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Does Malifaux have some power creep in it?


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Wave 2 is simply bringing all the characters from the previous books  into M2e.  They are different from their previous incarnations but in no way 'better' or 'stronger' or 'overpowered' compared to wave 1.  Games Workshop was really bad about powercreep, but I dont see that as an issue with Wyrd. Love the Video btw  :)

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I think that Wave 2 seems to have slightly better balance than Wave 1. Wave 1 had a couple of too powerful/too weak things (some which got errata, some which got repairing Upgrades) and all in all the power level fluctuated a bit more (Low River Monks or Oirans vs Rotten Belles or Francois LaCroix) but I don't think that there is any actual power creep.

All in all I think that Malifaux is remarkably balanced and one of the most balanced minis games I've played (out of two dozen or so).

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I have to agree with all the other posters in this thread - power creep in M2E is pretty much non-existent.  So far, it seems that most (all?) of the models or upgrades that are slightly above the curve are from Wave 1, suggesting that Wave 2 is equal or lesser in power level. 


My thoughts are that some things slipped through in Wave 1 due to the rules being new for everyone, and the fact that there weren't any existing M2E models in which to compare wave 1.  For Wave 2, we had the benefit of hindsight, so there were fewer models that "slipped through the cracks." 


In my opinion, Wyrd has done an excellent job repairing things that are slightly overpowered or underpowered (ex. Nexus of Power, Perdita with Diestro, upgrades for Samurai, etc.).

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