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Everything posted by Bazlord_Prime

  1. Sweet. Looks like Talos will go nicely in a Burying-themed crew. It always makes me chuckle though, thinking that everybody (who can Bury) kinda does it better than Tara (because of Glimpse the Void's limitation). As far as Burying being her gimmick, it's mostly that she just brings all those other models to the same place (Death Marshals, specifically), right? Cool theme, tho.
  2. LOADS of the big dudes in Malifaux only have Df 4 though. It's pretty standard. Think of it as their inability to move quickly and with any grace - they're easy to hit, but wounding them to any degree is a bit harder...
  3. Think everyone's pinning their hopes on him being a Black Friday prize. That would mean a minimum spend of some kind, though. Which would lead on to silly eBay prices for him until he goes on general release at Easter or whenever...
  4. Malifaux Musings has written up a quick look at all the new characters coming up in Book 5. It doesn't have all the stats etc, but it gives you an idea of what each model can do. (http://www.malifauxmusings.com/2017/07/book-5-pre-previews-rezzers-and-outcasts.html?m=1) Talos does a whole bunch around burying, hence the obvious Tara connection. If you're already rocking Tara, N-Beast, Scion, Aionus & Death Marshals though, there might not be room for another Buryer, right? Not sure how many can be buried at once.
  5. Thanks for that fix, @Kai - have been without my Tales for about a year now because of the above issue, so i think I'll start again from the beginning now :-)
  6. Yeah, i was wondering if i might get away with just shaving off the camo bits & pieces and using them for Bayous. Also had a thought about making them into hazardous terrain pieces but having them hiding in ambush, peeping out from within tall swamp grasses or something. Gotta be worth a go!
  7. So, I was thinking to convert the metal Captain into Dashel by changing that axe to a baton (and maybe swapping out the automatic for a revolver?), but: Now i really want to convert the female alt Sergeant. Which would really require only the same amount of work. That'd be legit, right? As long as i clearly label her base or something?
  8. "Deliverance". I love it. Seems that we've incorporated that reference into the Banjonistas with Duelling Banjos, I guess.
  9. Wait - Bayou Gremlins used to be Terrifying??? That'd be so awesome!! Maybe one of Som'er's new Upgrades will be "(1) Midnight Snack" (a reference to the Gremlins movies), which could turn all Bayous within 6 Terrifying (Living) till end of turn. Fun. Then of course, you'd also want to have something about not getting them wet, but Som'er already summons Bayous off one another, so...
  10. We'll there we go! They're twice as handy as either one of us has so far had reason for them to be. Not bad, even at 6ss. Although, having said all that, "Seduction" is the same Wp13 unopposed duel as Bacon Curse. But at least it can hit multiples, and it would also help to drain cards. I for one would be pretty likely to cheat up in order to avoid to Df/Wp...
  11. Of course! Performers... Thanks, @Gnomezilla. I completely forgot they have that Attack (so far only having run them in a Brewmaster crew for expungement), but that they can give out would be the last word in facilitating Bacon Curse.
  12. I'm drawing a blank - there's nothing Wong could bring with him to drain the opponent's hand, is there? I mean, as an ability. Maybe a Banjonista or two could try to do it via Duelling Banjos etc, but we might be starting to talk a little too many Soulstones now just for trying to get Bacon Curse to work. Then again, go hard or go home, right?
  13. ^this. I'm not going to start theory-fauxing about how to fix the upgrade or anything, but i really do wish it was slightly more realistic. Still - not everything has to be bleeding-edge, competitive & tournament-ready. I'll take it - one day! - for a laugh, and hope I can snag something hilarious with it (turning Howard into a Piglet has to be an Achievement Badge, surely?), but even in that capacity, i really do wish it was just 1ss
  14. I appreciate that corner case utility, but again - it's a 2ss upgrade, and you'd want to know ahead of time that you were facing something like Nekima, so you could comfortably shell out for it. Do we all think it's worth taking at 2ss? Bacon Curse at least is kinda tricky to pull off. The opponent essentially has to fail two Wp duels - one unopposed - and you need to throw in an extra from somewhere...
  15. I've got the Ophelia crew coming in the mail, and I'm most looking forward to getting some use out of the "other" kin: Raphael, Rami and Pere. (Sorry, Francois,...)
