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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. I disagree with the premise that Mei is a combat master: I've never been able to get that out of her. In Arcanist she has quick moving constructs that allow her to dive into the opponent crew before that are ready, but in 10T I always find my opponent is well prepared before Mei gets close. I still take seismic claws, but I take it for the pushes more than anything else. For me, Mei is a denial expert: almost impossible to shoot should she so decide and able to hit from any angle rather than distance, manipulating enemy models out of scoring zones. As a combat master, Misaki is far the superior. I played a game thus week where in one recalled training turn she killed Rusty Alyce, a performer and a hollow waif. She was not fast. Two turns later she failed to kill Levi with no waifs left on the board.... That was a little dissapointing.
  2. Interesting. The rules say dual, so I'm sticking with that. Can't see a massive use for them in 10T though. Great for Collodi, alright with anyone else.
  3. Wow. I think I said in my first post in this topic that when she first hits the table, people would call OP, but they would soon pick her apart, and refer to her as... well, P. We appear to have done it ourselves, in theory only, in just 24 hours! Jorogumo are great: I have been quite a vocal supporter of that opinion. Summon them for 13 will be awesome. They can put out a lot of damage, but at only ml5 there are definitely things that hit harder. There strength is how hard they are to take off the table - so sacrificing after a set number of turns stops them being broken. I bet Justin is breathing a sigh of relief that they changed from what I've heard of the beta: ml6 with 8 severe damage - that would have been broken.
  4. And that's not a bad option at all. She is an Oni, so Asami can give her focused +2: very nasty with 3/5/7 damage track.
  5. So it would seem. It will be interesting to see which of her upgrades are limited, as per my previous post, I think there is going to be a lot of competition for upgrade slots. Can't find the quote now, but someone said she had a sub-par ml attack... Really? I think some people are commenting here from other factions without considering how she fits into the faction as a whole: Misaki is 10T dedicated melee master with ml7, 2 2/4/6 and auto-kill on ; Asami has ml6, 1, 2/4/6 with an auto-kill (all be it an easier to avoid one) on . I think you could play Asami without summoning a single model. This is where she gets really interesting: learning when to summon and when Asami can do the job herself? Rules query already: flicker. Model comes in on +1, then remove all scrap and corpse markers within 1 and increase flicker up to +3 - I read that as flicker goes to a maximum +3, rather than +3+1 for +4. I don't understand how Fetid works this out: that Jorogumo is sacrificed turn 3 + whatever Amanjaku gives her. If you talk about Amanjaku following her around all game giving +1 each turn, then why bother with the corpse in the first place?
  6. P.p.s. expert achievement league, task 1: devour a rail golem! Just think about that, that maw doesn't lead to her stomach, it goes directly to her brain. She can potentially shove a 12 foot tall incarnation of rusty metal directly into her cerebral cortex. Yummy!
  7. I think Asami has some very interesting mechanics: Nicodem and Dreamer are happy sitting at the back summoning hordes; Kirai likes to be in the middle of her own crew; Molly wants to be where the fighting is; Asami wants to be where the fighting WAS. The fact that the models are sacrificed when the condition ends makes her brilliant for Reckoning, Collect the Bounty, etc, but not as efficient as other summoners at the traditional summon starts (reconnoiter, etc) as she is less resource efficient if the model needs to be alive at the end of the turn. I can see situations where friendly condition removal will be advantageous (but beware obey...). Other then being cheap, a Tengu seems a fairly poor summon most of the time, as they will probably be gone by the time they can drop precious scheme markers. A jorogumo on the other hand, is worthwhile for one turn and a 13. Oh - you know how you look at Mr Tannen's (0) action and think "not worth it"? Not anymore! Asami herself can do a lot of different things, but as previously stated she will not be far from the action. Def 7, hard to kill and self heal is great. Wp5, wd 10 and dealing damage to her for charges is not great. Time it wrong and your opponent will obliterate her! This is where Misdirection and/or Servant of 5 Dragons will become serious considerations, but sneakily, it appears that Justin has gone and given her very powerful upgrades of her own: meaning there will be some hard choices ahead! Which is good for the game, I think. I suspect, Asami played well will rumble with the best of them, but make a mistake and a canny opponent will roll over her. I can't wait to get my hands on her: I imagine that to begin with a lot of opponents will be up in arms about her, but when the dust settles she is going to be considered top notch, but not OP. P.s. judging by her back story, I think she might just need a cuddle. And I do mean cuddle.
