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Electrical creation discussion


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Hey all, Ive recently been looking at the arcanist range and have been trying to look at potential synergies with models outside their intended theme. I'm pleased to find that our faction is full of fun and crazy combos, however the one model that still leaves me scratching my head is the electrical creation. 


At 4ss and the fact that it'll never live to see beyond 2 turns, I just can't see reasons to take him outside of a ramos crew. I really like him as a summon for ramos, and will often hire one for the all important turn one scrap marker. Aside from that, I'm finding it difficult to see why any other master would spend 4 stones on this guy. Is it really true that perhaps it was only ever intended to work with ramos, sort of like a second totem? Has anyone had any success outside of ramos, or could share some interesting tactics/ideas?

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In a Ironside Crew the Electrical creation can damage your own minions for the buff.

For the suicide Charge it competes with the ice and fire gamins but it damage it is a bit higher.

Otherwise aside from some Scenario with weird model Placement I can't see a use of him outside Ramos.

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There are 2 things going for the electrical creation - Area damage and a scrap counter.

At the moment only Ramos and Mei seem to care about scrap.

Area damage is good for all, but that it doesn't last means its not worht it for most crews. (although close deployment and blind deployment may have some uses...)

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While I have never tried it, Colette could potentially use one to some effect.


1.  Send a Mechanical Dove out and have it within 14 inches of Colette

2.  Colette casts Disapearing Act on the Electircal Creation to send it into base contact with the Dove


You then have the Creation double walk towards the enemy and have a sitting time bomb waiting to be taken out, or forcing the enemy to move around. 


It may not be the most effective use of resources for Colette, but depending on strategies and schemes, it has possibilities.  I could see doing it when Colette takes Willie as also casting Disapearing Act on him to move him up and then let him hurl a Demo Charge into the area of the Creation and enemies it's engaged with to cause some quick and double damage to the enemy from both Willie's attack and the Creation's detenation.  Even with Willie shooting into melee and ends up hitting the Creation, the enemy will suffer the damage caused by the Creation's destruction. 

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Could Kaeris use them? With Purifying Fire she could heal them with Burning, and keep them alive a bit longer. Not sure what use that would be! 4ss for some Shocking Touch every Turn until she lets them go pop is not a great bargain. Alternatively she could take her other Limited upgrade and fly them forward on Turn 1, letting them drop a Scheme Marker and be in range of the enemy crew for some Turn 2 'sploding. But Raptors are 1ss cheaper and won't kill themselves.

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The ice golem lobbing it as a grenade is a neat idea. Also Raspy is a fan of bombing her own crew to try and generate blasts, so the golem could toss it, have it activate and do some damage and then let Raspy blast it to pieces. 


The idea of having Kaeris use her wings of fire ability could be neat as at least it can drop a scheme and hopefully still cause some damage afterwords. Also if you can manage to keep it on fire, then you could immolate it and trigger "born of fire" and get a fire gamin out of it. 

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Put him in a mei feng crew. SHe can jump around on his back, and when he ultimately explodes from Half Life he'll leave scrap she can continue to jump to. And you don't reaaally care about the life of the thing, as he's meant to pass anyways. 


I know it's a 10thunders tactic, but Toshiro in a Mei Feng crew could make the Electrical Creation interesting by also turning it into a Komainu.



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