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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. Just gone onto my "definitely buying this one" list...a great looking model 👍....but like others I fear I will have to send out ear defenders to the neighbors once assembly commences
  2. Personally I can't wait to get a paintbrush on them before pitting them against Cult Of Burning Man...no idea yet how that will play out but should look great !....keep these reviews coming 👍
  3. Absolutely stunning and a joy to look at ...you may have been away for a while but it was worth the wait
  4. They must be so good at blending in that I can't even see them on this page ....oops 😳....that's embarrassing- they just appeared...technical glitch on my device I'm guessing....or maybe they just snuck up on me...if I venture into a third faction these are the guys who will tip the balance - great looking sculpt 👍
  5. Plus one for Mr Graves...his face is excellent 👍
  6. @Franchute Thanks !....even with just Dr Dufresne and Mr Graves I'll be covered
  7. For this month I shall be mainly doing Dr Dufresne and Mr Graves...lurking in the wings is Jakob Lynch....I'd like to do him as well but need to know first if that would be ok with you other fellows....his skeletal companion I started on some time back but as he isn't on the card and Jakob is still in primer would it be ok to enter him ? I'm completely ok if someone thinks that's off as thanks to Wyrd's constant releases I am not short of other models to make Dr Dufresne has a cache of 4....what does that translate to in SS ? @Viruk Rail Golem looks great 👍
  8. Burnin' Coal

    Burnin' Coal

    Painters Challenge September 2017
  9. Very nice indeed - subtle palette = very spooky looking
  10. Your Seishin are two thumbs up "wow !!".....great colour schemes that make the models really special
  11. First of the new artworks that I instantly like....just looks right...truly Malifaux as in dark and threatening....and as others have mentioned would make a VERY fine alternative model indeed...beard and all... ... now I really need to see the new Jakob Lynch art
  12. Excellent and helpful review as always...will definitely be picking this up when it is released
  13. @Franchute....liking where you are going with this...my Kandara has yet to arrive so am following with interest @prof_bycid...you were very quick off the block with Kandara - hope you can rejoin us soon - great looking model 👍
  14. IMHO...It could well be that those pens work for you...but...considering the outlay....a Winsor & Newton Series 7 brush number 0 or 00 will not only work just for that one small application but also for a myriad of other painterly requirements 👍....with a brush you can knock back the colour/tone of your desired "print " to fit in with your overall paint scheme....it could be that a pen ,albeit very fine,will only give you a solid black that could change the perspective/overpower your chosen palette.......just my $0.002 😉
  15. I enjoy reading the background stories and whilst not from my declared factions this is a great looking model that will doubtless launch a myriad of paint schemes - can't wait !
  16. The colour schemes you have chosen are both subtle and convincing...very impressive results from someone just starting out 👍....the highlights on the gold thread and jewellery really caught my eye....great stuff - just keep on doing what you're doing - look forward to seeing more
  17. Hi there Matt - enjoy your new world - keep it dark
  18. Ooh look !....not just one incredibly delicate glowing antenna to negotiate in and out of a bag.....but TEN !! 😱😱😱....I really like the Wisps...cannot claim to be a fan of the artwork but I bet the model will look good
  19. @Aaron thanks....just trying to get ahead by building some scenery and having even a rough height would be useful...but cheers anyway 👍
  20. Cult Of The Burning Man sold itself to me instantly on visuals alone....this guy sold me the opposition...fantastic looking model that will doubtless spawn a thousand paintjobs...is there a "walks through buildings" attack available ?... because it looks as though it could properly wreck some scenery....any info on the rough height of the actual model ?
  21. ....and....the varnish just dried in time to take photos !.....this month Carlos Vasquez for 9ss and a Mounted Guard for 7ss making 16ss for the month...so many great entries here - am really enjoying joining in
  22. Burnin' Coal

    Burnin' Coal

    Painters Challenge August 2017
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