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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. It's not a great pick, as if the Yokai doesn't get killed, he likely sacrifice every game and pick up injuries really quickly. A better choice for a similar effect would be an Obsidian Oni: they have a built in trigger to drop a scrap markers from their cast attack, so you don't need the and can do it from further away. Komainu are also probably slightly more useful in most situations. I ran a Toshiro shifting loyalties list with 2 illuminated that worked pretty well: just made corpses by killing stuff. This was magnified by gaining instinctual on Toshiro so my early turns went like this: activate one illuminated to move up; activate Toshiro and put fast onto first illuminated; activate second illuminated and move up; second turn Toshiro makes second illuminated fast, drops a scheme marker and then burns it to give both illuminated focus. You now have 2 fast, focused illuminated, possibly with to . That will do some fairly spectacular damage to anything.
  2. Hello all! I will be running my next Henchman Hardcore tournament at Dark Sphere on Sunday 30 April. Event details are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1223510771050770/?ti=as Tickets available here: http://www.darksphere.co.uk/p.php?p=77524 Dark Sphere is close to Lambeth North underground station, or a short walk from Waterloo and Vauxhall stations. Hoping it will be a fun afternoon of gaming - if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up. Hope to see you there! Tom.
  3. You had me at "War Wabbit"! Paid - many thanks.
  4. Hi - can I be added for the meal please? I would like the fish cakes and the Et Sote (lamb), please. Tom Skitt
  5. This seems to be a bit harsh given summoned models don't need to be in the pool. I don't think it effects my plans, but are you sure about this?
  6. Further to above - Misaki will be good for Tail'em denial: "I'm going to hit you three times then dissappear around this corner..."
  7. Sudden thought. Disguised build. Charge target and whack them twice, then downburst same target cheating/stoning for a ram. Cheat down Misaki's df duel to push away and potentially push off "free" thunder attack. Then start the deadly boogie. Misaki is now potentially 10" away from someone she just hit three times!
  8. @Shadowdragon @7thSquirrel: thanks. I assumed as much but didn't know it was in ink anywhere.
  9. Are the informant and evidence markers 30mm? Sounds obvious but feel that should be stated for clarity. Although: I declare recover evidence, you name your 5 models, I place my new TOS 120mm markers in base contact... defend that!
  10. Thanks for the confirmation @Aaron - very excited to get started!
  11. Cool - thanks for the replies, if there is a vassal module ready to go that solves the issue. I must of missed that in the comments. Good times!
  12. Hello all! Part of the other side KS says that backers will be invited to be involved in the final stage of playtesting - I've never done anything like this before and it quite appeals to me, but was wondering about some of the details. I'm aware that the people best placed to answer my questions would consider this work and are currently on holiday - Wyrd people do not need to rush to reply, this doesn't effect whether I will back the KS, I am doing that anyway - but I would appreciate the expertise of those that have been involved in similar: Firstly, are we likely to be under any sort of NDA for this? I don't have room (or opponents) to play at home, it's far easier to play at my FLGS, so am hoping we can play and talk about the games publicly. I've also never backed a kickstarter before: I presume we will not be sent miniatures to play test with and official rules when confirmed? I assume we would have to proxy until release date, right?
  13. Thinking about it, the anti-synergy of down burst into thunder is kind of good: once you declare that trigger you leave your opponent a bad choice - leave the target isolated, or risk a blast to the face. Emissary is a good shout!
  14. What are people generally thinking about the "new" Misaki? I'm quite excited to get her back on the table, as she still does the cruise missile like no other, but now she has the option to be a bit trickier too. My first thought, is using the Terracotta Warrior you can flip effectively between Ltd upgrades as required, and recharge RT. Has anyone come up with any interesting synergies or tactics for the now useful down burst and deadly dance?
  15. Interesting also that Cult and Hordes are slightly better value for money in terms of $ against msrp. But less value for scrip. Interesting!
  16. It's been said that there are two dedicated commanders and one dual faction commander for each allegiance: Edmonton, Belle and Okoye. The gun is named in some places as Albert Campbell and Artillery Team - also "plug base" implies not a single model. I suspect this may have been a potential commander that has been changed to a unit. Thrace has also gone AWOL: surely she is Empire? Either the Wyrd elves have some surprises up their sleeves or certain plans have been changed/shelved for later release.
  17. Yup absolutely. You just have to think about it a little more. (And it's still not a nice thing to do!)
  18. Ah no. Just reread Ancient Treasures: "attach a different upgrade..." you would have to cycle through upgrades.
  19. A couple of really dirty tricks have occurred to me regarding Show of Force: Yan Lo + Soul Porter + Sensei Yu. Fairly sure this works - simply put, soul Porter gives chi to Sensei Yu who then copies Yan Lo to change Chi into ascendant upgrades, which count for Show of Force. Fairly sure it's also more effort than it's worth. McCabe + Terracotta Warrior. Not sure about this one - Terracotta Warrior uses Ancient Treasures on McCabe. Nothing says you have to attach a different upgrade, so you could discard Glowing Saber and attach... a new Glowing Saber. That didn't start the game attached to a master, so would count when handed out to another model. This feels very wrong! Whether it should actually be done I feel is incredibly dubious if you want to make friends, but the theory interests me. Anyone have any thoughts on these (or similar)?
  20. While you can do this, when the new upgrade is attached it follows "usual restrictions at the start of the game". This means if Yan Lo has 4+ upgrades on him when targeted, you discard 1, still have his maximum of 3 upgrades and can't attach a new one. Fine if you start with one/no upgrades, prohibitive at two, do not do this if you start with three.
  21. Were she ml6+ she'd be broken. Giving her double focus goes somewhat to compensating for one big attack, but mostly it's about picking your target: there's plenty of beatstick models that are df4-5 with high wd. Prime targets. The damage track is high enough tof scare your opponent even when you have little chance of hitting.
  22. Ama No recently graduated from my painting table and I've used her exactly once. I didn't take Betti because I was trying out a couple of different ideas. Ama No had Smoke Grenades and RT. Turn 2 my opponent went to root her to the centre of the board with Lilith: "Ama is wp7 and you're on ." "... Never mind." Ama then repositioned to Asami and charged into the fray doing a more than respectable amount of damage. Turn 3, my opponent made a positioning mistake and engaged her with McTavish. I popped RT, cheated the red joker from my hand for 10 damage. With soulstones he was left on 1 wd and I had to decide whether to spend her last attack on finishing McTavish or put up hazardous terrain to let him kill himself. As he had a beckoner and doppelganger in the area I took the safe option and in true mortal kombat style, ripped his head clean off. Turn 4 the terracotta warrior walked up and swapped the smoke Grenades for some more training she suddenly remembered (my opponent was both terrified and impressed by this), and proceeded to dish out a s**t ton more damage to everyone around. People keep telling me Ama No is not good, but with the highest native damage track in Thunders and all the new Oni synergy, I think she may become a gem! I need more games to really get a clear idea. As good as her (0) actions are, that's where she starts to get card/stone hungry. Use them as added bonus rather than essential actions though and she is largely self sufficient, I think. The built in heal from Betti will make her pretty tough. Terrifying was also great for eating my opponents hand.
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