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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. The website says there are only 2 tickets left: I'm very happy with the response in such a short time! If you were hoping to join in, but haven't yet bought a ticket, please do come along: by the sounds of it there will be plenty of extra space tomorrow so you can be pretty confident of being included. Unless of course a hundred people turn up without tickets... in which case some of you will get to play and everyone else will get to laugh at me having a panic attack in the corner...
  2. Hello All! I know it's short notice, but I'm running a Henchman Hardcore tournament this Sunday at Dark Sphere in South London. Hopefully this will develop into a regular event, but this will be my first attempt at TO'ing (*GULP*). The event will start at 12pm, and I hope to be in the pub by 3pm... beginners and veterans equally welcome. Rules are as follows (lifted almost directly from GG): Restrictions Henchman Hardcore is different from standard Malifaux in the following ways: All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master. The game size is 20 Soulstones. All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less. Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux. The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model). Only one Scheme will be available. The same Crew must be used in each round of the event. Set Up All rounds use the following set up: Deployment: Close. Strategy: Hardcore Extraction. This Strategy uses the Extraction rules (Gaining Grounds 16 pg. 10) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn. Scheme Pool: Assassinate (Core Rulebook pg. 68). This is the only Scheme available and it must always be taken. Tournament Rules Use Gaining Grounds to determine pairings and score the event to determine the winner with the following exceptions: 0 Tournament Points are awarded for a draw. All round times are 25 minutes. The event is unranked, and there are no prizes - come play for the fun of it and the kudos! There is no painting requirement, only that all models are fully constructed and if not official Wyrd products, must clearly and obviously represent the unit selected - if in doubt, please ask me. Dark Sphere is located a short walk from Lambeth North underground station, which is unfortunately closed at the moment, so the closest station is currently Waterloo. Directions here: http://www.darksphere.co.uk/retaillocation.php Tickets are available from Dark Sphere's website priced at £2, here: http://www.darksphere.co.uk/p.php?p=73062. Only 8 tickets were originally put on sale, if they go quick I will try to convince Dark Sphere staff to give us more tables, so please get your ticket in advance if possible. Any questions, feel free to ask here or in PM. Hope to see some of you soon! Tom.
  3. I've played BtS on Kang with Frame for Murder in the pool: you're opponent will have to kill him early. Sidir with BtS and By Your Side is a good shout, as he can still do his thing and protect the archers at the same time. Generally I prefer to take 1 archer and no BtS - they become less high priority targets that way, and if you have a melee crew they can apply some extra damage into combat.
  4. Jorogumo bite, Oiran concealed weapon, Brewmaster, Sensei Yu, either attack from a Torakage and Yin's entrails. We're okay for poison.
  5. Cool - he definitely isn't, he only ever plays against me on Vassal. I'll make sure he checks his messages.
  6. @Jam_Sandwich, @Myyrä: jeez, both your experiences suck. I'm slightly concerned I may not receive my order before GenCon 2017! Jam - my brother is on your rock and looking for people to play against. If you want a new opponent, try getting in touch with @Manxfaux?
  7. I can't think of any specific synergy as such, other than the Jorogumo being a big (ht3, 50mm base) model that's fairly resilient. Izamu is probably better as a lightning jump trap, but Jorogumo can do the job. They are just generally very good - take one, you probably won't be disappointed.
  8. I mentioned this in another post: put Blot the Sky on Shenlong. Deploy him no where near the archers, who are instead crowded round Yu. The first time you do it, your opponent will think you've made a mistake. Turn 1, Shenlong discards BtS to push the archers into position, and Yu can now pick up BtS in the correct position with promising disciple.
  9. I recently started using Yu with a McCabe and a dawn serpent. It's mental! At least for turn 1! McCabe activates, black flash on DS, throw badge of speed to Yu, Yu activates, airbrush and mighty gust on DS, nimble, then throw BoS to DS. Yu is now 11" up the board and able to be useful turn 2, DS is 14" up the board, with essentially 7 AP to spend. Effective range from starting position: 58"!
  10. I live in London - it was 50 miles away from me!
  11. Should I be worried that according to the tracking, my order was sat at Stanstead airport for a couple of days and is now back in Miami...?!
  12. I've not used a samurai as of yet, but run through could be used the same way I've had lone marshals used against me: large area of severe terrain, don't worry about the attack in the middle, just use it to push through the terrain and get to an area of the board that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  13. I haven't found anything as a proxy even approaching appealing to me, but I have an idea to use the stag from a GW wild rider, result the head, add wings and a suitable rider... Anyone know of any suitable rider models without the mount?
