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Dashel, Its a trap!?


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I've run Lucius as NB, but the only summoning I have done with that is grow builds, which isn't really the same thing.  I haven't bothered with WW because I don't generally target WP. 


Since I play mostly Lucius anyways, I love Daschell.  He makes the other side make a tough choice early in the game, and really does evaporate enemy models with the riflemen.  At the end of the game, a timely reactivate can make the rifleman that was standing in your deployment zone get out there and work on either scheme or scheme denial late, before killing themselves from exhaustion.


I definitely disagree with whoever was saying that Lucius can't do attrition.  Lucius pushing the right minions to extra actions can shoot many other crews off the board.


I want to try him with 2 wardens, charging them both in with him giving them a free focus to use on the melee attack.  Just to flip the script a bit.



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I run the weaver with Lucius, am I missing some combination with her and Dashel?

Once I get a second Path Finder  and Warden I want to start running Dashel with those squads instead of rifles just to see him get stuck in a little more.


Myself and one of our other Guild players are play testing a Guild Summoning Model using a conversion of the new Dashel (I Use the old Sergeant as Dashel as I dislike the new model) "The Kennel Master" he's just being built for house rules but only has synergies with guild hounds (and Luna)

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I have to agree that it just feels odd to have a 9 point model that most of the time just sits back to give a passive buff. He need something to spend his turns doing while at range other then his mediocre ranged attack.

That said what do your Dashel heavy lists look like and what scheme/stats do you use it? When do you avoid it?

I was messing around with him and my opponent who usually plays Seamus ended up pulling out his new Kirai crew with crooked men (I normally don't play heavy shooting either). It wasn't a pretty matchup but I managed to tie the game with Lucius as my only model alive on the board.

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That said what do your Dashel heavy lists look like and what scheme/stats do you use it? When do you avoid it?

The list looks like it has Dashel and 2-3 Riflemen with some other clutter included. Other clutter may include but is not limited to: Lucius, Doppelganger, Candy, Mr. Graves, Austringer, Death Marshal, Pathfinder, Guild Hound, Watcher, McCabe, Luna, Sidir, Malifaux Child. ...and that's just when playing guild.

He can be played in any and every strategy, but in more competitive situation I find myself often reaching for Perdita when Reckoning comes up, and that means that Dashel is out.

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mobile fire lines are a thing in this game. Ive found if i sit still with my riflemen and dashel doing nothing in the back i end up getting stomped. Things are too fast for this "stagnant fire line". Ive had better luck with 2 riflemen dashel and a sargeant for movement buffs. wk 5 riflemen wk 6 dashel. with walk 6 you can easily charge forward and tarpit the shit outta something with dash. Ive had him tank a deso engine, hes tanked a rail golem, and much much more. Dashels job is to give out buffs and protect his squad and sometimes when things get grim hes gotta put his helmet on and run for an objective. 9 points may seem expensive but ive found that hes been worth it 10 fold. and he can fit into any guild list with his team.

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