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Jumping in with both feet! Nightmares!

Stupid Bob

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Thanks for the kind words guys!


To clarify, the bases are VERY MUCH work in progress...not sure where I'm going with them, but the texture is done at least :)


I'll get some pics of them in the buildings ASAP


This is not my first mini game, having done Warhammer, 40k, WM/H, Flames at probably others I've forgotten. I have to say though that I've had more fun painting these minis than I have any others...it's not a chore with these guys, it's something I look forward to doing!


I need to up the pace though...I'm buying models faster than I'm painting them! Never a good thing!


Thanks again!!

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Stupid Bob,


Your models look impressive enough to me, I'd be proud to see them on the table. I'm more interested in what your going to do with your bases. You laid down a "weird" foundation to build on. The ground looks to big for dirt painting. It looks like smooth stones at the edge of a river bed that's dried up or something. Best of luck on turning them into something.



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