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Som'er Advise


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Hi guys


I recently picked up Som'er specifically for Johana and I never really had any interest in the Gremlin faction as a whole but the more I look into the little blighters the more intrigued I'm becoming. I've checked out the PMF Wiki on Som'er and while there is some really useful info there the page is incomplete. So basically what I'm looking for here is some advise on his typical crew builds and model selections that work well with him, play styles, upgrade choices and somebody to sell me on him before I sell him! I'll say it now though that the pigs don't really interest me (yet!) so if we can focus on the Gremlin sides of things to begin with that would be great!

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A typical Somer crew, in my humble opinion, should include at least the following:

- Family Tree Upgrade

- 3x Bayou Gremlins

- 1x Slop Hauler


Those 16ss will form the "summoning engine" that drives a Somer crew.  Use Somer's actions to use Get Yer Bro from the Family Tree upgrade and then use the Slop Hauler to start healing everything back up.


I find Lenny with his Love It And Pet It upgrade is pretty reliable as well.  It aids in the general focus of the crew by providing more summoning, and Lenny himself is a solid support model and beatstick.


Skeeters are, in my opinion, a take-it-or-leave-it totem.  They can be useful, but they aren't absolute must-haves.  Cranky is alright with the crew, but not a must-have either.  So you have some options there.


After that, I typically reach for a 2nd Slop Hauler, though ti's not absolutely necessary.  I just like having the back-up and can use the 1st to heal the summoned gremlins while the 2nd helps maintain the health of my front line.


The remaining points are really up to you.  Pick whatever you like or whatever looks good for the Strats/Schemes of the game.  There are very few bad choices in the Gremlin Faction, especially since Somer doesn't need/want much beyond his "summoning engine" components specifically.

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What Darguth said...except in Reckoning. BG's die to easily so you'll be giving away easy VP. In reckoning you want your tanks/damage dealers like Lenny, Francois etc.

Sell you on Gremlins? OK, Will give it a shot...


Do you like fun?


Yes: Gremlins are for you


No: err, give them a go anyway

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I''ve checked out the PMF Wiki on Som'er and while there is some really useful info there the page is incomplete. So basically what I'm looking for here is some advise on his typical crew builds and model selections that work well with him, play styles, upgrade choices and somebody to sell me on him before I sell him! I'll say it now though that the pigs don't really interest me (yet!) so if we can focus on the Gremlin sides of things to begin with that would be great!

I would recommend taking a good look at the 1.5 entries for Som'er on Pullmyfinger. A lot of the recommendations and tactics are still valid though might require an upgrade or additional model to pull off now. Combined with some of the newer M2E options those core tactics can really turn the game in your favor or amp up a crew build.

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Thanks for the response guys, I feel the little green hillybilly in my fighting to get out! I think perhaps what I should do is find somebody to give me a couple of games on Vassal so I can have a play around and get a feel for Som'er in general and perhaps give some of the other models a try. Ophelia's kin look really good fun as well. Perhaps after a little bit of experience with the little guys I might be convinced 100%  :D

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Somer strikes me as a master that is pretty open to what he can take, much like Zoraida, save for a few set models if you take Family Tree.  He even is interesting with Old Major from Wave 2 as he can remove your opponent's hand and give the henchman big Reactivation.  Might be an interesting pig list as if he can remove hands and maybe have some Slop haulers for Df debuffing.

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Old Major is an absolute beast with a mixed arms Somer build. Saddle allows Somer to focus entirely on spamming summons while staying mobile. Old pig knows the way lets the summoned gremlins and slop haulers stay mobile in the early game. Ceaseless advance even gives you a reason to go for the bigger hat every now and again.

