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Transport & Storage case opinions


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I live in a dinky little apartment, with decent closet space, but no real space for "display shelves" for minis.  With that in mind, I've been looking to put minis into hard-cases, which will protect minis for both long-term storage and transport to gaming sessions.  Trying to balance protection, convenience, some aesthetics, and cost has been an interesting challenge, so I thought I'd fish for opinions from the fine folks here.  :D

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KR multicase has some good options with nice soft foam.

I bought into the sabol line with their foam since that what my lgs had at the time. They have a harder foam thats more abresive to your minis paintjob so good sealing with string varnish is essential to avoid chipping. Heard rumors about them restructuring etc so wouldnt really go there atm.

Some people like battle foam but Romeo the man behind it has rubbed a lot the wrong way but they seem to be growing so cant be all bad.

Recently i bought into the feldherr line for my skirmish game crews wich i think is great. But for storage?


Check out KR and see if you find anything you like?

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I love Battlefoam.  I haven't ordered the Malifaux cases themselves but I do have a lot of their products.  They can cost a bit more but I have never had any issues with the bag or their service.



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KR all the way is my recommendation. Softest foam, bizarrely tough card cases, and the backpack is comfy and has just the right amount of extra space. The kaiser bags are good too from what I'm told. Free delivery too, if I remember rightly.

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Thank you for the input.  I didn't realize that the Battlefoam cases had rigid bodies until the comments here made me give them a second look - I always thought they were soft like sabol.  I think I'll try to snag a KR box and a small Battlefoam box, compare them.


Bruglyother - I've considered the magnetized thing before, and while it's convenient for getting to the game shop & back it seems like it lacks a bit in storage density.  In addition to my budding Malifaux collection, I've got a small mountain of old (metal) minis from my D&D days, stored in a motley and wearing out selection of boxes (especially the old Ral Partha cardboard boxes with foam separators).  Most are integral-based, and the idea of trying to magnetize that heap...  :blast

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Magnets aren't for everyone.  But I will say storage space is not as limited as you may think.  My toolbox is roughly half again as large as a battlefoam malifaux bag, and it already holds 250ish figures with plenty of room to spare for more.  It also allows for some more creativity in posing and basing as I am no longer constrained by the shapes in the foam.


If I were still playing larger games like anything by GW, I would be using foam.  But as this is a smaller scale game, I like being able to individualize my models as much as possible.  Magnets in a box are the way for me.

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I do the same as bruglyother with magnets and a metal tool box. I have probably 130 models in it at any one given time and still have room for plenty more. The box cost about 35 dollars at home depot and the magnets in bulk are only about 22 cents a piece.  It does take a little trial and error when looking at how strong you want the magnets (stronger magnets means the models are more secure but endure more stress when removing them).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I sell Bruglyother and Nitestalker their magnets.  If you intend to grow a massive collection (like we did) and want to carry them with you everywhere.  Magnets in a metal box is really the way to go.  The storage density is greater, and it is cheaper in the long run.  


I have nowhere near as many minis as the others, but here is what one drawer of my box looks like.  





If you want a little detail on the process...



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as far as storage for small model count games like Malifaux and the like...I am rather found of the cigar boxes (yes from your local smoke shop!) they cost me on average a 1.00 apiece. Then I take a thin sheet of metal from Stines (my local hardware store) and cut it with shears to fit the bottom and then my rare earth magnets. Works like a charm and I have some very cool boxes for my mini's.



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