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Brilliance Laced Whiskey

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Everything posted by Brilliance Laced Whiskey

  1. While it isn't always the case, when I think of Explorers Society, I think of rich elites flaunting their wealth and passions. Here's hoping we do get a Bayou/ES crossover. Why? Because a high society gremlin might be the greatest concept ever.
  2. Defective Dice seems to have it right. The master is most likely Kastore, a vampiric Nephalim. Which would also explain them being Ressurs. https://youtu.be/nQWFcJBzZ6o
  3. There's some interesting stuff down below too. At first I just thought it was the Witness stuff, but I then I saw a horse. But upon closer inspection it looks like it could he a book or portal with stuff flowing out of it.
  4. I don't know what it is, but my simple brain always has trouble when it comes to resolving trigger timings. So Jakob Lynch has an ability called "This Rounds On Me", with a trigger called "Dazed and Confused". It causes models within range to make a WP duel or gain a brilliance token. It also has a trigger called "Dazed and Confused." Dazed and Confused is a trigger that causes enemy models within range with 3 or more brilliance tokens to gain stunned. I know it counts as After Succeeding, but I struggle understanding the wording. Say Jakob performs the duel and hits the "Dazed and Confused" trigger against an enemy with 2 brilliance. Then in this instance they fail their willpower duel and they jump to 3 brilliance. Does the model then gain stunned automatically? Or does the the model count as having 2 brilliance when the trigger is resolved? Also, am I also correct in assuming "Dazed and Confused" goes off automatically when the Jakob meets the casting requirement? Or does the model have to fail the willpower duel to get the stunned?
  5. A puzzle box with ties to a tyrant. He couldn't possibly go full on Pinhead could he? Tors: https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2022/7/27/waldos-weekly-gen-con-2022
  6. Lets see, is Bellaventine Thorpe the one who tried to get revenge on Lady J, Perdita, and Criid? Edit: Going back through that Breachside Broadcast. Given the Runic blades I guess it's the witchling stalker from the story... guess I'll know in 30 Edit edit: I guess Inkboy, Thorpe, and all Damian are from that story. Lohilith is from another story. Nice job Wyrd. Curious to see who else will show up in the future.
  7. I think giving him a unique hole in the world that is only 3 inches instead of 6 is an absolute must. Him being able to reliably place a model on the other side of the planet is just completely over the top. 3 inches would still be really good while keeping it similar to how he already is. Reducing his potential card draw by 1 could also help. I would actually rework the Komainu as well. Either reduce the models movement by one or remove the +2 movement when an ancestor upgrade is attached.
  8. Ugh, there are too many good ones to chose from. The Dreamer's first appearance, Lucius taking over the podcast, Nytemare tormenting Pandora, it's so hard to choose. But if I had to narrow it down, it would be between Tales of Malifaux 30 and 31. The first features English Ivan, all the way back in first edition, well before his playable debut. It took a character I completely overlooked when I first started playing the game (not all that long ago), and took me on a spy adventure filled with sabotage and betrayal. The story itself is filled with a bevy of colorful characters, eager to leave their impression on the listener. It's got an air of mystery, skyships, peacekeepers, explosions, what more could you ask for? The story left such a strong impression that English Ivan quickly jumped to the top of my list of favorite masters. But more than that, it showed me a universe that I was just getting acquainted to was built with purpose, character, and expansion in mind. It's got me listening to every single Broadcast story and trying to figure out who might be a playable character in the future, as well as who is going to be a major player in things to come (Von Schtooker's from episode 38 and the Story keyword, anyone?) Episode 31 gives us a story told from 3 points of view. However to speak of it is to spoil it, and the less said the better (that is, until you listen to it). However, since I don't want to spoil it, I got to go with Episode 30 as my favorite.
  9. My experience with the convict gunslingers isn't too much different than that of the bandido. Yes, can do a lot of damage, but they are shockingly easy to kill. The ease of which they die has really soured me on them as a whole (maybe I should run them in little fireteams). I tend to have the malifaux child nearby Sue/dead outlaw who can copy Covetous Cravings, but usually I am being greedy trying to bandit raid on Sue/Mad dog (I typically have Pearl leave an enemy scheme marker behind my main lines where most my team can draw line of sight to it so they can fall back shooting). Generally I take more of a distraction, or "feed to the wolves" approach, to my Parker list over raw damage output. If a key piece is about to get hit hard, I'll slow the enemy down with a more useless peice by throwing it into base contact with the enemy. Then they have to waste actions on a model they would rather not be dealing with at all the while my key peice regroups or does whatever else. Generally in my Parker list I do that with the Dead Outlaw and Parker himself (I have Parker produce and absorb enemy scheme markers en mass while being healed by Pearl, and then while the enemy throws everything at Parker I reduce as much damage as I can with all the soulstones he gets). Anyways, thats my reasoning for what I do. Is the most effective thing? Probably not, but it's what I've come up with and fared alright with.
  10. I am somewhat fond of the dead outlaw. It gets a slight move with it's own dropping of a marker (which I use to give Sue fast), and then Pearl makes him move again. If you're lucky, Sue can potentially move him again when he goes guns ablazing. Combine that with a crew with low durability, and the fact you get decent durability for a low price, I find it hard to not take 1 (emphasis on the 1). And its annoying enough to be a distraction if needed. I tend to stay largely in keyword/versatile, so I may find more use of it than those willing to go OoK.
