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Everything posted by esqulax

  1. Well I meant the updated special orders. Specifically Agent 46. Wayland is one of the stores I asked.
  2. Has anyone actually found a place that can order these? I have asked three stores and none of them say that they are able to order them.
  3. Do you need to be succesfull on defense to trigger parry? (For example on Autumn Knights)
  4. I have seen this stated so much, and yet I don't really get it. Looking at their stat card all I see is a somewhat squishy, but decent beater. What am I missing ?
  5. I really do think that Wyrd could give us an ETA. So far I have not exactly been impressed with the special order program.
  6. I got mine from a UK store a little less than a month back.
  7. I run him with Vogel, 2x Ceberus, Scorpius and Paul Crocket among other things. The only upgrades that are certain are disguised and stealth for the Cerberus and armor for the Scorpius. This means that you have 3 instances of leap in your crew that all needs 7s and Vogel needs a card to switch and cards for Intimidating Authority if you want to use it. You will probably also want to save a card for Demise Eternal for the Jackalope. Marcus himself will typically try to throw out a lot of upgrades early games which needs 5s to 7s and since you will try to hit the recast trigger with either stones or cards you will need a lot of them. If Paul Crockett shoots something and you want to activate Scent of Blood you also need to discard a card. Slate Ridge Mauler also discards cards for Ambush or Juggernaut It may not seem that bad on paper, but in practice I have always felt card starved with this crew.
  8. I have recently been playing a bit of Euripedes and Marcus and had some thoughts. The Savage keyword seems a lot stronger than I had originally thought. I will have to test them a bit more, but currently I am way more optimistic than I was when I only read their cards. I do wish that Euripedes himself had Frozen Vigor. As it is he is pretty squishy and I don't really get why he is one of the only models in the keyword without that ability. An annoyance that I noticed is that the old ways is only usable if you have no fate modifiers, but cyclops get + flip on their attack when they are low health and the damage track of Gigants mean that you really want to focus with them. I don't really get why it doesn't say "no negative fate modifiers" instead to avoid this counter synergy. Primordial Magic is crazy good. I would not be surprised if this is one of the best totems in the game (not counting things like Chompy) Marcus is a very strange master to play. His crew is so squishy that you have to always avoid a straight up fight. In scheme pools where you want to spread out his high mobility crew can be very solid, but never pick him if you expect you will have to brawl it out with your opponent. A thing I have noticed after playing him is that he is extremely card intensive, which can be hard to play around. So many abilities in the crew requires you to discard cards and a lot have TNs requiring 6-7s. You run out of cards in the blink of an eye.
  9. I feel like Waldgeists having armor 2 would be a good fix. It would also give us a way of scoring hold up their forces without playing Dreamer.
  10. Yeah, not all of my points can be easily fixed and you are definitely right about Serena. I just still think it is a shame when a model is so strong and unique within the faction that it becomes a stable in every crew. Can you tell me what uses you have found for Waldgeists, Rattler and Hounds that isn't better filled by something else? Hounds main role seem to be as a 3ss scheme runner, which can definitely be good, but we already have Wicked Dolls for that and they have stealth and can give out adversary. (Not saying that you are wrong that they have their use, I am just curious what it would be) Also I think Dreamer/Stitched and BBS are up there in the top with summons and pulse focus spamming. Who do you think have them beat ?
  11. It can definitely be fixed via gaining grounds too, but I don't think there is a problem with having a possibility of scheme pools where you can play defensive. It just doesn't work with the way focus currently works. I would much rather see a change to focus than having all schemes and strats be aggressive. I agree that is the way it should be, but as it currently is, it is often better to play defensive than aggressive which imo is a mistake.
