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Tara crew options


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So, My brother picked up Nightmare Tara from gencon a few years ago, and then was deployed overseas. so he is FINALLY getting into the game with her, and wanted me to ask what all he might want to pick up additionally to toss in the crew.


I have heard good things about Bete Noire and death marshals but I didn't know if there was anything else that had particular synergy with her.


he also have Kirai, so if there is anything that is a great crossover, i'm sure that would be his ideal options.



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Here's my take on it in long form - link


Short version, first thing I'd do is get autopsies, a marshal or two, a heavy hitter other than the NB (pref. hannah), and then start looking at horrors. Past that, tara works well with anything that is good on its own or could parricularly benefit from the additional AP


If you like Bete, she's better with Tara, but I don't like her enough for the link to be anything close to an autoinclude.


IIRC Kirai's set has a decent volume of WP-based attacks, which can work (WP is hardly her strongest point, but an automatic -2WP is pretty beneficial when you've got a lot of WP attacks).

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Tara is the only resser I like bête with. Bête is almost auto include for me. Love death Marshals, hate guild autopsies. Consider getting killjoy.

Okay, so I get that Tara can whip Bete out of the air when she needs to, but what makes Bete an autoinclude for you here? You've said several times that Bete's really not your thing anywhere else, so what makes her more effective here in your eyes?


I ask because I really want to like Bete, but most of my opponents play armor crews and she really just lovingly caresses them instead of impaling them in horrific ways...

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I ask because I really want to like Bete, but most of my opponents play armor crews and she really just lovingly caresses them instead of impaling them in horrific ways...

Don't throw her into the thick of things willy-nilly - she is a bully and a harasser. Choose her targets well and use her looming presence to affect the choices that your opponent makes. Also, make full use of her triggers. You don't hire her for her damage track but rather for her triggers and her unique style of mobility.
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I like her with Tara for a few reasons. First unlike many other masters I don't need high cards for Tara. Which means hanging on to a 10+ is much less crippling than it is for Seamus or Molly.

Second, Tara can get her back on the board for faster and more easily than waiting for bête to unbury herself. That is huge, because bête has a amazing board presence with her daggers and tenebrous aura. I've popped bête out, charged Lilith, tied lilith's entire activation up in killing bête and then popped eye out again due to death or Tara into combat with another model I want to deal with. While she doesnt get the extra activation she does contribute to board state.

Nothing annoys more than bête comming iut again and again due to Tara.

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