  16. So for 2ss, and the niche abilities it brings, it strikes me as a pretty iffy upgrade. I've read elsewhere that some people like to take it with Sammy. But knocking off immunity to & is pretty situational. I could see it being mandatory if you knew you were going to face the Freikorps, but it'd be a gamble any other time, right? The thing I'm really interested in tho, is the Bacon Curse. It's such a great homage ability to Big Trouble in Little China that I'd like to see it work a bit better than it appears to at face value. So has anyone got any good stories about when you've gotten some decent use out of it? Any tricky synergies that you've found?? Thanks!
  17. More proof that Gremlins are OP & dominating the rankings. When are people going to WAKE UP?!?
  18. Very confusing having new Dashel wielding an axe/cleaver, when his weapon is a baton :-/ And the Drill Sergeant having a baton, but being so trim :-/ ;-) Thanks all!
  19. Late to the party, but I've just gotten the metal Lucius box off a mate, plus i have the recent plastic alt-Guild Sergeant. So, from reading all the above, it looks like I can probably get away with proxying either the metal Captain or the alt-Guild Sergeant as Dashel? In friendlies, anyway. But what about in Tournaments? Because that metal Captain looks almost exactly like Dashel, is there an informal proxying allowance or anything? Or, has anybody converted the metal Captain into Dashel? That seems like it might be doable.
  20. Serves your friend right for net-listing that combo from the Schemes & Stones episodes on Lucius!! (Just listened to them myself!)
  21. Yep - we're in a new era now, where rules are released online for free, can be updated periodically to fix issues that have arisen, and can be (almost) instantly received by most of the player base. It's awesome!! Aslong as companies realise how it changes the experience for the players, which Wyrd really seems to have. Two errata per year isn't excessive, and the main point is that we all know that they're coming, and when. Other companies do it in a haphazard way - as and when they spot a problem - and trickle-feed changes, and that sort of thing makes it difficult for everyone to keep up. Sooo - well done, Wyrd
  22. Yeah, but there are easy 3ss activations in most of the Factions (Guild Hounds, Arcanist Raptor, Rezzer Night Terrors and Neverborn Alps - Outcasts and 10T don't have any), and all of the above are more useful in general than Stuffed Piglets, right? The fact is, 5 out of the 7 Factions can easily afford to bring in 2 cheap activations (at 3ss each), and i don't see the extra 1ss per Stuffy being any kind of deterrent to a Gremlin player determined to get activation control - they'll just take Bayou Gremlins instead, because now, there's no point taking Stuffies unless you also have a specific purpose for them. Which occasionally you will, sure. With Wong... But yeah! I'm stoked to hear that you're considering giving Gremlins a go! Let us know how you find them after a few flings. I'll try to convince one of my regular opponents to use Gremlins for a change so i can get a first hand impression of Reckless etc from the other side. Not so many people play Gremlins round these parts... ;-)
  23. I feel the same. It's a good, fun piece. Maybe to re-balance it now, it shouldn't suffer the effects of "Concussion" when it sacrifices a Stuffed Piglet. After all, the Piglet isn't actually exploding in terms of Bacon Bomb...
  24. Good post. I agree, and think the Stuffed Piglet rise to 3ss is going to be bad for business. And isn't that a pretty pertinent aspect for Wyrd to consider? I'd imagine that from now on, any new player asking whether they should buy the Creative Taxidermy box will receive a lot of "Meh" reactions, whereas before they probably would've been encouraged to do so (for whatever reasons...) I had heard that the proposed change to Stuffies was going to be along the lines of staying at 2ss, remaining Rare 6, but to hire them you would need to bring 1 Taxidermist per 3 Stuffies. This idea is much better. Because: - it doesn't devalue the Stuffed Piglets. Compared to Bayou Gremlins (the other "suicide model"), they're not worth 3ss. - to take 3 of them, instead of paying an extra 3ss tax for nothing, you'd have to spend 7ss but still get a good, usable model. That'd be an extra 4ss over this new fix, but you actually get something for it. - it keeps the boxed set themed together on the field, and increases the usefulness of Taxidermists. - it doesn't devalue the Pigapult as much. Makes it difficult to fit in, but again - that Taxidermist can do things for you, whereas a 3ss tax cannot. But whatever. I'm just very unlikely to ever buy the Creative Taxidermy box now, because: who needs to buy 18ss of Stuffed Piglets?
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