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Malifaux Game Mats and Road Terrain

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Hi All,

    Just wanted to let you guys (and gals) know about some new game mats I've been working on.   I had a special request from a Malifaux gammer a little bit ago, to create a special 3x3 Game Mat.   After some conversations here's what we came up with for him, and we think the community might be interested in them as well.


All our mats are made with a neoprene rubber backing, and a soft printed fabric top (think mousepad material).   The mats are 1/8" thick, and roll up nicely for shipping, or storage.


First we came up with our plain Dirt Mat: 


To Order, or see a few other photos:  http://www.mygamemats.com/products/products/rough-dirt-malifaux-mat


And from that we thought maybe a nice Grassy Mat that also has a path through it.   I went with a cobblestone path, thats been somewhat distressed. 


To Order or See more photos: http://www.mygamemats.com/products/products/grassy_trail_game_mat_malifaux



Last but not least, we thought it would be cool to be able to add roads to any game surface, but we wanted the roads to be customizable, and not static, so they could be laid out in different configurations for each scenario.   So to that end we came up with our Road Cut-outs, which are made with the same material as all our game mats. 



To Order: http://www.mygamemats.com/products/products/malifaux-warhammer-distressed-roads-terrain-pieces


Then we thought maybe it'd be cool to have the same roads, but with some blood spatter on them.  Same roads as above, but with some splatter.  Here's a closeup.



To Order: http://www.mygamemats.com/products/products/malifaux-warhammer-distressed-roads-blood-terrain-



Well guys and gals, I hope you like what we've come up with.   That's it for now from us at http://www.mygamemats.com



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Those are really cool!  I wish they were a little cheaper, they would make great demo boards for cons!

Yeah, I really wish I could make them a bit cheeper too.   I've tried to bring the price down even more, but just can't shave off the additional cost of producing them. 



Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to the community for the welcome, and the support.   We still have a few mats left in stock, so if you are thinking about getting one, now is a good time before they are all gone, and you have to wait for the re-order.   

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Just got my mats. They definitely exceed my expectations.... VERY nice.  These will make fantastic travel mats (even better than my zuzzy mats I think).


Well worth the price in my opinion.  Great product and thanks for making them available and pimping it on the forums here! :-D

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Just got my mats. They definitely exceed my expectations.... VERY nice.  These will make fantastic travel mats (even better than my zuzzy mats I think).


Well worth the price in my opinion.  Great product and thanks for making them available and pimping it on the forums here! :-D

Thanks for the nice complement on the mats!   I'm so glad that you like them so much!    Love to see some pics of your games with them, when you get a chance to play!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How much would shipping to the UK be?

Hey guys sorry, I've not been back in a while.   Our shipping overseas is pretty expensive.  The best way to figure it out, is to go through our checkout process, and at the end, it'll give you a total, including shipping.  


One thing I've found (and this honestly isn't to sell more mats) is that if you are thinking about getting the dirt and the grass, it would be cheaper to get them together than shipped separately.   The Magic # for keeping the shipping costs as low as possible / mat.. is 3 mats.    It's still not cheap, but that's what I've found. 

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You mean it's printed in color?

Yep, the mats are printed and then applied to the fabric using a process called Dye-Sublimation.     The mats are full color


Just to confirm - the mats are not painted, right?

Nope, they aren't painted, they are printed.





The last shot is blurry, but I kept it included because it's the only pic I have that close to the mat.  I only remembered to take these at the top of turn 4, so quite a lot had happened already... hopefully it still gives you a decent idea.


Rover, thanks for the pics, they are great.   Would you mind me adding these to the product page for the dirt mat? 

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I love the idea of these mats.  coming from being a Zuzzy user, though they are great mats as well, i would love the ease and durability of these.. i will have to pick one up.  


one question, i noticed you do roads as well, would you be doing any other style roads?  i am looking along the lines of cobblestone roads like the streets of malifaux, or dirt roads (simple western town dirt roads).  


i would love to have some easy roads that lay flat to add extra detail to a board.  




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