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Let's populate the M2E PullMyFinger Wiki!

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It's now June 19!
Just a week and a half until we're closing this effort out!
On July 1, I'll be compiling a list of everyone who has contributed, and those who have especially contributed huge things, and I'll pass it on to Wyrd and to Mister Shine for prize drawings. So if you're looking to contribute, do it soon!
I have been totally incredibly impressed with how much we've accomplished. Every Master is looking at least good, and in some cases great. The Gremlins are completely done. Other factions are getting close to done, too!
I'm hoping we can finish up at least two more factions completely done by the end of July. I'll be trucking along to make that happen. Won't you do the same?
Thanks so much!
Ted/Hateful Darkblack
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The Guild is going somewhat slow at the moment. I am extremely thankful to all who have contributed and still do, though! 19 of 40 models are currently listed as "Done", and some more are in a good state and just need some polish. Around 50% is better than nothing, right?


I have started to edit Sonnia Criid. No one has claimed her, and now she is MINE!


So sign me up, please?

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I have started on the Pale Rider but haven't gone very far being having to go back to work. Will try and finish it either tonight or tomorrow. I also managed to get a few more games on this week tournament so may have to go through the list of things to do to check which ones I can contribute 

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I have started on the Pale Rider but haven't gone very far being having to go back to work. Will try and finish it either tonight or tomorrow. I also managed to get a few more games on this week tournament so may have to go through the list of things to do to check which ones I can contribute 


I've put you on the Guild list.

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The Guild is going somewhat slow at the moment. I am extremely thankful to all who have contributed and still do, though! 19 of 40 models are currently listed as "Done", and some more are in a good state and just need some polish. Around 50% is better than nothing, right?

I have started to edit Sonnia Criid. No one has claimed her, and now she is MINE!

So sign me up, please?

I made a start on Sonnia, but ran out of steam on anything past Theoryfaux! Glad someone stepped up to finish her off :-)

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I made a start on Sonnia, but ran out of steam on anything past Theoryfaux! Glad someone stepped up to finish her off :-)


Well, you gave me a good headstart. Editing masters is more fun than doing the Minions, anyway.


I think my goal for this week will be to get the Outcast faction up to 100% coverage. After that, I'll start reviewing and editing each Master.


Seems like a lot of work. Seriously, thanks, man, for doing all this!


I fear, getting the Guild done this month is out of the question. Maybe next one.

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Hey Mister Shine, I noticed two more article title errors while going through the Wiki today.


"Stuffed Piglets" article should be retitled "Stuffed Piglet".


"Jackelope" article should be retitled "Jackalope".


Piglet was done already?


Jackalope retitled and find and replaced through the article, lol

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Around 70% of the Ten Thunders is done with only 3 models waiting to be claimed though over here we also benefit from the work of the other factions thanks to our bazillion dual faction models, si it is a bit misleading. But yeah, hope to finish Fermented Monks today and hopefully do Fuhatsu. After that if nobody claims them, I'll finish up the last 3 models (Monk of High River, Shadow Effigy and Samurai) that haven't been claimed the following week or two and go over to help the ressers after that.

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Did a bit more on Zoraida in the hopes of bringing her up to Great!


She's getting really close to great! Right now, what I'd say she needs to become great:

- A graphic

- All of the template stuff replaced with content. (Everything in parentheses and brackets that has instructions how to fill out the wiki.)

- Leading a Crew

- Strategies and Schemes

- Building a Crew

- Playing Against Zoraida

- Links to any other models that are mentioned in the article

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