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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. Thanks to a combination of receiving my Henchman welcome kit, the kindness of several individuals and raiding my own supplies I will be able to provide everyone that attends this event with a guilder and also have a small pool of prizes that I will raffle off at the end of the event. I have 13 trophies (just waiting for the last one to arrive) to give out. There are a few tickets left - only if they go will the store vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place be available. Thanks all for your interest and support - let's shift the last few places!
  2. Hello! If you are interested in getting into Malifaux and would like a demo at Dark Sphere in London, please get in touch - I would be happy to give you a demonstration game. For March 2018, I am generally available most evenings and weekends. Dark Sphere is situated between Lambeth North underground station (closest), Waterloo station (still reasonably close) and Vauxhall (bit further away, but still walk-able). http://www.darksphere.co.uk/shop.php Please contact me below, by PM or come over and join "Dark Sphere Malifaux" Facebook group. Tom.
  3. Just in case there is any doubt: this event will be using the new summer errata.
  4. List of attendees added. Just shy of half the tickets sold in first week - I mean, it might not quite be Nationals, but I'm delighted!
  5. Thanks for your enthusiasm all! I will get a list of entrants up... probably start of next week if I can get it off the store.
  6. Thanks all for your interest, and I hope to be able to give you more info soon. Been a bit of a delay due to some personal circumstances but getting myself back on track now - hope for more info over the weekend. Tom
  7. Apologies if this is in the wrong place: I submitted an application to become a henchman a few weeks ago - I got a confirmation email but my pc was acting funny and I haven't heard anything since. Is it possible to confirm if you received my application, please?
  8. Cool - I'll just double check work and trains, will confirm tomorrow if that's okay?
  9. I used Ama at a Henchman Hard-core tournament recently and oh my word can she beat face! On a Recalled Training turn she will just delete a model. With a Terracotta Warrior she can have two RT turns... She is great for taking on other hitters, which will often have df3-5 but high number of wounds.... ml5 with 3/5/7? Knife, meet Butter.
  10. Hello All! I am delighted to finally bring you the tournament details for Sphere's Given Form: Tinker, Taelor, Soldier, Spy https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a7tynszqvkcqxi2/AABmce_VZ8Ci8onFiw03nwXKa?dl=0 Tickets are on sale now! http://www.darksphere.co.uk/p.php?p=79769 Thank you for your interest in my first, full scale Malifaux tournament! Malifaux tournaments are returning to Dark Sphere in London for the first time in nearly two years. Dark Sphere is located close to Lambeth North underground station, or a short walk from Waterloo station. I’m hoping to make this as beginner friendly as possible, and with that in mind I’ve tried to build in a little extra time between rounds. There will also be an award for the best placed “new” player to keep things interesting. To remove as much pressure on new players as possible, the strategies and schemes we will be using for the event are included below. This will be a 32 player, three round, fixed faction event. Strategies and Schemes are pre-determined and are revealed below. 10:00 Registration 10:30 Game 1: Turf War // Standard Deployment Claim Jump / Accusation / Leave Your Mark / Covert Breakthrough / A Quick Murder 12:30 Lunch & Painting Competition 13:30 Game 2: Headhunter // Flank Deployment Claim Jump / Frame for Murder / Accusation / Show of Force / Hidden Trap 16:00 Game 3: Interference // Close Deployment Claim Jump / Eliminate the Leadership / Dig Their Graves / Hunting Party / Set Up 18:00 Clear-up and prizes – expected finish of 18:30 There will be trophies handed out for the following achievements: From the Heavens! (1st Place) - £15* Crushing Blow! (2nd Place) - £10* Knock Back! (3rd Place) - £5* The Construct (Last Place) Best Painted** Best in Faction Welcome to Malifaux!*** Atendees: 1. Adam Perry 2. Aj Barr 3. Albert Cox 4. Andrew Humphrey 5. Conor McNama 6. Conor Rooney 7. Reice Chaudhry 8. Grant Dickenson 9. Jeroen van Riel 10. Jamie Toombs 11. Jay Clemens 12. John Burgess 13. Jonny Von Woozle 14. Liam Coupland 15. Marcus Rose 16. Richard Walters 17. Robert Buckingham 18. Ross Baker 19. Sean Wheeliker 20. Timothy Britton 21. Tobias Dracup 22. Vaughan Langton 23. Charles Braybrook 24. James Lee 25. Troy Ashdown 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
  11. We raised £20 for Willen Hospice at Sphere's Given Form - I've PayPaled you the money David.
  12. Firstly... nudge! This is next week and I'd love to see a good attendance as it will enable me to run more events at Dark Sphere. Tickets are still available. There is no painting requirement other than models being assembled and attached to a base. Beginners and veterans are welcome alike - it's an afternoon of fun 'speed gaming' rather than anything too serious. As we are playing the same day as Cow Wars, I will be running a completely optional kitty to donate to Willen Hospice, which I will forward on to @Clousseau after the event. Be nice to help them reach their goal... Feeling hardcore? How about everytime you flip the Red Joker you make a donation? Going to the pub afterwards is also optional... but highly recommended! Hope to see some old and new faces there, feel free to ask any questions here or on Twitter (@SkittHappens).
  13. I was 100% in for Empire for so long, but playtesting has swayed me towards Abyssinia. Now I'm sitting at dual commander pledge with Abyss and Empire. Abyss I'm now totally sold on, and there are certain models in Empire I'm struggling to let go of... I'm still facing an internal struggle: Do I take Empire as 2nd allegiance or Cult? Both have really nice miniatures, but I don't see me playing Cult. Probably won't play Empire either. Or take their units as allies. Cult make for a better demo opponent - more visually interesting - but I might actually play Empire... Somebody help me!
  14. I was originally planning to play Empire, and am still getting some, but now as a second faction. Really love the models, in particular Margaret Belle, King's Hand, Dragoons and Grenadiers. Being British (and an Army Brat) the aesthetic strikes a chord with me, although will totally paint in a more colonial style than ww1: there is no point in camouflage and trenches when your enemies either strike with magic or would quite like to be in the trench with you... redcoats all the way!
  15. The combined arms squads did it for me: just so pretty! They also suit my aggressive playstyle quite nicely: run in and unleash havoc - high risk, high reward.
  16. I don't suppose you would consider making the painting competition 3 minions or 1 enforcer? I have an enforcer model I'd love to use for this...
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