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Whirlwind and attack declaration



Viktoria has been hired by The Man to oppress the workers and has proceeded to poking them with her swords. She is in base to base contact with Kang and Rail worker 1, Rail worker 2 is standing close behind Kang in range of Viktoria but not in LoS because of Kang's 40 mm base.


Viktoria attacks RW1 and gets the Whirlwind trigger and attacks Kang, killing him. Can she now make a Whirlwind attack on RW2?


I.e. do you:


A: make a list of everyone to attack when Whirlwind goes off.


B: make one attack at a time until there are no more targets you haven't already attacked, checking legality before each one.


Edit: For reference Whirlwind: After damaging, take this Attack Action against every enemy model in range except the target. These Actions may not declare Triggers.

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The trigger is after damaging. During Step 5, RW1 died. After step 5, she attacks everyone in range except the target, meaning Kang. So far, so easy, just so that we're all on the same page.


I think it could go either way, technically, although I'm a bit doubtful that she could have range to the Rail Worker... Seriously, I would play like zFiend said, just to be friendly, although I could see it either way.

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 Seriously, I would play like zFiend said, just to be friendly, although I could see it either way.


Friendly?! HA!


Never play like zFiend! EVER!! You'll end up a soulless smut pedaling filthmonger who loves to hang around corpses all day... zFiend is single handedly keeping Seamus and Sybelles' "Business" up and running if you know what I mean! ;)


He can't help it, those Belles come undressing and he keeps going back for more :D

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although I'm a bit doubtful that she could have range to the Rail Worker... 

Her range is 2 = 50.8 mm, Kang's base is 40 mm. Or did you mean it's implausible that they are so close together? Just imagine that The Man also hired Burt to use Crackerjack Timing on them. :P

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Friendly?! HA!

Never play like zFiend! EVER!! You'll end up a soulless smut pedaling filthmonger who loves to hang around corpses all day... zFiend is single handedly keeping Seamus and Sybelles' "Business" up and running if you know what I mean! ;)

He can't help it, those Belles come undressing and he keeps going back for more :D

You know me so well my friend :D

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Her range is 2 = 50.8 mm, Kang's base is 40 mm. Or did you mean it's implausible that they are so close together? Just imagine that The Man also hired Burt to use Crackerjack Timing on them. :P


Yeah, okay. For the theoretical exercise, I'm fine.


Never play like zFiend! EVER!! You'll end up a soulless smut pedaling filthmonger who loves to hang around corpses all day... zFiend is single handedly keeping Seamus and Sybelles' "Business" up and running if you know what I mean! ;)


Well, you seem to know what you are talking about. How did you manage to not let it rub off on you? Or did you?

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Well that kinda changes it then.


Not sure about that. It also doesn't say 'ignore LoS' and attacks need LoS by default. Hm....


Okay, so when the trigger gets declared, Vic measures who is in range. If Kang didn't die, she could not declare an attack on the RW (because no LoS), but as he was in range when the trigger was triggered, and she now can make an attack, she can do so. Right? Wrong?



Guild, Outcasts, Arcanists, Neverborn, Ten Thunders and Team Nicodem... As you can see I use legitimate factions so it's OK. Dirial back me up here! 


Guild is a legitimate faction, I'll give you that.

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Not sure about that. It also doesn't say 'ignore LoS' and attacks need LoS by default. Hm....


Okay, so when the trigger gets declared, Vic measures who is in range. If Kang didn't die, she could not declare an attack on the RW (because no LoS), but as he was in range when the trigger was triggered, and she now can make an attack, she can do so. Right? Wrong?




Guild is a legitimate faction, I'll give you that.

Yay someone else who understands. But right when kang dies r2 is now in los and a legal target.

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It's definitely not a good plan to play according to option B - that will cause arguments about whether models summoned or placed as a result of another model's death are eligible targets as well.

As others have pointed out, Whirlwind doesn't check LoS - if you attack and kill the model blocking LoS before making your attack against the model behind it, it's all good.

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Whirlwind does say 'Take this Attack Action against every enemy model in range' and Attack Actions do need LoS so it is a bit unclear.  Generally you play by the rules unless a rule on the card specifically overrides it (i.e. by saying ignoring LoS).  Thematically it seems to make sense they'd just bounced around jumping all over the place though and would be able to attack the hidden RW.

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