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Deciding which master to run when


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Hi folks. After playing around with various factions, I've committed to the Arcanists, and have really been enjoying playing Ramos and Mei Feng. Up till now I've mostly been using Ramos, with MF for Reckoning or to haul in Kang against Ressers, that sort of thing. But I've recently picked up Raspy and Kaeris as well, along with various models that go along with them (December Acolytes, Union Miners, a proxy Firestarter, etc.). So my question for you all is this: when do you run which arcanist master? Are there particular strategies / schemes where you've found a specific master excels, or particular enemy factions / masters that would prompt you to choose one master over another? Our local scene is very friendly and relaxed, and I'm having a good time just getting the feel of various arcanist combinations, but I'm curious whether people have strong feelings about running particular masters in particular situations. Thanks!

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I don't have a comprehensive response for you, but I was thinking about Mei Feng and Reckoning recently, and I don't think she's well suited for it. While she looks like a fairly stand-alone, destructive Master, I believe that her real strong area is in being exceedingly mobile. But she can only be that mobile when you have a good number of Constructs kicking around for her to jump to. Reckoning requires you to put as few, and as tough, models in your crew as you can, and I believe that these two goals contradict each other. I want 3xMetal Gamin in my crew to maximize Mei's mobility, but while they are super tanky 4ss models, they are still easy to kill for Reckoning points.


I've been considering Ironsides for Reckoning, who looks to require little more than being near the enemy. I haven't played with her yet though to find out!

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I've been considering Ironsides for Reckoning, who looks to require little more than being near the enemy. I haven't played with her yet though to find out!

Haven't played her either, but the feeling I get is that she needs a crowd of enemies to get going so if the opponent also goes for just a few heavies her offence might be a bit lacklustre.

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I admit that I have not had the greatest time with Mei in Reckoning. I had mainly been taking her so I could bring Kang along, but now that I have a broader set of arcanist models to field, that might not be necessary: Ramos or Raspy could go with all bruisers, say Ice Golem, Rail Golem, Joss, and Hank. I guess I'm more interested in the broader question of how you go about picking which Arcanist master when - do you just have fun trying out different combinations, or are there times when you think, I don't know, something like "Ok Reconnoiter, Protect Territory, and Breakthrough, it's gotta be Ramos."

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Seconded. The man has access to Gupps and Silurids. There are your Reckoning points right there. A couple of molemen and/or canine remains is just overkill, but why not?

The Marcus player in the club I go to runs him with Jakalope, Myranda, Cojo, Razorspine Rattler, Sabretooth Cerberus, and a Dawn Serpent.


It's pretty beastly.


(pun most definitely intended)

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That's an easier question Ierthling, but you won't like the answer. :P I tend to play Mei because I like her style. I got Ramos because I wanted to play with summoning, but his playstyle isn't so much my desired playstyle.


Which is also why I was thinking about Ironsides -- running forward and hitting things? SIGN ME UP.

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I think Mei with reckoning is a solid option. There's lots of VERY resilient constructs available (lazarus, joss, rail golem, howard) and you can just use Mei as a force multiplier wherever you need her in a given turn. Take three of those guys plus Kang and take a lot of soulstones and you shouldn't struggle too much. You also don't have to take few models at all costs in reckoning. 


There's a few bad matchups when your opponent takes anti-construct/anti-armour crews, but in general, that type of crew is rock solid. Mei also isn't particularly dependent on having a totem, which is an advantage when thinking of reckoning. 

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So far so good - but reckoning isn't really the issue, I actually find reckoning the most straightforward strategy to build a list for. I'm more curious whether people who have more experience being able to field a bunch of different Arcanist masters have a basic thought process they go through to decide which one to use. Are there particular cues you're looking for that prompt you to pick one Arcanist master over another, or do people mostly just run whoever they feel like and tailor the rest of the list to the specifics of the match?

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Are people saying Ramos is good at reckoning because of shifting gears away from summoning and making him a utility healer? That would be the only time I would see him being baller at that...


My suggestion for Arcanist Reckoning would be either Ironsides or Kaeris running an elite M&SU crew, and include a Johan to throw heals around. 


Turfwar, maybe the same, though a late turn ramos can just keep summoning new spiders up in the center to lock those points down.

Reconnoiter, Definintely ramos, as his summons can, again, put a lot of significant models on the board, though bringing a mechanical rider can help anyone with that one.

Stake a Claim  Kaeris probably. Her "On wings of fire" give out a lot of flying which can help with position for a claim marker- remembering that the scheme marker placed at the end can't count as a "claim". Rail Golem and Howard langston are both good "claim Jumpers". Colette also, as she can throw unactivated people around and they can claim on their turns. 

Squatters rights A very Collette-ee strat, the performers have don't mind me, so they can interact while engaged, and with prompt they can do it outside of their own activations.


But really, it comes down to play what you have fun playing, and with a crew that can get the job done. Raspy has some tanks and decent healing with silent ones, so who's to say they can't do turf war? Colette can prompt some very murderey models, so who's to say she can't do reckoning? 


... Except for Reconnoiter. Ramos is definitively better at that one. Maybe than anyone. 




P.S. This came up somewhere else- thought and process for choosing a team for schemes and strats.... I find that the strat will often inform which master I am going to choose, and the schemes will more likely inform the crew.


For instance, reckoning, I want a master who can survive as well as kill, so ironsides. Then I'll choose, oh... protect territory and bodyguard? So I'll bring a couple metal gamin (especially if make them suffer is on the table) to plant and sit, and a johan to heal, and some gunsmiths and/or oxford mages to take advantage of M&SU buffs, and make some extra murder when models are too far out for reckoning).


Or Reconnoiter- I want ramos, but I'd love to be able to summon offensively as well, so I'll grab a mechanical rider. Ramos can summon in two quarters pretty well, and the rider can make her way to the opponent's side then start summoning metal gamin on his/her side of the board starting turn two to make them have to pick which quarters to try and control through AP. Then I'll take, say, plant evidence since I'll hopefully have spare models on their side of the board to do interacts over there, and maybe frame for murder on my brass arachnid, then have it follow the rider around.

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