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Douglas Scoundrels

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Douglas Scoundrels last won the day on July 14

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About Douglas Scoundrels

  • Birthday 01/28/1988

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    Des Moines, IA

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  1. What: Faux Moines and the Lugharcan's Bounty is a 50ss M3E Three Round Tournament. We will be using Gaining Grounds Season 3 rules and the Standard gametype. Proxies and dual masters will be allowed. Where: Mayhem Comics and Games in Clive, IA (Des Moines) When: April 29th, starting at 10am Cost: $10 entry fee. Prizes will be given out to every attendee Extra: Prize selection will be based around an overall winner, which is a combination of wins, placement, and painting scores. Tourney Packet Register on Longshanks
  2. What: Faux Moines and the End of Innocence is a 50ss M3E Three Round Tournament. We will be using Gaining Grounds Season 3 rules and the Bans gametype. Proxies and dual masters will be allowed. Where: Mayhem Comics and Games in Clive, IA (Des Moines) When: February 25th, starting at 10am Cost: $10 entry fee. Prizes will be given out to every attendee Extra: Prize selection will be based around an overall winner, which is a combination of wins, placement, and painting scores. Tournament Packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LqINYIAWf72RWv7qi1nL0MBIAxWNcUrcKDmfP6xOcI0/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LqINYIAWf72RWv7qi1nL0MBIAxWNcUrcKDmfP6xOcI0/edit?usp=sharing When: January 21st starting at 10AM. Where: Mayhem Comics and Games, Des Moines, IA Cost: $10 (Prizes for all) Social (NAFT Central Discord): https://discord.gg/8F2PN46kyN
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y4RMHT-q2jzS073y2OJsPLjig4TnnRjCYN9TWUCf0ic/edit?usp=sharingI'll be adding to this new keyword soon. Does anyone want a copy of the blank Sheet I use to make these?
  5. Finally got a working rubric for making stat blocks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gGY6bYdkfNY0tC_odkMlBhTRhedVzxSrv0QwtJPnCmY/edit?usp=sharing
  6. What: A 50ss M3E Three Round Tournament. We will be using Gaining Grounds Season 2 rules and the standard gametype. Proxies and dual masters will be allowed. Where: Mayhem Comics and Games in Clive, IA (Des Moines) When: March 12th, starting at 10am Cost: $10 entry fee. Prizes will be given out to every attendee Extra: Prize selection will be based around an overall winner, which is a combination of wins, placement, and painting scores. Tournament Packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wKjoAlKRYJj1PZFyYWpL7Uv5EyRJS_Ocx4cZYPZ5pQ/edit?usp=sharing Store has no mask policy but I kindly ask you to wear one if you can.
  7. Yeah I just went over my most common playstyle, otherwise that recording would have been even longer. Dive crews involving Toni, one of her 10ss models and a support model or two (everyone else goes and scores) have worked on a lot of close deployment games. I've heard multiple times running two smaller groups with Amina manning the other one has play, but I mostly see my opponent just gunning down the Amina group (still could work for you). As said above, Toni1 is completely expendable, just make sure she's a massive pain in the *ss for as long as possible. Toni2, however, is considerably less so.
  8. What: Faux Moines and the Price of Progress is a 50ss M3E Three Round Tournament. We will be using Gaining Grounds Season 2 and all models from Malifaux Burns are legal! Where: Mayhem Comics and Games in Clive, IA (Des Moines) When: November 20th starting at 10:00 AM Cost: $10 entry fee. Prizes will be given out to every attendee Extra: Prize selection will be based around overall winner, which is a combination of wins, placement, and painting scores. Tournament Packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDOB-ujyOOgDQ3Wu6djECzACTdQa94OkC90PoFKCIqg/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Stunned. Pulling the group apart. Targeting things besides Df/Wp. Blasts. Ignoring them.
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