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Shooty Arcanist Masters/Minions


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So I have a Ramos box set, and I love the idea of summoning spiders and the like, so will grab a few more Arachnids in the near future. I want to focus on Arcanists I think as my faction of choice to start with, and having noticed that Ramos' crew box is melee orientated I was wondering what are stand-out minions I could add to give me more flexibility once schemes and strategies have been announced.


I know the post says Masters/Minions, but really any Henchmen/Enforcers or mercenaries will do. I was thinking of grabbing Marcus' box and some Sylurids/Molemen once they hit the release schedule, but again whilst the beast army is really cool aesthetically they'll be melee focused and I'd like to be able to shoot things. 

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December Acolytes could be interesting, I was eyeing up Rapsutina as she has a box already (although I think the Acolytes are their own box I think?). 


What's the base cost of the Trapper?

The Rapsy box hads Ice Gamin and a Ice Golem. No Acolytes sorry it a box set only.


The trapper is 6 base so 7 as a merc.

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I really enjoy the Acolytes. Been playing a fair bit of Kaeris lately and I still choose them over gunsmiths in most lists. 


From the shadows gets them where you need them from the start. But the real advantage is the slow + discard a card trigger. I find these great for disrupting my opponent's plans. If you run Howard (and why wouldn't you with Ramos) even if the opponent discards low cards it limits his options for Howard's kill trigger.

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