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Is anyone of the Guild Masters actually doing the Guild's bidding?

Math Mathonwy

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Lucius, Governor General's right hand man is a Neverborn infiltrator trying to destroy humanity (or whatever). For sure doesn't have the Guild's interests in mind in the long run.

Sonnia, the leader of the Witch Hunters, has kinda gone rogue.

McCabe is a Ten Thunders infiltrator, whatever his formal position in the Guild may be.

McMourning is a Resser infiltrator (well, as much as Ressers can be seen having infiltrators).

Perdita is essentially independent.

Lady Justice is closer to a force of nature than to doing Governor General's bidding.

That leaves Hoffman, who is kinda naive enough to be considered the sole Guild Master doing stuff for the Guild.

And these are the upper echelons, so essentially the ones that the GG should be trusting the most (well, McGuys excepted).

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Almost no-one in Malifaux does the Guild's bidding including Governor General.

Lucius probably does more or less what Governor General tells him (or the other way around). Their goals, whatever they might be, seem to align.

Sonnia does whatever she pleases, but she causes mostly harm to Guild's enemies, so it's okay.

McCabe and McMourning atleast occassionally do what Lucius tells them to. Lucius probably knows about their indescretions too.

Perdita and Lady Justice are doing more or less what Guild actually wants them to do, as long as that is hunting monsters.

Hoffman is a pawn played by Lucius. He's showing some signs of starting to wake up to reality. I suppose he could be forgiven because he has been in Malifaux the shortest time.

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You are asking the wrong questions. What is the guilds purpose in malifaux and earthside.

Control the soul stone trade. Supress oppress those that defy them. Control of the masses to control the soul stone trade.

So Sonnia falls under the suppress those that defy as does Hoffman and lady j. Lucious controls the masses and politics. Which subsequently opresses the those that defy the guild. Lucas McCabe falls under suppress and oppress. Only McMourning is really the odd ball. He doesn't do anything that does not suit his needs. Which is the defining characteristic of all ressers. But he neither cares for the soul stone trade nor the masses nor those that defy the guild. He just likes the corpses that are provided to him by the others.

So 5/6 of guild masters do guild things. Surpress oppress control. Its the guilds motto is it not lol.

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Well Hoffman is only with the guild because besides Ramos and the Arcanists the Guild are his best bet at helping Ryle, it even says in crossroads he's telling the Guild he's infiltrated the Arcanists, and telling the Arcanists he's infiltrated the Guild, and one day it'll all come crashing down, but hopefully after Ryle is better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If that's where they're going with Hoffman's current fluff, I'm a little curious why he wasn't made dual faction...



My gut response is that a lot of the dual faction decisions seem to come down to making 7 masters for 7 factions work and there's some oddities as a result.


The other likely answer is that the above should read "it even says in crossroads he's telling the Guild he's infiltrated the M&SU, and telling the M&SU he's infiltrated the Guild."  He is marked M&SU after all.  It seems like another case of the M2E situation where M&SU has become synonymous with the Arcanist faction instead of the rogue mage concept it originally embodied.  Technically speaking it makes a lot of sense for Hoffman to have infiltrated the M&SU but being a member of the Guild, he wouldn't be an "Arcanist" per se.  Of course, that logic doesn't work great in terms of McMourning, or Lucius, or Ramos, or Nicodem, or....


Anyway, it would be kind of neat if Arcanist and M&SU were separate factions.  Perhaps M3E.  :)

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Yeah, as much as I like Ironsides, though, it feels like she could have easily been bumped back a book.


Heh, yeah, I could have seen a pretty easy divide between M&SU and arcanists- something like Ramos and the gamins being dual faction (since the gamins bridge the gap and Ramos has ties to the outsiders), except for the part where they'd need a bunch of new masters, like with Gremlins/Outcasts.

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