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Everything posted by Regelridderen

  1. Same thing happens on my phone - just updated, but not on my iPad iOS 14.7
  2. @Roadhouse my thoughts exactly, as I set the crew up in the app. 😊
  3. Thanks @Roadhouse for the summary. Pandora is my favorite master - and I’m so looking forward to Tyrant-torn. While my next crew will be the Mama Z, so it sounds like the Emissary will find decent work - even if it means, I’ll have to get some Lyssa 😩 I was thinking about Dreamer and the spiders as well… but suddenly that’s a 25 stone chunk to set up two attacks, which would be less than impressive.
  4. That does it allow it to dole out severe damage easier, I imagine 😊
  5. I’m not really impressed with a 10 Stone beater with 2/3/4 damage track, though. Compared to Teddy or Nephilim. I was thinking, maybe he has synergy with Lucius - handing out Staggered to disrupt and give Reid/Investigators bonus damage. Or Pandora with pings and pushes.
  6. What synergies, combinations, strats & schemes do you like him in?
  7. I love the Baby/Teddy combo, it gives Teddy a little extra mobility, a little extra resilience from the healing and a lot of extra actions from Coordinated Attacks.
  8. It’s funny because with your avatar, I’d expect you to have put the insidious madnesses together. 😊
  9. Thanks. I got the idea from having too many encounters with suicidal deers in my headlights on dark country roads and just thought it would be fun to change the direction of the source of lighting 😊 My phone does kick up the brightness effect just a tiny notch, but the Liquitex Inks did a good job, and the effect carries into real life.
  10. Adding a few more to my Neverborn Gotta say, I’ve been eyeing that Emissary for some time. And he’s looking even better in real life 🤗
  11. So I’ve mainly been focused on playing Neverborn, when playing. But I do have a rather extensive faux collection including Seamus, Yan Lo, Molly and McMurder, and so I was wondering whether I should give them some playtime at last - McMurder is my most played with 1 game in M2 😜 So my question to you is, would you think I’d fall short in some scheme pools or matchups. And when would you apply these masters? 😊
  12. And you go crazy from assembling them 🤪
  13. I must say, I can’t praise these guys enough, and think it sad that of the Nightmares, the stitched have gotten all the glory. 1 : they’re amazing tarpits. Terrifying drains your opponents hands, Stat6 Wp attack that heals them - and everyone around. 2 : they’re even more amazing at running schemes on the flanks. And their Disembodied Voices allows them to still affect the whole board. 3 : Mv6 and Incorporeal. Allows them to get to wherever they need to be. 4 : Scatter. 5 models in the game have this phenomenal ability, making it impossible for your opponent to counter your Interacts. 5 : they’re a good model to burn your rams on
  14. @SEV Thanks. It was my luck on R3 that the Seamus player had never faced Pandora before - just as I’d never faced Seamus ;D And he was a little too cautious about putting his master on the line, especially in a game without Assassinate. After he took a few Self Loathings he held back - and I always held back severe cards to take the shot and deny Seamus the kill. But Wp7 and Ruthless is horrible for Pandora.
  15. This is how it went : GAME 1 : My opponent brought Youko (Bill, Bunraku, Charm Warner, Kabuki, Hinamatsu, katashiro and walked right into a trap from Lucius, 2 Matures w. Reflexes, Candy, a Lawyer and a Witness. Lots of violence, stun and commands later I’d won 5-3 from 3 symbols, claim jump and Catch and Release. Unfortunately we only managed 4 rounds, but had we gotten the fifth, it was pretty sure, I’d scored another symbol and my secondary schemes, and my opponent another symbol - so 8-4. Although it was close, as Candy was my Claim, and my opponent beat her within an inch of her life. GAME 2 : I met Zoraida with a Grootslang and the hoodie rider, Hinamatsu + silurid and bokor. And fielded Dreamer with the spiders, Insidious Madness, Stitched, Coppelius and Serena. Hinamatsu ruined my Hidden Martyr by murdering the Stitched turn 1. The hoodie rider beat Chompy within an inch of his life, but he managed to save himself by tearing off some bites, and from that point my Insidious (+two summons) kept the rider filled with Distracted - until he finally ran off to get killed by Coppelius who in turn tossed 1 marker and ate a silurid. The Bandersnatch got killed by Hinamatsu as well, and she went on to score Breakthrough uncontested. The MVP would be Widow Weaver, allowing me to score Research Mission (and killing Z in t5). And the Insidious Madnesses, as they could just pour on Distracted to blunt my opponent. The final score was 6-4. 