  8. Hm. @Myyrä that's a good start. First addition would be a katanaka sniper. Go late in the turn to execute a hound (either two shots for min damage, or one focused shot, cheating down to get severe/moderate + crit strike). Need another beater to follow Killjoy in. How about this: 50 SS Ten Thunders Crew McCabe + 4 Pool - Badge Of Speed (2) - Elixir Of Life (2) - Promises (1) Luna (4) Killjoy (13) - Recalled Training (1) Jorogumo (9) Katanaka Sniper (7) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) (exported from CrewFaux) It doesn't have the activation control of a Ratjoy list, but here's the premise: activate everything except the sniper and the sacrificial hound. McCabe puts black flash on the sacrificial hound and gives the badge of speed to the jorogumo. Luna moves ahead of sacrificial doggy. 3rd last activation: move sac dog into Luna's aura. 2nd last activation: move sac dog into opponents face and preferably within 14" of Sniper. Last activation: if you've got the cards, focus shoot sac dog to guarantee 4 damage, otherwise 2 unfocused shots with the dog relenting. Last activation +1: Killjoy does what Killjoy does. Turn 2, Killjoy activates first, dropping RT. Dropping it here will give more benefit than a turn 1 drop. Jorogumo should be in position to follow closely in. McCabe then starts reactivating Jorogumo and handing out upgrades as required. Opponent has two devastating and self-healing monsters the they must deal with... Which eventually they will, but remaining 2 hounds and Luna should easily be able to complete schemes without too much harassment until then. Just a thought.
  9. I keep feeling that, somewhere out there, there is an amazing 10T/Killjoy list. There should be, because Killjoy with Recalled Training is serious brown trousers time. The issue is finding a reliable and cheap delivery method. So much in 10T is expensive with out sacrifice mechanics... Although maybe we shouldn't look for this: look what happened to the rats!
  10. Disagree. Chiaki is the closest I have to an auto-take. Condition removal is situationally priceless, but Chiaki does so much more for me. A (0) attack that inflicts insignificant? A pulse to push all enemy models (or even just to thin out opponents hand a little)? Incorporeal on a 7wd model? Potential heal? Worth every stone to me, usually twice over. In one game I had her harass a December Acolyte for the entire game, pushing him off a ht5 building amongst other things while simultaneously making a silurid insignificant for the entire game. Do you know what an insignificant Silurid is good for? Absolutely nothing.
  11. I expect that to be Asami herself. Better fit. Who knows though: we've seen before that Wyrd have taken existing mythology and reshaped it to their need (as well you should guys: it's your alternate world, if you just copied existing stories that would be very limiting/uninteresting ). Case in point: Jorogumo.
  12. So, a quick Google search on the new box for Asami, and this is what I've found/speculated: Ohaguso Bettari (whom I will be referring to as "Betti"). http://yokai.com/ohagurobettari I'm guessing Horror shenanigans over outright damage. Enforcer/Henchman. Amanjaku (I assume is derived from "Amanojaku", whom I will be referring to as "Our Man, Jack"). http://yokai.com/amanojaku/ Perhaps some sort of obey mechanic? Totem. Yokai a sub genre of mythology, to which I believe Oni belong. If I'm right in that, then Wyrd are just using the names: anything goes. One telling point is the twin weapons, which usually mean to attack. Always nice with (1) ap charges. I do hate only flipping one card - it doesn't feel right!
  13. This: http://yokai.com/ohagurobettari
  14. I love them all! In different ways, but love! Highlights for me are the corpse candles, Balaclava from Sandeep's box and Betti from Asami's. However: The Queen Returns. This box is tempting me to faction hop. Every single model in that box is a piece of art! Someday, my Pretty-Pretty, you will be mine!
  15. Other than once on vassal, I've not taken the Emissary. By the time I started looking at him properly, the render was out and I immediately decided I did not want to invest in a proxy. Yu, I recognise as an incredibly powerful piece, but he is still not an auto-include for me. If I have a specific job for him to do, then I weigh up if that job is worth 11ss. He usually appears with Misaki but not always (to which I imagine some people are shouting "then you are sometimes playing it wrong" ... disagree: he has no place in a disguised/smoke and shadows list), often with Mei, occasionally with Lynch and never even tried with McCabe. I guess my point is: no model should be auto-include. I can see strengths for both, but if you are spending 10+ stones on 1 model, you better have a good reason. So either are good in the right situation. Sometimes both will be very effective. Sometimes neither will be just as effective.
  16. On the dual faction topic, I think there are two things we should consider: 1) we all work for the 10 Thunders Brootherhood, it's just that some of us know it and some of us don't... 2) due to the make-up of the 10T, 75% of 10T masters are dual faction (including Asami for that figure), so every now and again we are likely to steal other factions exclusive models. However, this saloon door swings both ways: if/when 10T get a dedicated Nightmare box, chances are we will share that too. Love the look of these models... I'm going to have to grip my credit card very tightly at the start of August! Very much enjoy the disclaimer on the box - very Wyrd! Perhaps the thing that I find most satisfying is that Wyrd have broken from the convention of maintaining the original box contents: if a crew would be cooler with different models, I like that Wyrd don't try to shoehorn the theme into "lesser" models (in the sense of theme, not game play. I love wastrels! ).
