipe whole crews off the board. The MAD dynamic makes the opening turns incredibly tense because you know if the other woman gets an angle on you you're going down. Both crews are pretty slow so you have time to watch the conflict build and explode.

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Since the others have covered the basics I'll just throw this on in; have fun.


This is my favorite match-up in the game, two dedicated combat casters with deceptively similar tool kits and enough firepower to wipe whole crews off the board. The MAD dynamic makes the opening turns incredibly tense because you know if the other woman gets an angle on you you're going down. Both crews are pretty slow so you have time to watch the conflict build and explode.


That's the best advice after all. Enjoying the game.

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Don't clump up, use AP to put out burning, and have someone close into melee with her if you can.  Sometimes it's worth losing a model to stop those damned blasts.  Also keep an eye on Sam if he brings him.  He can't take a lot but if he gets a shot off he can do some devestating damage real fast.  But most of all.  DON'T BE ON FIRE!!!


Seriously being on fire sucks...stupid fire.

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