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Everything posted by Joachim

  1. Ok, so then I've been playing it right. Why are there two wordings meaning the same thing then? Just inconsistency?
  2. I don't have a lot of experience with ressers, but I recently picked up kirai. I guess that of all the masters, she's the most obvious since they're spirits. The advantage is that they are undead spirits and so can trigger ikyrio. But also, you'll be handing out adversary consistently, so they'll be hitting on regularly. Kirai can give the lampad some mobility tricks as well, giving him insane mobility to go after some fast scheme runner that's running up the side of the board. I think they can work perfectly without providing burning synergy, they actually seem to have pretty good damage, and some blasts and burning can come in handy to ignore certain defenses. They're really squishy for a 7ss model though. But if you can stack some burning on a scheme runner and kill it with that you can summon another one. Their damage track is actually pretty nice: 1/2/3 with burning +2 and an extra burning if you happen to flip a , and their attack is 2/3/4 with burning +1 for every model hit, thats basically 3/4/5. I guess if you can keep it outside of the opponents bigger threats and go after some smaller stuff and maybe summon a second one, that could be nice. Walk 6 and (0) 6" push that even hands out burning makes it quite fast. So it can easily go off to a flank, so you don't burn your own models. In an ideal situation you move through them with your zero, hit them twice with burn with me and if you don't flip additional they're already at burning +5 and at least 2 damage. Lastly, they're enforcers so they can take my little helper, which is a great upgrade. But it gives the lampad a really nice turn. You get to draw a card, push 6" twice, and hand out burning, and position yourself so you can still shoot at them and stay at a safe distance or engage something small, stack it with burning and get a second lampad. And then if the lampad dies, which shouldn't take too much effort, you're still getting a mindless zombie.
  3. So there are several models that have triggers that push a model away. It is not clear to me if this is directly away from me in a straight line, or if the model just has to end up further away from me? On tooths card it says: pushed away. But on barbaros his card there is an effect that pushes the enemy directly away, and an attack that pushes the enemy away. I would then say based on these different wordings that there is a difference? I've been playing all of these pushes as directly away which is less flexible, so if I have been doing it wrong, please let me know.
  4. I love the color on the cyclops. I'm planning on buying them later this year for my titania crew. How did you paint them? Always nice to have some inspiration.
  5. +1 on the emissary and changelings. They're both great models to paint and work well with all masters imo. Mctavish is great on the board. But if the model doesn't work for you there are other options. Also less of a use with other masters
  6. I agree, but when comparing the ice golem you have to take it into account as to something that he does. I used him in friendly games only, and what I did once is have him throw 2 ice gamin upfield, and then have snowstorm walk forward and do her 8" place on on rasputina so she's in position to cast. That way you have some ice gamin upfield who can put up there aura for the acolytes or take position. Then snowstorm can do the place again in turn 2 and have the ice golem charge. Also, when comparing him to the other beaters, he does benefit from the ice gamins aura giving him a min damage 4 with slow. However, thats not how i like to play rasputina, and I generally prefer to have the (0) action to reposition rasputina or to get her safe. Df2 definetly hurts him too much as everything is going to hit him, as said you can get around the slowness as snowstorm has that 8" place, which including her base is more 10" of movement. When looking at 10ss models, I'd rather take the emissary and he'll perform better in almost any if not all situations. I also always take snowstorm so there's not always room for another 10 stones, as I also like to take an acolyte. You can even take a december acolyte with imbued energies for 10 stones. He's extremely mobile, and he does less damage but ml7 is nice and he has a decent defensive stat + eat your fill. His mobility allows him to be relatively safe and also allows him to pick his target more easily, making eat your fill more reliant. So yeah, as stated before, I think there are just too many better options out there.
  7. Good point, haven't thought about that! Yeah, I was discussing it with my opponent, the paralyse thing is there so if it comes up it can be huge.