  14. There are not a lot of ressers in my meta, so haven't really had too many issues with these particular builds, but my thoughts are thus: 1) Target Priority That nurse might not be doing damage, but it is target #1. If you try to ignore it, it's going to spend the game healing, buffing and debugging and your opponent will control the game. Hit her hard and early: ideally snipe her out turn 1. If Frame for Murder is in the pool, give them 2/3 vp. It's better than not being able to stop them getting 7. 2) A Cunning Plan Firstly, if any faction is equipped to deal with the Belle Bomb it would be the Thunders. Plenty of Laugh Off and good general WP. I don't think I've ever even been targeted with Lure from a Belle - they've always used it on friendly models only. The real strategy is to rush the Belles. The idea behind the BB is to isolate one model and execute it - if you rush three or four reasonably hard hitters into the pack they will soon crumble. If you disrupt their plan, their isn't too much plan B with a list like that.
  15. Misaki. Tannen. Yamaziko. Asami. ... must be more. I actually see this more as the upgrade draining opponents hand, rather than draining their hand for the upgrade to kill the model. It will happen from time to time, but the fear of it is key.
  16. I suppose the etiquette is to say to your opponent: "one of these models has Death Contract"?
  17. Yup - my bad. Was thinking of strat only. You can do it on turn 1 potentially!
  18. I would say it effects blasts. If you target model A with an attack and blast into model B, then the attack deals damage to A and B. Bare in mind this is equivalent to a rider's big (0) action - you will only get +3 damage in turn 5 at the earliest, and it's still on a trigger.
  19. I would tend to agree: if it doesn't specify the target. Would need to see the full wording.
  20. Ototo seems to come in for a lot of hate, and while he only appears in my lists occasionally, he rarely fails to impress when he does. I particularly like him with McCabe where the extra mobility makes him lethal! In a particularly (and slightly unnecessarily) brutal tournament game of Squatter's Rights yesterday, I took him against Neverborn. By the end of the game he had almost single-handedly accounted for: Pandora; Nekima; Mr. Tannen; McTavish. At no point was he enraged - in fact I don't think he took a single wound.
  21. Off the top of my head, requires a 6, or 8 with the smoke bombs. I think people tend to think it's harder than it is.
  22. I did not think of that... you, My Good Sir/Madam, are a genius! I just want to throw something back in the Malifaux Child's ring: his 'Just Like You' action receives to cast, which even at a 9 gives you nearly a 50% chance to top-deck (feel free to correct my maths). If it was vital that I move someone or give out focus, I'd use Asami, but if it would be really annoying for my opponent - give it a go Little Feller! It will need a bit of table time to be sure, but I think child will be a legitimate choice - not always, but a pain for your opponent!
  23. Ouch!: 50 SS Ten Thunders Crew Asami Tanaka + 7 Pool - Nefarious Pact (2) - Servant Of 5 Dragons (1) - Feigned Weakness (1) Kamaitachi (4) Ohaguro Bettari (8) - The Fate of Mortals (2) - Equality (1) Shadow Emissary (10) - Shadow Conflux (0) Mr. Tannen (6) - Smoke Grenades (1) Terracotta Warrior (5) Terracotta Warrior (5) (exported from CrewFaux)
  24. While I'm waiting for Her Oniness to ship over the pond, I've been watching out for snippets of book 4 information and am starting to build crews in my head. Would appreciate some community thoughts: Upgrades - for me Nefarious Pact is a must. Johan is too popular a merc to ever assume your opponent will not have condition removal, and card draw is massive for summons, even if it is to fuel the rest of your crew or shape next turns hand. Other than that, I like the idea of Servant of 5 Drags. What are other people thinking about upgrade wise? The appearance of Terracotta Warriors means situational upgrades can now be taken and swapped out if not applicable. Totem - I think Asami has 3 legitimate totem choices: "Our Man, Jack" looks like a good cheap activation. Hard to shift and hits surprisingly hard late game. I like the to sh aura, but... 9...? And I'm not yet convinced I'll care too much whether my summons last till the next turn. Interference and Reconnoiter, I guess. Child: thematically, I love the idea of Asami adopting a Malifaux Child! In practise it's another cheap activation that allows you to get off the movement shenanigans or focus tricks that are really good on Asami's card, but I imagine you just don't want to spend her AP on... plus, heal! Kamaiachi: at first glance, not a strong option. Bit more expensive, doesn't do massive amounts. However, add in the Terracotta Warrior (I know we are now at 9ss) and it gets mental! Wonder Weasel counts for Strat, draws a card, gives a heal, gives a small push, gives a big push, hands out burning, charges for 1AP and makes use of Betti's flay aura. I think this could be utterly disgusting, particularly if you then add in Shadow Emissary! Summon a model and charge with attacks against an opponent with -2df... What thoughts are other people having?
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