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New player needs crew advice


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I just started to play Malifaux, I have had one intro. game so far.


The game is amazing:)


I need some help to put together a crew.


So far I have Killjoy and 2 convict gunslingers.


I would appreciate to receive suggestions for what else to buy to complete my crew. Gunslingers and Killjoy may not be the best combination but I just bought what I thought looked nice:)


Now I need help on what to add to Killjoy and the 2 convict gunslingers.


Thanks for the help.


Kind regards




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What master are you playing? Officially what you have can't be used for a legal game as crews must be lead by a master or henchman, and outside very low SS game or formats specifically designed for henchmen, you're better off going with a master.

If you specifically are looking for masters in the Outcasts who utilize Killjoy well, Tara probably does the best, but she's currently not available as a general release. Leveticus and the Viktorias I've also seen put Killjoy to good use.

Molly from the Resserectionidts also can use Killjoy very well, but she's still only available in metal as her plastic version hasn't been released.

My recommendation would be to pick up a starter box of whatever master you think looks best.

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My recommendation would be to pick up a starter box of whatever master you think looks best.


This. I would specifically look at Viktorias (Hired Swords box set), Leveticus (Salvage&Logistics box set should come out later this month) or Von Schill (Hired Guns box set). They are the same faction as your models. However, all your models are Mercenaries and can be hired by every other crew. Choose any good looking starter box set.

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If you specifically are looking for masters in the Outcasts who utilize Killjoy well, Tara probably does the best, but she's currently not available as a general release. Leveticus and the Viktorias I've also seen put Killjoy to good use.


I actually find Killjoy works great with Hamelin because of Infectious Melodies and the rest of the crew needing something to keep you busy while they blight you.


Wouldn't really recommend Hamelin as a starting master though due to model availability and fun-ness considerations.

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My 2 cents. First, welcome to the Malifaux and I hope you keep enjoying the game.

Second, Killjoy and the Gunslingers (sounds like a bad 80's rock band) are all great models. They are also Mercenary models which means that any Master/Crew can use them in any faction (but, unless your crew is an Outcast Faction crew you have to pay the Mercenary Tax to hire them of 1SS extra on the cost of their card). Basically what this means is, if you're not committed or certain that you want an Outcast Master/Crew look around at all the factions/masters and see which one appeals to you (aesthetically, play-wise, what have you) and just pick that master/crew to start. You can still hire the guys you bought and use them. 

Best of luck and feel free to ask away on the questions. :D

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Misaki,  Viks and Tara seem to work best with Killjoy + Gunslingers. None of them have particular synergy with them (except Tara but seeing as she isn't available unless you pay out the wazoo on ebay I wouldn't worry about her yet) I'd go with Misaki or Viks. Both lack lots of dedicated shooters which the Gunslingers definitely do well and Killjoy is just another kick ass beat stick to rock up and destroy stuff. He's a pretty cool replacement for Taelor in a Viks crew if you want a change of pace. 

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Viktoria can have close synergy with the Gunslingers due to Howling Wolf Tattoo, and Killjoy makes a great ally. I would definitely recommend the Hired Swords as your starting point for Outcasts (given current box set releases) if you want to use those models. If you're happy with Outcasts, follow up with Hamelin's box set once it comes out in plastic.

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I would appreciate to receive suggestions for what else to buy to complete my crew. Gunslingers and Killjoy may not be the best combination but I just bought what I thought looked nice:)

Welcome to the game, you're already doing it right in my opinion!  Fortunately as others have stated you have already picked things that can be used by pretty much any faction because they are Mercenaries (though you can only have a maximum of two Mercenaries if you take them out of faction).  I would second this statement:


My recommendation would be to pick up a starter box of whatever master you think looks best.

but I would also add the caveat that as a first faction Outcasts are a pretty good way to start (I'm assuming you want to do Outcasts because this is in the Outcasts forum) because if you decide you want to move onto one of the other factions with the exception of Masters and Totems almost everything can be hired by other factions anyway.  Hired Swords has already been mentioned but Hired Guns is also a very solid choice.  The models from both of these sets are nice (IMHO) and if you can afford both these two it gives you a solid base to start with two crews that are quite easy to learn but still have a lot of options and depth.  The models from both complement each other well too.

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