3 Markers, 2 Research Mission, 1 Hidden Martyr vs 1 Marker, 2 Breakthrough and 1 Spread the out. GAME 3 : Last game was Seamus, 2 dandies, Emissary, Bete, Manos and nurse vs Pandora, mature Nephilim, Candy, Kade, Teddy, 2 sorrows. A really close game with a bunch of bad decisions on either side. Pandora lost out on most of the game, as she tried to scare off Seamus as he teleported into my backfield - he in turn learned to appreciate Self Loathing. Indeed the table was quite cluttered with large buildings and shipwrecks all over the place, and the undead really prospered from their speed and mobility over Pandora. I lost out on Vendetta as Manos had one against my Mature Nephilim - and so he scored two. In return Candy secured a Claim Jump, and we both scored 2 from turf markers for a 4-4 draw. His MVP was Bete as she teleported into my backfield to double flip a strategy marker stealing my victory. - In the end that lead to me winning the tournament. I was quite proud, I was able to field three different masters, I finally feel I’m getting a decent grasp of things - although I’m really looking forward to getting to play with Tyrant-torn and getting that extra mobility and utility in Pandora. Candy, Insidious Madness and Mature Nephilim really carried the day. And I’m looking forward to adding the Halloween Zoraida to my collection, and pondering whether I should try getting my ressurs on the table, as Seamus did seem like a lot of fun (Although I’d want to bring some Ladies of the night).
  16. It’s time for the first post-covid tournament around here, and I’m mustering my forces to take home the trophy. games will be : Game 1 : Symbols // Flank Detonate, Vendetta, Claim Jump, Catch and…, Bait and… Game 2 : Break the line // Corner Breakthrough, Assassinate, Hidden Martyr, Research Mission, Spread them out. Game 3 : Turf War // Standard Vendetta, Claim Jump, Death Beds, Outflank, Spread them out. - How would you approach these?
  17. Ping damage, such as poison or Misery or shockwaves is great against armor. Lucius can call upon Agent 46 to Analyze Weakness, Severe6 damage puts a nice dent in armour Mature Nephilim bring that along with Execute triggers. And those constructs suffer from low Wp, so Terrifying and Wp attacks work wonders.
  18. Good point about Hinamatsu - and she’ll bring some stamina to the crew. Although you won’t be able to Issue Command on her.
  19. Having had great success with the double Mature so far, I’m considering the effect of downgrading to young ones. CONS Of course it means losing out on Inhuman Reflexes - and being able to charge out of combat is really powerful. And of course the young ones are less resilient over all. Three less wounds, 1 less regeneration. PROS Having +flips on attacks will do wonders on the hand pressure. Being able to save cards for cheating severe 5 rather than ensuring a min3. Less mobility, but I mainly taxi Candy around, and she’s a practical Sz1. And the smaller 40mm bases is a lot easier to place. Saving 10 stones - that’s a lot of options. Alan Reid/Doppleganger/another lawyer or Changelings. Any experiences?
  20. Good choice. Although it has a very strong competition in the one with the food tray 😊
  21. A quick summary. Evil Lucius aimed for Detonate Charges (we all knew what the despicable False Witness was for) and Claim Jump. Good Lucius strove for Detonate Charges (through a respected and upstanding citizen) and Catch and Release. - Good Lucius was overcome with bloodlust from the two Nephilim and sadly killed off two victims perfectly set up (Doppleganger and Grootslang), before the charges could detonate - and sadly Evil Lucius managed to kill my upstanding citizen before he could set up any more. 0 points. What Evil Lucius didn’t anticipate was that the murderously rampaging Nephilim that ate his Scribe, Lawyer and despicable False Witness had planned to Catch and Release him - and rather than killing him just ran off laughing. 2 points. Indeed both Nephilim did amazing. The other managed to eat the Agent, Changeling and the Doppleganger, while together they secured three Symbols. 3 points. Candy eff’d up. Forcing the Grootslang to commit suicide before scoring Detonate Charges. Then spent her last activations trying to do the same to Evil Lucius - completely disregarding to take a simple move to foil Evil Lucius’ 2nd Detonate Charges point. (-2 points). Evil Lucius did well, using the Doppleganger and Changeling to score two symbols, as I realized the power of Disguise. (-2 points). But he himself failed miserably as he barely made it out of his deployment zone and was unable to exact any true influence on the board - whereas good Lucius was constantly shouting orders left and right. But in the end it all panned out 5-4, and the only man still standing on the opposing team was the evil twin himself.
  22. The gang is lined up. Just waiting for the impostor.
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