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new to malifaux


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Hi all,


I have yet to have my first game of malifaux, but it looks really interesting and I love the models.


What faction would you recommend for a first crew, and what box set would be the best first buy?


I would personally like to pick a starter set from either the Guild or Neverborn, but I'd like a second opinion on this.

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Welcome to Malifaux. 

I'll let others go more in-depth (as I'm running short on time), but honestly there are no bad masters/crews as the game is pretty balanced across the board. Some just perform better at certain strategies and schemes than others, but any crew can potentially accomplish any goal. That being said, some crew boxes are a bit more new player friendly when starting the game than others. 

If you are interested in Guild and Neverborn, then my advise would be to go through the art/models and find the ones that appeal to you, then go from there. Both offer great Masters/Crews and are entertaining to play. The Guild is a bit more straight forward, to me, than Neverborn, but that's not to say they are boring. They just have a bit more defined roles with each master whereas Neverborn are a bit more roundabout in their play styles (preferring to come at you sideways). I started with Neverborn (Pandora) and loved her, and since moved on to owning all of the Neverborn faction as I just really enjoy the playstyle (I'm an evil bastard though :P ).

If you want in general information, I recommend checking out the PullMyFinger Wiki : http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ 
I also recommend the Faction forums on this site as well as the Facebook page A Wyrd Place: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AWYRDPLACE/ 

Look over the Wiki, read over the different masters and play styles. Find the ones that appeal to you, both visually and mechanically, then ask any questions you like about them so that the community can assist. By all means, don't be shy with questions. We are a helpful bunch, and only occasionally bite.  :D

PS - Damn you Dirial and your fast responses. I swear you have text alerts when anything is posted on this forum. lol

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As Dirial and Asrian have said there's no bad choices, just go for whatever you like the look of.  I always think Outcasts are a good place to start as Hired Guns and Hired Swords are both pretty easy to learn/play and a lot of Outcasts are Mercenaries so you will be able to use them even if you do decide to go with another faction.  But going with whatever you like the look of best is the way to go because it'll keep you interested.

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If you have one or both, go through the big rule book and/or Crossroads and read the fluffy descriptions of masters and some of their themed models.  I found a couple of masters that "spoke" to me and I have not regretted the choice.  


From a game play perspective any choice you make is fine (see above comments by others) the only "mistake" is getting a crew that you personally do not enjoy playing.  

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If you want Guild or Neverborn the obvious answer is to start with Lucius who is a dual faction Master for both.  But he's not the easiest to learn to play with.

Some things he really wants are in Master boxes or not available at the moment. I wouldn't recommend him for starters.

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Welcome to Malifaux!  :D


I heard that the arcanists are rather unforgiving and complex for beginners...


I'm an Arcanist fanatic but our current crop of crew boxes, while fine starts to the game, need more rapid expansion than the other factions.  I'd pick a Guild or Neverborn you like the look of if there's nothing in our faction that doesn't thematically grab you.

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Arzan, to answer your question. Go for Guild and pick Sonnia Criid or Lady Justice (if you can find her - stocks of her box are low at the moment) These are both fun to play but straight forward enough to be 'beginner friendly'. Otherwise, you could go for Neverborn and pick Lillith who again is a flexible and easy to learn (but difficult to master) master! Masters to avoid for a beginner include Zoraida and Dreamer for neverborn and Lucius, C.Hoffman and (controversial but it's my opinion) Perdita. 

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I heard that the arcanists are rather unforgiving and complex for beginners, and I'm rather frightened by the price tag of the resurrectionists.


I'm open to outcasts though

You will find that whatever faction you want you will end up wanting quite a lot of stuff so that you have options so Ressurectionists are no more expensive than other factions.  Having said that if you did decide to do Ressers (which don't seem to be high on your wants) then stay away from Nicodem as he really does benefit from having a lot of things.


What sort of things do you want from your faction/crew?  Do you like having support Master who make their other models better?  Or Masters that can do their own thing?  Shooting orientated crews?  Close Combat orientated?  Do you like law making scum ;) ?  Or crazy Monsters?  Is there any of the stories that you've read so far that you really like or any models that really grab your attention?  Thinking of some of these things and providing answers will allow us to give some more specific answers to factions/crews that might fit your style.

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I heard that the arcanists are rather unforgiving and complex for beginners, and I'm rather frightened by the price tag of the resurrectionists.


I'm open to outcasts though


I can't speak for the other masters, but I started with Rasputina and found her to be relatively straight forward.  Some of her support models are hard to get right now, so proxies are a must.


Tried Colette for the first time yesterday and I can say that I definitely have some learnin' to do before I try to win with her, although part of that is unlearning the approach I use with Raspy.  


My son started with Mei Feng and while she has some tricks, you can start off  with relatively straight forward play.  


All that said, if Outcasts are "speaking" to you then go for it.  They look like fun to play to me---I'd like to get a crew together and try them out.  


Also, if you have a local shop with henchman ask about demo days.  The flgs I frequent has them once per month, and often there are folks around willing to show newbies the ropes on a pick-up basis.  

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Don't complicate things for yourself! If Guild and Neverborn appealed to you, stick to them. Guild is the best faction for beginners because each master has a very well defined style so just go for Lady Justice or Sonnia Criid and you won't go far wrong (in fact you'll want both of those boxes eventually since they both contain models that you'll use all the time). 

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