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I, honestly, probably wouldn't pick Somer for Reckoning.  Killing stuff *and* not letting his stuff be killed isn't really what he's about.  We have Masters that do it better :)


I agree *cough*Ophelia*cough*, but if he's your only master in the faction or you're in a fixed master event then it's good to know what to do

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Yeah, backing up Malal's comment - I find Somer is a master that excels when you flood the board with cheap models and run rampant over the board.  I rarely have models left at the end of the game, but my win/loss record is very good.  His warbands don't usually excel at wiping out the other warband, but the number of activations all those Bayou gremlins can output will really cause your opponents head aches.  They simply lay down so many scheme markers that you are almost guaranteed certain schemes, like Line in the Sand. 


I use Pigs to run interference, but you don't need to if you don't want.



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I honestly don't get why people are so averse to summoning in reckoning.

Seems pretty obvious to me.  Flooding the board with squishy, significant mooks for your opponent to score off while simultaneously utilizing models that--while quite good overall--are not well suited for taking down the elite, hard targets your opponent probably brings to Reckoning seems ill-advised.


It's not an auto-loss, but you're handicapping yourself with those kinds of tactics and you're going to have to micro-manage your own wounds a lot to try to deny your opponent points.  There are just better options.

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I don't ever run Somer with Family Tree. I tend to take Skeeters, PMF, Liquid Bravery and or Dirty Cheater depending on what faction I am facing. Let Sammy carry Encouragement and you have a Sh5  :+fate to attack master that can deal out  :blast . Also like to get him a bit close and Do It Like Dis with a  :crow (at range its a  :ram for Thinkin Luck) gives him  :+fate flips to attack from Sammy who may have made it so the target cannot declare triggers so Somer can go to town and try and turn it into a piglet. 

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Has anyone ever tried Somer without Family Tree? (And no, giving it to Sammy is not what I mean)


I haven't, but I think it's likely viable.  Encouragement is a bonkers-good offensive upgrade.  A rgarbanzo was saying, it seems perfectly viable to run him as a shooty beatstick master with tons of support.


My only complaint is that Ophelia can already do this, and probably still a bit better.  Since Ophelia *can't* summon, whereas Somer can, I personally draw the line of distinction between them in which role I'd like them to play.  But, that's honestly all just personal preference.  I'd think Somer Gunline is probably pretty good.


How many Bayou's would Som'er like to have? :D


All of them :D


In all seriousness though, I think you want at least 8 (so a starter plus 1 extra box of BGs) and probably don't need any more than 12 except in rare edge cases.


I typically only start with 3 BGs as my initial Get Yer Bro targets.  Assuming I summon 3x per turn maximum, I'd hit 12 BGs by end of Somer's activation Turn 3.  BGs have a tendency to die though, so they have a pretty quick turnover rate and you'll likely have enough die through the mid-game turns that the models can be used as late game re-summons. 


That's been my overall experience anyway.  If you start with more than 3-4 BGs, you might want a third extra box of BGs to bring your collection to 16 maybe, just in case.  I suppose it also depends on how many official events you play in.  I play casually so in the very rare case I need more than 12 I can usually use a spare model or two to proxy with.

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I haven't, but I think it's likely viable.  Encouragement is a bonkers-good offensive upgrade.  A rgarbanzo was saying, it seems perfectly viable to run him as a shooty beatstick master with tons of support.


My only complaint is that Ophelia can already do this, and probably still a bit better.  Since Ophelia *can't* summon, whereas Somer can, I personally draw the line of distinction between them in which role I'd like them to play.  But, that's honestly all just personal preference.  I'd think Somer Gunline is probably pretty good.



Actually Somer this ways plays more like Ophelia last edition. With his Skeeters, Lenny and himself passing out suits you can get the trigger you want rather than the one flipped and cover quite a bit of the board as well. Ophelia can do similar things as Somer, but Somer can still summon piglets (for the cost of a single card) off of dead enemies, gets blasts off at range, has amazing synergy with Bayou Two Card and Dirty Cheater, (B2C can be used for damage flips people!). The way I play him is support/combat with summons from his pig sticker.  Ophelia is a single target eliminator, Somer is a crew buffer that can eliminate a target and maybe a bit more as well...

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