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My first Malifaux miniatures


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The miniatures look very nice. very well painted.


I find that with snow bases, having a few tiers on the bases, works well, that way you have snow on the tops of things, but the sides are showing. works well with cork board, and also grass tufts

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Thank you folks for all the feedback. I'm starting to agree that the bases might need a little more, my plan initially was to go for very clean white snow with some blood effects to tie all the gang together. My painting style tends to be quite dark naturally so I was hoping for a nice contrast. I may try adding a few partially submerged tufts or some layers with cork (as suggested). I've been carefully to pin the models to the bases and use superglue so they' shouldn't be too hard to swap out.

I'm not new to painting, just the game. II'm currently about half-way through the Razorspine Rattler so will add a pic or two when it's done.

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VERY nice, smooth tones across the models! I do agree that the bases need a bit, but I love that the Marcus crew is going to be snow-based. In particular, the blood-spatter on the Jackalope's base is PERFECT! For that base, I might add some tufts of winter grass poking through, but I'd leave that one well-enough alone. I like the sparse base... it has almost a Kubrickian feel of something small, yet horribly evil in a vastly empty area. I can almost see the camera slowly zooming in to reveal to heinous nature of the scene. 


He's a really small model, on a small base, and leaving the base open like that adds a bit, I think. Putting too much more on it would hide the glorious blood spatter and crowd the model too much. At least, in my humble opinion. :) I just really like it!!

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Love these. Nice work. I really like the sparse bases. Makes a change and your painting is good enough to not need to take the eye away from your model! So I say keep it. And love the little bit of blood in the snow

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Progress! I've tried to keep the colour palette similar so the gang ties in together nicely. I must confess though that individually highlighting the scales on the RSR was a real test of willpower, luckily I persevered!

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Hah.....try it on the older metal one. The scales aren't as nicely defined like the plastic one.


Looks good too. This is a cleaner pic of the Jackalope (the first one he was a little blurry)......you can really see the little hairs on him......that takes some fine brush control.....and he's soooo tiny.

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I agree on all points! Masterfully done! I think the individually highlighted scales almost alludes to the brush strokes on the Jackalope, tying them more closely together, too. And I love how the snow sticks to the bottom of the RSR as he is rearing up! That's a brilliant detail I never would have thought to include! 


One thing... I think on the horns and antlers, I might add one successive highlight lighter, or maybe all the way up to a very fine area of pure white, just to make them pop. I think it would tie the snow in a bit more, too. Are you still going to add more details to the snow bases or keep them desolate (which is a fine choice, too, I might add)?

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Wow really humbled by all the comments! Thank you all for being so nice and taking the time to reply. Below is the latest picture - sadly my photography skills suck so not got the best of shots. Just got Miranda to go now and i'll be ready to find a demo!


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Really nice flesh tone, what snow effect did you use on the bases?

It's Army Painter snow - it comes in a little square tub and I just mix it with some PVA.

No idea what to add after Myranda, I'm loving the quality of the plastic miniatures so it'll likely be one of the plastic kits. I'm thinking it'll probably be wiser to add a few models that Marcus can use rather than doing another crew straight away. I also need to find some players in or around Nottingham so I can actually try the game out!

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Whenever I see a wonderfully painted crew like this one (well, there's still Miranda to go but it's almost complete anyway) I immediately feel inspired to work on the same minis. I haven't really been interesting in working on Marcus' crew until now. 

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