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trouble contacting wyrd

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Well I've emailed many times over the past two weeks, so i would have thought someone would have got back to me by now as it doesn't take long to return an email.

It does when there are thousands of them or if you are busy doing something else.  I wouldnt have thought they would get back to you by now.  You do know these past 2 weeks just happen to be the busiest time of the year this company has right?

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You don't know if they have thousands of emails, you're just presuming. Either way it doesn't take five minutes to reply to an email and a response shouldn't take several weeks. I know what time of year it is, but I am pretty sure wyrd is capable of sending out purchases and replying to emails within a reasonable time frame.

Thanks for your help.

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You don't know if they have thousands of emails, you're just presuming. Either way it doesn't take five minutes to reply to an email and a response shouldn't take several weeks. I know what time of year it is, but I am pretty sure wyrd is capable of sending out purchases and replying to emails within a reasonable time frame.

Thanks for your help.


My point was that your argument that one email doesn't take too long to type is ridiculous and has nothing to do with anything because there is more than one email.  Sorry if that wasnt clear enough.  And while I am assuming really it is a bit of a joke if you dont think they got at least 2000 emails(thousands).  I am sure they got more.  I sent them 2 emails myself in the first 3 or so hours of the gencon store opening. 



I am pretty sure the whole thing here is that they ARE sending out purchases in a reasonable time frame and they seem to be not replying to emails to make that happen.  My first two orders dealt with days ago had very early and fast shipping confirmation emails, my last order from the last few days didnt get a shipping confirmation email until about an hour before the package arrived at my house(and I am in California it takes like 4-5 days for the packages to reach me).  In addition there have been more and more reports over the last few days of people not getting any shipping confirmation emails at all and just getting the packages.  If Wyrd was going to cut corners at all it would be with answering emails, which is what they are doing according to the bit nathan mentioned about all hands being on deck for packaging and someone only answering emails every few days. 


I admit this is a load of guesswork and assumptions, but even if none of it is true you are still making a ridiculous argument about the time it takes to type one email (irrelevant) and in addition you have already gotten a comment from Nathan acknowledging the time it is taking them to get back to emails and telling you someone isnt working on them every day.  What more do you want?  (other than your email answered immediately)


I apologize if this came off ruder than I intended, it is difficult not to be annoyed with all the complaining on the forums recently and your argument about how it would take less than 5 minutes to send you an email really is silly.

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It would take more than five minutes to find it, probably. 


My order was one that arrived without an email confirmation, I got it friday, and I still haven't seen a confirmation that they've sent it, so you can see how far behind they are there! It has to have been shipped at least 3 days ago. 


A little patience won't kill you. 


You're not the only fed up with the whining, Lup. It's a little ridiculous. 

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Is whining about still having good no news on a missing TTB kickstarter pledge ok? Is asking for a tracking number so we can know what is going on, asking too much?


Did anyone say it was not ok or asking too much?  Or are you saying that is the only thing anyone has complained about recently?  I think if you are missing your kickstarter pledge of course you should contact Wyrd and complain about it.  I think people like you who are missing kickstarter pledges are one of the many reasons people like Mercer should have a little patience, considering the TTB kickstarter just happened I am sure Wyrd was already receiving tons of emails and things regarding miscasts and mispacks, missing packages, second TTB exclusive fate decks and hardcover books, and all manner of things related to the TTB kickstarter.  This combined with the general avalanche of emails I am sure they get because of gencon is the reason I think we should not be expecting prompt responses right now. 


I didn't say all of the complaining was unfounded.  Just that there has been a great deal of it recently.  Some of it has most certainly been ridiculous/unfounded or at the least over the top or impatient. 

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There is actually someone in here, on their day off (as well as Saturday and Sunday) who has been entering paperwork and is now sorting customer e-mails.


That includes anything TTB related.


If I could get just anyone to answer e-mails, I'd get my son in here to say 'hey thanks, nope, yup, got no clue, sorry I'm only doing this cause my dad said people wanted replies ...'. What it comes down to is the folks who can check, or have the information, are already thirty jobs into a thousand and don't have the time to stop and answer everyone that comes up with a question or need information to answer someones e-mail. 


So what happens is that until that said person, or another whom can also do so, comes up for air, it waits. Or they, and I, come in on our off days and instead of spending it off with our families, spend it here sorting thing (which is just as well, it needs doing). 


All year we're pretty much on top of it. You bring August about, a Kickstarter, new releases and Gencon, and we get buried. We tell you as much, and ask for time and patience. Don't be surprised if it takes us two to three weeks to get our feet back under us.

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Well, and, just to support that Nathan, it takes time to answer E-mails in volume, which seems to have been forgotten about by some of the people on the forum.  If it indeed only took 5 min to answer an E-mail, as a previous poster mentioned, and if we assume that you only, as a total company, received 200 E-mails a day, you would still need to employ 2 people working slightly more than 8 hour shifts, whose only job would be to answer E-mails, as it would take roughly 16.6 hours to answer your daily E-mails, let alone the shear volume that comes in around August.

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Yeah, kinda that.


I think I've gotten some of them down to a couple minutes though. :)


Honestly folks, we would like to be caught up as well - 14 hour days, with no days off since the one mandatory Sunday before Gencon .. kinda sucks in terms of work/time, but I am genuinely pleased for the volume and reason to be doing so. 


That said, I know some folks didn't get all of this or that. We're sorting it. If you're asking about convention support right now (and some of you are), well, I'm trying to be open minded, but worst possible time to ask. If we screwed the pooch on something, I apologize to pooch and we'll get it sorted. 


So .. now back to answering e-mails, and the occasional hate mail!

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I have been in communication with Aaron and Justin concerning my Gencon order being shipped to someone in Oregon (I live in Florida) and me receiving his package instead. I know you guys are swamped, and will be for awhile (one of the reasons I have held off on a damaged product replacement request). I also know this is the kind of time where things can get lost or held up. I am not expecting for this to be straightened out tomorrow, I simply want to be sure that my issue has reached the ears and eyes of the right people, not for me (I would have likely waited until you guys were caught up to bring up the issue if it was just me), but for the gentleman whose package I am in possession of.


I wish the Wyrd staff good luck in what is certainly a monumental task,

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I just want to say that I think its great that Nathan and Justin are happy to get on here to talk to people. Wyrd is such an awesome company, and I can't wait for my Henchman application to be (hopefully) approved so I can start repping them.

Nb: not a hint to do my application, I'm happy to wait :)

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