  12. Then those crews need to be changed. Especially Nekima if you think she can't be viable without her entire crew having 2-3 focus on turn one. I could go into a long, long rant about why the change to focus has been a bad thing for Malifaux, but I will try to keep it short. Pulse focus is a broken mechanic because it is so action efficient, but the real problem comes from how the new focus rewards a camping play style. In a strategy like Reckoning where nothing forces you up the table, it is much better to simply have your models concentrate and wait for your opponent to come to you. Ofc when your opponent sees what you are doing he might start doing the same leading to a game that begins with both players taking turns walking a model and focusing. This will be a non issue in games where the strategy and schemes dictate that you must be very aggressive, but in games where they don't it can have a really negative influence on the game.
  13. I started making lists and then I realized there were a lot more models I wanted to mention, so I just listed everything that I feel could use some balance adjustments. Nerfs: Stiched are too good as summons. Some restriction or counterplay to Zoraidas discard Hooded Rider along with all riders. Their "ultimate" is too powerful for being available already in turn 3 and then again turn 4. Especially Pale Rider which is obscene. Serena Bowman. She just does so much it is hard to justify not bringing her in every crew. Feels much like the m2 Doppelganger in that regard. Candy. Against certain crews she can be extremely oppressive Black Blood Shamans along with everything that does pulse focus. My number one biggest problem with M3 is that focus doesn't decay at the end of the turn. I really feel that this is a change that needs to be made, otherwise turtling and spamming focus can be extremely unfun to play against. Buffs: Lelu/Lilitu. As squishy as other Nephilim, yet lacks their mobility. All Woes that aren't Pandora or Candy Waldgeists. I struggle to see their role A lot of our small scheme runner models could use a buff of some kind (Tots, Bultungin, Hounds). There are scheme pools where I feel gimped if I don't pick Zoraida just so I have access to Silurids. Razorspine Rattler. Like Waldgeists I don't see a situation where I would ever want it. Bloodwretch and Maurice.
  14. Does anyone know when the special order program will get updated with more models? Agent 46 has been out for 1.5 month and I would really like to get my hands on him.
  15. True, that was also roughly what I was planning, the trouble is just what models to use.
  16. If you had 95% of the Neverborn range (Except Gigants) at your disposal, how would you go about making two beginner crews for two brand new players? I was thinking something along the line of 4 models vs 4 models, but I am having a lot of trouble finding two crews that I think will be thematic, evenly matched and not too rules fiddly for a new player. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  17. I pick them when I give intro games and need to have simple and bad models for my own side, so the new player can have a shot at winning.
  18. I have a couple of nephilim questions. When a nephilim grows, either trough eating a corpse marker itself or through Nekima hurling a corpse into its face and making it heal, the heal triggers before the grow does, right? So there would be no way for me to make it heal after it has become a mature with a larger health pool ? Also, if a model with a healing trigger on its attack hits a model with black blood, which triggers first ? The healing or the damage from black blood ? Hope someone can help me out
  19. As the title says, can you use soulstones to get a plus flip on initiative? I am not certain.
  20. Does anyone know if we will be able to special order Agent 46 once the Lucius box gets released? I know it says you can't order a new model from a box comprising entirely of new models, but since every other model in the box is a re-sculpt, I am not sure if they count as new models or not?
  21. Does anyone know what is up with these? They got revealed back in early June 2018, but I haven't heard a peep about them since then?
  22. The big thing really is how her obeys interact with Corrupted Idols and to a lesser degree Plant Explosives. Once we get some new strats from Gaining Grounds that are (hopefully) less broken with obey, I think Zoraida will fall way more in line. I do think that her hand discard should have to target an opponents model and win an opposed duel for it to work. I don't like that there is nothing to be done about it.
  23. Can Collette target herself with her ability Presto Chango? By that I mean if she can put a scheme marker near an enemy model and then have it switch places with herself? I am not sure since you can't usually target yourself with an attack action, but the wording on this seems different.
  24. I am just gonna but in with a quick question, but was there ever any kind of consensus whether a model that ignores underbrush markers does it for attacking or solely for movement? If you don't ignore the concealment granted by underbrush markers pretty much everything in her crew that doesn't ignore concealment becomes terrible. Aeslin in particular.
  25. Thank you. I did also mean end of action. Not sure why I wrote activation
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