  11. I think Rusty should go to M5. 6 was too much, 4 is to little. She either needs a baby sitter every game, servant of dark powers, or just decides to work as a back field anti-schemer. I think she is otherwise fine as is. Yes, she's no Mad Dog, but so aren't a lot of models. I actually quite like Ashes. I throw him at models I know are a considerable threat and want to slow them down for a while. And if he survives the encounter, he is still a decent schemer purely as a result of M7. I like him on the flanks, and competes with most models running up the side of the board. I disagree that he never gets to use his bonus action. Levi's crew consists almost entirely of constructs, many of which will die throughout the game, leaving scrap markers for him to make use of. And if your facing an enemy that also consists of constructs, that just makes it doubly so. Is he what he used to be? No. But he is by no means a slouch. He is a good fast moving harasser, that can deal out damage when he really needs to. And he can jump to the other side of the board without notice in the later turns of the game, and even give you an abomination from time to time. As far as I am concerned, him being able to come back to life is just the gravy on top. I think Deso engines could use a slight boost. I would consider giving them either Df4 or M6. Giving them both would probably be a bit much because at the end of the day they can crater just about anything if they get to them with full health.
  12. For kicks and giggles I decided to dig through the games 5 point minions, and man they are pretty bad. Compared to the likes of a death marshall they are a straight up embarrassment. A death marshall is basically twice the value for the same price.
  13. They could always just give Bandidos a slightly unique version of drop it with a special name.
  14. Ah, makes perfect sense. It's a real shame there are so many things are holding Parker's keyword back. He has a really cool engaging crew, even if it's somewhat simplistic. They are so high octane and great thematically. Its clear what they intended for the team and I just wish the keyword reflected it.
  15. I'm confused about a couple of things. "Drop it!" Says that the scheme marker must be dropped within line of sight of this model, aka the bandido in this instance. How can they drop it in a way that the bandido can't see it when its required of them according to the trigger? Yes, they could move to block it in their own turn, but that's a waste of an action on their part. The second is with trigger finger. It says it once a turn, but it's clearly written with the intent that multiple models with this ability might have line of sight to a target when they drop a scheme marker, but only one model with the ability may shoot at a time. Why would it work only on that bandido's specific activation and not during other models (assuming it hasn't been used yet)? Back to the main topic, Bandidos are one of those models you look at and it seems like they got a lot going on, but very little of it works practically. They are in theory are generating actions here and there, but reality tends to be quite disappointing in this regard. Yes, Parker can have them interact outside their turn, but this wastes the teams precious resources. I do like ShinChan's idea of putting in a built in mask for defense. Considering the survivability of this model is nil, it hardly seems over the top to put this on them. The built in tomes for ranged would also help mitigate the models lack of a bonus action. As for the knife and "at gunpoint", they can just go away and no one would bat an eye. I would also be for the reworking of other models in the faction, primarily the minions. I honestly have never considered bayou smugglers, and often forget they even exist. I don't really know if anyone bothers taking them (and am genuinely curious if you do) and if I want something similar, I would just take a soulstone miner instead. Convict slingers need the least attention I think, but they seem a little steep for their points. Maybe df6 and/or 8 hit points? And maybe its blasphemous, I don't know, but I would change Sue. It's not because he's bad, in fact I like him quite a bit, it's just that his musical abilities feel tacked on. He's a ranged powerhouse aura abilities that feel like an after thought. I would make the music auras his primary focus, and have the ranged attack downgraded. Make it so there are 4 songs to choose from with a 6 inch aura with some survivability. The idea of Johnny Cash running around affecting the flow of battle with music alone is way too genius of a concept to let it go to waste. If the lack of a named powerhouse with pistols is irksome, just make a character to fit that build called the Waco Kid or something with ranged capabilities similar to Sue's current iteration.
  16. I would say Lillith fits the bill, except this person wants to balance the scales of life and death. I not an expert on Lillith, but that doesn't seem like her. I suppose she could be feeding on his emotions, but still.
  17. When Leveticis performs Death Touch he deals irreducible damage. Necrotic Decay adds to the damage output, but does not state that the additional damage is irreducible. Am I correct in assuming the additional damage can be reduced by other sources?
  18. A mysterious man with the Witness keyword... I can think of one man who had an interest in the tyrant Witness. I wonder if this mysterious man really likes robots and really hates prison bars.
  19. Levi gives people a second chance in life as a half human/robot abomination. Does Lady J do that? Didn't think so. Ergo Levi is better than Lady J. Everyone deserves a second chance in Levi's eyes.
  20. He's Nikola Tesla mixed with Magneto and Dr. Wily. Hard to go wrong with that. I think he's easily in the top 5 most interesting characters in Malifaux.
  21. Jakob Lynch wouldn't be Jakob Lynch if he made short-term gambles that made his life considerably better in the long-term. Him getting his life run into the ground is probably the single most surefire things in Malifaux. Or close to it, anyways. While we may have missed out on Collodi the Fancy Chair, the good news is when Collodi does come back instead of the Puppet Master he'll be the Master's Puppet.
  22. I guess. I'm one of those weirdos that themes lists, even if it isn't always to my benefit. If it doesn't fit the theme I'm going for, it's out. When I was going to get Lucius I was hoping to go all in with either Mimic or Elite. I didn't intend on mixing and matching between the two keywords even though the list is designed with that in mind. But I guess that's my problem now isn't it? 😛
  23. I was really excited to go and pick up Lucius in the near future, but now I'm not sure I want to. It's not that the changes to changlings are bad, they look very useful, but a small army of weird demonic children mimicing what they see was just way too interesting. For a list called mimic, there seems to be very little mimicing going on. That really bums me out. Since I also have Ten Thunders, I was hoping to pick up Terracotta Warriors then to make the list I imagined in my head, but they lost "Just like you!" as well. I'm fairly new to the game, were both of those models considered overpowered?
  24. Are you talking about the starter boxes? Like the new ones? If that's the case, I am going to need to hurry to pick one of them up.
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