  8. I agree, df2 hurts him too much. What makes him unique thoigh is the toss ability to get gamin upfield.
  9. If your incorporeal models has 4 wounds then 7 still kills you, so.
  10. The first thing that I'm thinking, who are the other sucky two?
  11. So tried the following crew last friday: Titania - behold my glory - aether connection - fears given form Mysterious emissary Thorn Tooth Rougarou Waldgeist Waldgeist gorar Strat: Interference Schemes: claim jump, ffm, lym, quick murder and undercover entourage I wanted to try the tooth rougarou combo as I could then stay back and hold my quarters untill the opponent either engages me or I can "lure" something in. The emissary can stand behind them and buff them and that way also make it difficult for the opponent to kill for quick murder. Summoning changelings is a bonus and would provide extra bodies for interference and also extra semi-pounce. The waldgeists where there to tie stuff up, prevent it from scoring interference, run off for leave your mark, and charging my backline. I would run titania to disrupt their flank initially, in this case it was an ama no zako who turned out to be going for leave your mark and undercover entourage in my backline. Titania was able to charge a low river monk and terracotta warrior in the opponents backline turn 3, tying up their support. Finally, I wanted to try the gorar again, since my list is very minion heavy. The center of the board was open except for a small patch of forest. The plan was to run up the gorar and to make the opponent commit to killing it, buying tooth/rougarou some more time to murder stuff. I'm still not convinced of the gorar as I feel that any movement tricks that push him outside of 6" just renders him almost useless. Apart from that he's sitting at the center with 4 wounds and df6. I considered it as at least extra ap the opponent had to spend before getting to the rougarou. It turned out to be a fast win in turn 3 for me. Though the most important swing was that the opponent forgot that yasunori had plus flips, I was able to invest all my resources in keeping tooth/rougarou alive and cheated high to defend rougarou, he was brought to hard to kill twice and was able to heal after that. I also cheated a red joker for gorar to keep him alive longer. It's a lot of investment, but I feel titania is pretty easy on your hand and she was able to hold up ama no zako turn 1 and 2, burning 2 stones and receiving a total of 1 or 2 damage, so the opponent had thrown bettari and yasunori in my face, which hurt (and should have hurt a bit more with plus flips, but the amount of attacks coming back from rougarou tooth and changelings is brutal, cause it all gets plus flips). In the end, the gorar did great work this game as it kept rougarou alive (though he shouldn't have survived that amount of attacks). Though I'm still struggling with the fact that you can get primordial magic and an extra stone for something that will consistently do work for you. I made some mistakes this game, I put rougarou too far forward, maybe trusting a bit too much on the distraction that gorar. I also chose to push titania back at the end of turn 2 so we could both score for interference, but my emissary would get destiny, I completely forgot about equality on yasunori, healing him 2. Also yasunori has armor and 12 wounds, but I mostly rely on tons of min damage 2 attacks, so pinging 1 damage a time kinda hurts. Next game I'm trying out a different kind of crew and see if I can keep on improving my titania play.
  12. The one time I dropped her with Titania, it was with the 3 autumn knights and taproot, the amount of scheme markers that lie around makes it that your crew can make a lot of you use out of them and its a pretty good squad at holding an area. And at 31ss + titania upgrades you still probably have 16ss to hire stuff, which is ok.
  13. I do that a lot. Wendigo is so strong, he's a minion and significant with wk6, that's already pretty amazing, but dropping 4 ice pillars can really mess up an opponents crew.
