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Doc Lead

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Everything posted by Doc Lead

  1. Awesome transitioning. Great work!
  2. Weird and creepy! And a lovely paitnjob.
  3. Great osl! Love the flare and the whole story!
  4. I sympathize completely. Just cant get my work to look as sharp with my photo setup, than from the hand. And it's astonishing as well. Really, an inspired paint job.
  5. Love the scene...color choice, the tree, brushstrokes...everything looks great.
  6. Too dark to see much but I'm sure it looks great in person.
  7. Great detailing and highlighting, excellent work!
  8. Wonderful, very impressionistic.
  9. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 2

    Wonderful paint job. Very crisp. Not a thought out diorama though even though all the elements look awesome. Maybe it would look better had the bases not overtaken the display plate.
  10. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 3

    Definitely my favourite. Nightmarish, atmospheric, artsy. My cup of tea. Proof miniatures are on par with other arts.
  11. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 4

    Dirty but effective. I think it would look even better if a different technique was used.
  12. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 5

    Scary in a very different way Lovely paint job, conceptually great and entertaining. And, yeah, maybe cut down on the grass to open the diorama a bit. Maybe just the ones towards the edges to get a visual incline.
  13. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 6

    Technically impeccable, wondering about the story behind it, though.
  14. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 7

    Very atmospheric and trippy. I love these artistic interpretations. Does feel a bit empty, though. Excellent work otherwise.
  15. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 8

    Great concept and painting. Looks awesome.
  16. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 10

    Love it, especially how the tombstone ties in with the narrative. Lighting killed the details a bit but overall, nice work.
  17. Doc Lead

    RH21SP - 1

    I love it, love the gaudiness of the whole crew. Not everything should be bland. They might not have a common theme but all look great. And the deck basing is awesome. It's just that it's not a diorama but a crew display. Either way, great work!
  18. Doc Lead

    RH21ND - 1

    nice work on the robes. And everything else for that matter
  19. Doc Lead

    RH21ND - 2

    Great job. Maybe a detail or two on the base.
  20. Doc Lead

    RH21ND - 3

    Lovely work, very high-end.
  21. Doc Lead

    RH21ND - 4

    Very nice. You could take it a step further by highlighting the raised parts and maybe some edge highlighting. Also if entering a model to a competition, it really shouldn't have visible mold lines. If you put in so much time to make a mini look this great, just take a couple of extra minutes to fill in the gaps and sand down any lines/joints.
  22. Doc Lead

    RH21ND - 6

    Yeah, this is a notch above everything else. Very artistic. My favourite, not gonna lie.
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