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Vik is Upgrades


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I play Outcasts, but have never tried my hand at Viks

I played a game with them and while I was fairly successful I feel it was because of my crew selection rather than the Viks

The biggest problem I ran into was the placement of upgrades and when to use them e.g. Who needs mark of shezuul, sisters in fury, sisters in spirit?

The only things I've done with consistent success is Survivalist on Vik A and the mark on Vik B

Please help make my death dealing mercs worse!

And by all means include Vanessa...or don't, but tell us why

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I've just started to get some M2E games in with my Viks as well (played them heavily in 1.5 but have been playing other crews in 2E so far) and I've run into much the same conundrum. Survivalist on gun vik and Mark on sword vik, plus a smattering of Oathkeeper spread around the crew is about as consistent as I've gotten, but it's very clear that the specific interactions of each model and their upgrades with the rest of the crew is quite important for smooth running.


Also quite interested in the any opinions ;)

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Ash - Sisters in spirit, syncronised slaying.. then whatever floats your boat.. (survivalist, sisters in fury etc)

Blood - Mark of shezuul, oathkeeper


Mix well and serve :)


Vanessa, I pick between her and the friekorps librarian. Healing is good, I think both is overkill. The libby @ 1ss less usualy gets the pick.


Only other upgrades I really use is oathkeeper on anything big and stompy.. :)



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I tend to put Mark of Shez'uul and either Howling Wolf Tattoo/Oathkeeper/Scramble.Sisters in Fury on Blood Vik. As for Ashes she tends to get Survivalist, Synchronized Slaying & Sisters in Spirit unless I want to mix it up a bit. Sometimes I put Sisters in Spirit or Synchronized Slaying on Vanessa so she can tagteam up with Lazarus freeing up a slot on Ashes for something else. 

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Sisters in Fury is something that may depend on who else I'm fielding.

If I've got Malifaux child, then I will put sisters in Fury on Wiktoria of Ash, so the child can cast the spell. If I use Hannah, then its more likely to go

on Viktoria of Blood,

I've had little sucess with the Mark, so its less an auto pick for me, but it can be dependent on Opponents picks.


Howling wolf Tatto suggests I want Ronin, Bishop, convict gunslinger and so forth.


I find Suvivalist is very useful, as Hard to kill on my master when there is healing in the crew makes her so much more suvivable.

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I tend to give Vik A Sisters in Fury (the most basic and essential upgrade, IMO). Her remaining slots will usually get Synchronised Slaying and Oathkeeper.

Vik B gets Oathkeeper, and either Mark of Shez'uul (basically always if I'm going against Resurrectionists, Arcanists or Guild) or Scramble.

To my mind, Sisters in Fury is what makes the Viks do what they do best - kill. Mark of Shez'uul removes certain counters to that approach, but I often find I don't need it (it's just nice to have) and lots of abilities provide Armor by a different name that can't be ignored. Oathkeeper is one of the best generic upgrades in the game, and an extra AP is always useful on a model as deadly as Viktoria. Synchronised Slaying is handy if you can afford to keep the Viktorias close to each other. Scramble gives Vik B an incredible threat range.

All the other upgrades available to the Viktorias I've found to be nice to have, but not particularly necessary for the way I play Viktoria most of the time.

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