  14. I'm definetely going to play the new conflux when it comes out, I haven't tried it but it seems stronger. I do believe that tooth + rougarou will be very strong, offensively they might be a little less consistent, but then again the emissary can give rougarou armor, which combined with hard to kill and healing makes him pretty resilient imo. I'll probably run a slightly different list though. I'm currently thinking the pukesnake is just better than the gorar for one simple reason, rush of magic will always give you a strong effect, you can even hide it in the back and it will be worth the 2 stones for an extra activation and at least a couple of turns of card cycling. The gorar has just too many conditions, it has to be in the middle of the board, a minion has to die while it is in that position, it is very squishy, it can't really do anything else, or at least not consistently. When you're really trying to be competitive why take a risk on the gorar while you can spend one stone less and have a model thats always gonna do work for you, and if it can help you score thats a huge bonus. I am bringing the gorar out in friendly games though, I love the model, I love playing thematic crew. And who knows, I might get convinced. One game asami lured my tooth out of position, which normally would suck pretty bad, she got her assassinate trigger off, but since I was able to hide gorar behind some crates and the emissary it was sitting there and summoned tooth back, he actually got a 3rd ap that turn. The game after that he did nothing though, my emissary and teddy got focussed, and tooth and rougarou were left alone. Right now I'm seeing him as a backup for if they do get to tooth or rougarou and if they target it directly than that is at least some ap gone. Though I believe it's not too hard to get rid of it pretty efficiently. I have read some mixed opinions on the emissary, but he's been the mvp in some of my guys, I especially love how flexible he is. The only thing he lacks is consistent damage output, ml6 and min damage isn't great for a 10ss model, though the flex range can be nice and it's a cast, though titania and aeslin provide that as well. You can remove marker, conditions, summon a damn good minion for a 7 of masks, control the board with hazardous terrain, and buff all your minions. I'm writing pretty long posts here, but to wrap it up. I'm playing a game with titania tomorrow against my regular opponent. I'm bringing the usual tooth + rougarou + emissary and also the gorar. I'll let you guys know how that turns out.
  15. You made a great point here, for the combo with tooth I find rougarou to simply be superior to kade. The 50mm base and melee range 2" is a pretty decent area. But I think what makes the difference in a titania crew is his ability to eat a scheme marker when he activates to heal 2 combined with hard to kill. Yes he has df5 in stead of 7 but next to tooth there should be scheme markers around, if not from other sources and you can get that heal off. And if you don't need the heal you can get a 3" punch. Which can get you to safety, or set up a charge. Kade has a lure but rougarou has a short range lure pulse, which also has his place. And indeed don't underestimate the fact that I combo it with the emissary, and i can't stress enough how huge plus flips on that amount of attacks are. I've ran it once with a teddy. If teddy use his built in push to get the target into the rougarou that's probably a dead model. About the changeling: I'm not sure but I think i forgot to mention, that what I plan to do is, the changeling gets a sort of pounce once a turn, but he can copy tooth's attack, which has a push in it (not from a trigger!), which then again triggers rougarou's pounce. It's at ml4 but if it hits, that's again 2 attacks. So if tooth lures, thats 1 attack from rougarou and changeling, changeling's pounce attack if it hits is another push, so a second attack from rougarou and then tooths attack from the lure and can spend 2 more ap attacking, if everything hits that is 3 more pounce attacks from rougarou. You can then even attack it with the changeling during your next activation and maybe get some more pounce attacks, but that would just be an added bonus. So assuming tooth doesn't miss, with the plus flips and cheating thats not automatic but at least probable, then you get 8 attacks. If the changeling hits his pounce you get a 9th one. It is minimum damage 2 on all of these attacks, but if even just half of these hits thats 9 wounds and that kills a lot of models in just tooths activation. There's a lot of hypothetical stuff going on here, but I also believe a lot in threats in malifaux. The sheer threat of that 25ss trio when it does lure something in is simply something you can not ignore. So the opponent has to stay outside of the lure range, or invest some of his offense into breaking it up, etc. And then I'm a big fan of putting a second threat out there, say nekima, or teddy, or maybe a cyclops if you want to spend less, and than you make the opponents make decisions real quick and then he can also make mistakes. I'm throwing another question in here, if you're investing in this tooth/rougarou combo, is there a place for the gorar? I've read a lot that he's not very good, and I agree that he actually doesn't do anything, he's an insignificant peon, so he can't score anything, and he has to be in the middle of the board and wait till something dies. But then again, the opponent can't really break up the combo untill they take down the gorar, which isn't that hard to do, but he still has to spend (at the very least 1) ap on it. So maybe in some situations he can come out and be a sort of extra distraction?
