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hi, a little Tara list hear, nothing special.


50 ss


tara, knowledge of eternity, obliteration symbiote

the 2 almost mandatory upgrades, basically allowing Tara to manipulate and control things as she doesn't work as a beater, and her in built control is iffy, you could take eternal journey if you want it.


student of conflict

can give fast and I don't like her normal totem.



to provide some ranged support, he can cover Tara and make death ally's in areas I need covering, he has a discard to help clean your hand if you want.



classic in a Tara crew, he's my melee beater, as I have a lot of good ranged in the crew this guy is there to tie up big nasty's that may hunt my soft guys or go minion stomping, as I have the symbiote I can shoot him into the enemy wear I want him.



she is a sister and so has some student combos, she likes to be on the centre line, giving me a forward ranged model to help support Tara, I have no constructs so I have little use for that ability, average melee if I need to body block with her, the surges may seem weird but I tend to want Hans to activate after her so he can use the surged cards, also she lets me re stack my deck witch is very strong in a hand less Tara crew.


3 void wretches

these are nice, they can heal a burred friendly, attack a burred enemy, there df will be silly high, there incorporeal and so can do my objective running, all-round just nice guys to have


this leaves us with a 6ss pool (1 of max) giving me lots of ss to use on important flips




so yh, nothing special just some strong individual pieces with strong synergy's, can kill, run survive, what ever you need, with all the discards you could swap kj for nothing beast, but I like that he starts buried and the nothing beast is a glass cannon compered to killjoy who is a meaty cannon 

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I would rather build specialized lists tailored to the drawn Schemes and Strategy, but there's definitely something to be said about having a solid basis for variation!


Two comments I have --



Knowledge of Eternity is very powerful, but I debate it's "mandatory" status. 2ss is a lot if you don't have a specific purpose for it. I've tended to take it when I take the NB, so he can be buried easily after his alpha strike. The (+) to initiative is good, but frustrates me since I tend to flip a 5 and a 6 anyway. :P


I haven't used the Student (nor Vanessa!) but I've found the Malifaux Child to be brilliant, particularly with KoE where on a 10+ he can Pull the Void on anything on the table.

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Ok, I kind of like vanessa, I don't think I'd take her out, she dose so much and it all works with how tara works.

I could swap to the childe and lose the upgrade giving me anothere 4 ss, then I could cut a void wretch to put something biger and more scheme based into the list.

I get the whole build to your scheme, but when I'm learning I prefer to stick to a similer list, fined all its good and bad points then make small changes, also as you say a core is good, a 2-3 modle group you always use, then swap the rest

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I like the convict fits nice in the semi ranged crew idea, only downsiades are the discard might not be possible as I have a lot already, also anothere ranged member might not help me get up there to do schemes.

I'm not at home and can't remember the ronins stats and skills but ill look into them

I typicly prefer high cost hench enforce style modles, but I see the need for multi small modals

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Bishop is a pretty durable scheme runner if you're happy to pay for it. 3AP really helps in interacting, and he is hard to shift, whilst beign able to hurt most things out there.


If i remember (code for I might be talkign rubbish but I don't have the cards to hand) the Sister upgrade that allows Flurry and Rapid fire without discarding a card can be taken by Vanessa, which would then allow your Ronin and your Convicts (And Bishop) to gain those extra attacks witrhout the discard.

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yh, Vanessa can, that's kind of good, she could make a minion a sister so they get to heal to, I don't think I could warrant using this though as the only one to get it would be the 1/2 ronin or convicts I take, or bishop and that's not enough benefit to me, but good shout


I like the bishop idea, he's quite nice, i don't know if i can get enough out of him, but ill consider it for sure 

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Bishop is fast and has a very versatile offence, but how is he durable? He has no defensive abilities and can't use stones.


A high Df and a lot of wounds with a garenteed trigger that means if you miss him in melee you take damage.

It certainly will reduce the number of attacks I would place against him. as a random speculative attack is much more likely to hurt me than him.


I guess it depends on how durable you count as durable. It'll generally take multiple activations to kill him.

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I tend to lean on both aspects, but I've had quite a bit of success in taking Dead of Winter and using her fast pulse to hit the requisite enemy model and a good number of friendly models, then either send Void Wretches in to kill the fast model or bury it with Glimpse the Void or a Death Marshal. 


That, or I'll hit a bunch of enemy models around Karina with the fast pulse and let the Void Wretches tear them apart while they take damage for activating near her. 

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yh if your using fast then you want to use a bubble crew, its a little less useful on recon strat imo as you want to be clustered although you can camp mid in a bubble then spread In the last few turns after obliterating everything. lure/obey style models are nice for it. I have 2 crew subjections for that style, Bothe are not standard and there for probably subpar


1 Vanessa, I know I know I have a crush on her, but she dose have a lot of Tara synergy's, but the main reason is she can take the upgrade allowing no discards for mercs so your convicts can use the fast ap to move up then rapid-fire with no discard


2 montressor, a lot of people think he's over priced in a jack daw list so in a Tara list why bother, well you have no hench yet so there's a new guy to use your ss, and he has lots of pulls, mont can pull some one in and keep them there as your enemy fast target, he's also tuff enough to hold a enemy big guy still effectively disabling them for a portion of the game. mocking laughter makes the burry's easier if you want to burry the target after fasting, he's terrifying so he might paralyse the fast model when they start doing things wasting there fast or he can melee trigger for paralyze once again wasting the enemy fast ap, nimble means he can have 4 ap

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