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I hate the Latigos so much


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I have better results against Guild with my swampfiends than Gremlin lists since I usually use gremlins for tournaments.
I might switch to neverborn for tournaments since there are three guild players in my meta.
Actually there is a fourth guild player and also an Ortega, but I still haven't played against him once...
I've played only once against Ortegas. I usually face Lady J and Sonnia and they also like to wipe the floor with little green guys.

Ortegas seem pretty sturdy and I haven't tried my Pandora or Lilith against them yet.
I'm toughening up for a rematch from the previously mentioned player since I'll try to beat him up with Lilith this time around.
Just got me some nice wave 2 upgrades for said game (mimicky Tuco and mimicky mature lead by a winged Lilith).
I'll try killing Enslaved nephilim with Tuco early on, but I'm afraid I'll just sacrifice him. Depends on Initiative and who sets up his crew first really.

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So would people consider the Swampfiend Recycling list as a solid anti-Guild build in general?

If I were going to go for anti-guild...to say; anti-shooty, then I'd likely build a crew around getting into melee as fast as possible with heavy hitters.  With that in mind, I'd pull this nightmare of a list out:


Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap

The Dreamer -- 5 Pool

 +Dreams of Pain [5]

Daydream X 2 [4]

Bad Juju [8]

 +Eternal Fiend [2]

 +Hexed Among You [1]

Killjoy [13]

Silurid [7]

Silurid [7]


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How do you respond to so few activations in such a list? It would seem to me like you are basically spending T1-2 just making more targets in a game that does not require you to shoot the closest target.......


Well, I would guess that this Dreamer would mainly summon Stitched, who have good anti-shooting tech, do a ton of damage, and cannot be dispatched with a single shot. Also, more targets to shoot is not a bad thing per se, as target selection is one of the more difficult things for good shooting crews like Criid or Dita.

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That's a mean list, if you know what you're doing with the Dreamer.



I actually don't enjoy playing this list and only bring it out when a 'win at all costs' player is draining the fun out of my meta.



I'd replace one of those silurids with 2 Gupps. More swampfiends for Badjujuism and more minis in general. Silurid is a bit costly and he dies to easily, so I never take 2.

Also, did you take into account that the Dreamer has increased SS pool from beta testing?


The reason this list uses Slurids instead of Gupps is because of their greater movement and the fact that they die easily.  I want the Silurid to die, so Juju and Killjoy come out and play surrounded by Latigos.  They have to be dealt with or their entire crew will be slaughtered.  This list isn't so much concerned with recycling Juju, as it is using swampfiends as a delivery vehicle.



How do you respond to so few activations in such a list? It would seem to me like you are basically spending T1-2 just making more targets in a game that does not require you to shoot the closest target.......


Well, I would guess that this Dreamer would mainly summon Stitched, who have good anti-shooting tech, do a ton of damage, and cannot be dispatched with a single shot. Also, more targets to shoot is not a bad thing per se, as target selection is one of the more difficult things for good shooting crews like Criid or Dita.


First turn would be spent summoning two models (maybe three if I took the Alp path for Blood Gift).  While Killjoy and/or Juju move against Francisco first.  The other Silurid keeping Nino busy so my newly summoned nightmares are not shot to death as they come out.  Basically, the way this list works is: Aggressively deploy Silurids to engage the crew while still in their deployment zone and deliver Killjoy & Bad Juju, letting them go nuts to do as much damage as they can.  Meanwhile, The Dreamer spends the first two turns summoning and healing 4 friends who then get to work.  


I really do not find this list fun to play.  It feels too much like a power game list held over from the 40k days.  Of course, strat/schemes would determine its effectiveness from a VP standpoint.  As written, the focus of this list is brutality...not finesse, which is how I tend to play Dreamer.  It does need to be said that this is not an 'auto-win' list by any means.

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I don't think it's really any different than facing anyone else. If Sonnia drops you're going to face just as much shooting. You can't really build your crew based on what the enemy master might be......I think you build your crew bases on strats/schemes/terrain and then just deal with what you face.....better to just take a well-rounded crew in my opinion.

I think that this is true in the ideal situation but often you know what Masters your opponent has available and can make an educated guess based on the strats/schemes but also your knowledge of his knowledge of what you have available in turn.
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I think that this is true in the ideal situation but often you know what Masters your opponent has available and can make an educated guess based on the strats/schemes but also your knowledge of his knowledge of what you have available in turn.


True. I have played for about a year now, and I have 2 Resser Masters, and 6 Guild Masters. If I declare Resser, my opponent knows that I will play either Seamus or McM. If I declare Guild, my opponent can only guess. If he knows me, he knows that I love to play Lady Justice and Perdita Ortega, so those get a little more probable.


Bottom line: He would have to guess, but he could make some good estimates after about one year of playing this game.

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You could make a guess, but even if you only have two masters it could be a waste of time to guess. I have everything Guild so that's not a good example, but I have two Arcanist crews I play.....Marcus and Raspy. They're both completely different.....you can't tailor a list to cover both of them....one is fast hard-hitting melee, the other is tanky long range death.....they both excel at different Schemes, but there's enough of an overlap that you can't guess.

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In general, I make lists based on strat/scheme, and the master I want to play.  I typically don't consider the opposing players choice of master.


I do. Then, I just take Lady Justice and kill them.


But seriously, I do, to some extent. But it's wild guessing, like dgraz said. I would never leave the house without some condition removal and some Wp buffs against neither Neverborn or Ressers, for example, but then I just build for objectives and hope for a good match-up.

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