  16. going gunline against the neverborn is not always true though. I like playing zoraida, and if I deploy 3 waldgeists from the shadows I can quickly engage stuff while mctavish is shooting back at you. If you kill a waldgeists, bad juju pops up in your face and still engages your shooting. Silurids that can run schemes as well as waldgeists have perfect camouflage. I also play titania and there's quite a lot of hard to wound and armor in her crew, though the def 5 hurt them a bit. I want you to just take shooting against me. But I agree, against the average neverborn crew it will be really effective.
  17. Rasputina was my second master and I initially bought snow storm and blessed of december. Snow storm is quite a ss investment for your crew but you get so much work out of her. I've actually taken her in every game with rasputina so far. Just her (0) 8" place on frozen heart models is so great. Next, I bought december acolytes, they're just too good. It seems like december acolytes, silent ones and to a lesser extent ice dancers are models that can work really well with other arcanist masters, so there is some stuff that you can use with others. I've so far never felt the need to include non FH models, though arcana effigy seems really strong with her. I've felt that rasputina is fairly strong, and surprisingly flexible through her choice of upgrades in combination with her choice of crew. Also, rasputina can be a nightmare for low defense models, and crews that have a lot of incorporeal models. Rasputina is also the only blasty master I play and blasts can be really strong to bypass defenses as well. For example you can blast your own ice gamin to and make them blow up for another ping of damage, or you can target them to spread paralysis to stuff you don't want to deal with. I'll gladly spend an ap per turn to paralyze the opponents big beater model (which often have low df).
  18. Don't forget that if there are 2 scheme markers close her minimum damage is essentially 4, or even 3 with one marker is pretty good. That's resource intensive but it can allow for a big hit. Don't forget about taproot if you're running at least two knights. If you need to hold ground, that combined with her (0) that doesn't allow pushes and such, though that makes her 10 stones.
  19. And it's not a game changer, but if you have an emissary behind that, every one of those attacks is at plus flips, and stat 6 with plus flips is generally gonna hit pretty consistently. Also the emissary can bring in a changeling which has a sort of pseudo-pounce. Ok, this is not really what you're going for, but the changeling(s) will get you an extra attack here at ml4 with plus flips, it's an added bonus when it comes up. And tbh, in malifaux any way of making yourself usefull without spending ap is awesome. With the emissary, rougarou and tooth, I'm spending 25ss and i'm getting a lot of offensive threat out of them and a lot of utility out of the emissary. So far I'm really liking that 3 man team. Changelings summons will depend on my hand and if I need them, cause the scheme markers should be around in a titania crew. The hazardous terrain again depends on the map but add in a 1/4/5 damage flip when challenging someone through the hazardous and then triggering 7 attacks is usually a dead model. Though a lot of things have to go right for that to work, it is devestating when it does. I've also been thinking about aeslin aura where people can't move any of your models. As that is something that counters this combo pretty hard. That is a 34/35ss investment though in this group so I'm not convinced on this yet, as you're having 35ss that has to stay grouped to be effective, it is easy to outmanouver.
  20. Yeah, that was a fun game for me
  21. That is exactly what my question was. They're both 8ss, when are you bringing a cyclops, when are you bringing a rougarou and are there situations when you fit in both. Obviously each one has their own role.
  22. Hi guys, I'm trying to focus a bit on titania as I love the new cyclops miniatures, the general aesthetic of the crew and the way they play. I really like the rougarou in the couple of games i've used them in. Especially one rougarou and tooth can really dish out a lot of attacks for 15ss and be a threat that the opponent has to be aware of. But now the cyclops is coming, also at 8ss. So I'm wondering how you guys see how they compare. When would you bring a cyclops (or 2), when a rougarou (or 2?) or do they both fit in a crew? The thing with 8ss is that you often can get a really hard hitting model for a couple stones more, or just some cheaper stuff like a waldgeists or even 2 changelings. Thoughts?
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