  17. The above advice is pretty thorough, I just wanted to add in my personal experience. I started by buying Mei Feng, Lynch and Misaki, then added McCabe. Yan Lo will be added soon, followed by Shenlong and Brew master. Mei I had heard was an excellent starting master, and in Arcanists she probably is. In TT I found I never had the tools to quite get what I wanted out of her. It took me about 6 months to really get my head around her in the true faction. Rules wise she is fine, but on the table as a new player she just felt a little ... damp. Lynch was the opposite for me. Straight away I could see what he was capable of and the basic premise of what he does, but he bends the rules of the game, mostly in regards to cards. As I was trying to get my head around a new game system this hurt my brain. Coming back to him later I also saw many more options than I did at first. I ended up playing Misaki exclusively for the first couple of months. She has definite strengths and weaknesses plays within the rules of the game. I lost a lot of games to begin with, but always had fun doing so.
  18. Is that what was said on the forums? I saw that too, but the fact that Wyrd aren't showing it off concerns me. I suspect that this is what they want to do, but there may be production issues. I'll believe it when this picture appears on the "Upcoming" page on the website, or I have the box in my hand.
  19. I like that. A lot. I can see how smoke and shadows would be useful in some strat/scheme combos, but otherwise the crew has plenty of maneuverability on it's own. May I suggest swapping Badge of Speed and Elixir of Life over? In most cases the Emissary is not going to need regeneration turn 1, but can always use Nimble. Activate SE, nimble, do whatever with other 2 ap, pass badge to a jorogumo, activate nimble jorogumo, do your thing, activate McCabe, take back badge, black flash 2nd jorogumo, give 2nd jorogumo badge, get nimble ability 4 times on turn 1. The Kamaitachi might be a great addition to this crew instead of Yama: extra card draw, pushes and healing; snipe a model to put burning +2, Emissary then does (0) to lower victims df by 2.... Jorogumo, CHARGE! I got that particular lady in plastic either to proxy or for parts. Soon as she arrived I put her next to another Malifaux model and realised it just wasn't going to work. May still come back to her and try to make her fit. Depends how many models are going to be in the Jorogumo box with conflicting reports of 1-3 models per box.
  20. @Mutter, what was your list, please? Consider me intrigued....
  21. Love it. Probably my favourite render of the new masters, and rules look like he will have some fun interactions.
  22. I've played against her once, on Vassal. She was a very short term nuisance: she's reasonably tough but not spectacular in that regard, the blocking of pushes is a pain if you try to go past her but I can't think of a hitter that doesn't have at least an 8" threat range. Treat her as a priority target and she shouldn't cause you too much trouble.
  23. Recipe for a "Skitt-Happens-agumo": One part Oiran torso. The legs make for a sweet MisakI Conversion. One Wyrd lamppost. One Secret Weapon base, to taste. Length of 0.5mm aluminium rod for Web. One pipe cleaner, with furry stuff burnt off, to create posable structure for legs. Green stuff and/or modeling putty for everything else. I find Milliput much easier to work with then actual Green Stuff. ... that is beautiful! My next biggest success was in an interference game. I took a Misaki/Smoke and Shadows list and teleported Joro deep into enemy lines turn 1. My opponent was so worried about letting her rampage that he resorted to feeding her models to keep her where she was: Datsue Ba? Why, thank you very much! Om-nom-nom. While no where near as spectacular, being able to place a Jorogumo pretty much anywhere on the board end of turn 1 can force your opponent to have to make some unpleasant desicions.
  24. Thanks - very proud of the conversion (hens why I shamelessly stuck a photo at the end of the post). I've had success using the Dawn Serpent before with McCabe, but nothing like this. I think it is the (0) attack, which just feels like an extra AP. What made the real difference in this game, I believe, was possibly Genbu: it was the first time I'd used him (or his Izamu shaped cousin ) and predictably, completely forgot A Quick Murder was in the pool and threw him headlong into the enemy crew. He died turn 2 giving away 3 vp, but he took a desolation engine with him and took nearly the entire opponent crew to take down. This meant a) there was no pressure on Joro until turn 3 and she was able to flank the opposition and pick her targets. There was a beautiful moment when she nimbled through the Nothing Beast to beat down Tara on the other side. I would be surprised if anyone on here thought the Jorogumo was weak, but thought it worthwhile to highlight how rediculous they can be.
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