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Everything posted by retnab

  1. Hey all, my local gaming group is doing a Shifting Loyalties campaign starting next month and I'm excited to give it a go! I've never done the campaign before though and I'm not sure what a good start to my crew would be. I know I want to make Carlos my leader (I'm torn between taking Kaeris or Mei Feng as my eventual Master), and I was hoping to take the Emissary with the standard upgrade and some minions, but then I'd have to choose between the Emissary's upgrade and Stunt Double. So right now I'm thinking of taking one of these two: 1) Carlos Vasquez, Arcane Emissary (Arcane Conflux), Large Arachnid, Rail Worker, Union Miner, 0 scrip. 2) Carlos Vasquez (Stunt Double), Gunsmith, Large Arachnid, Rail Worker, Union Miner, 2 scrip. Are either of those any good as a start? Any suggestions?
  2. I'd love to see them pull in some themes from the assorted colonies, like Canada, India, and Australia. Having them show the King's Empire be exactly that would be very cool.
  3. I have a feeling that being able to move after going through a Portal Marker is going to be even more important for getting some wild attack angles, but yeah being able to pull a 20" charge when you want it is pretty nice.
  4. However while in Glory, you can throw away a Scrapped Asset to draw a card, then use it (or a worse card already in your hand) to regrow a Snapping Head so you can't get stuck with just Scrap.
  5. I think having a squad built around the Ghost rule could be very interesting. Maybe have 2 Fireteams of 3 models each (to balance out the possibility of shutting down all damage) of ghosts for hire, could go with making them lesser versions of Binh and make them so-so in melee with and Area attacks that risk hurting your non Court models if used in bad positions. Or make them big nasty beaters, that could be fun too. Making something that both the Cult and the Hordes want might be tricky though, they both have fairly different gaps in what's available.
  6. $325k reached! Another freebie for Commander+!
  7. He sure is! The new design is very slick, I think I like the faction logo more in the bottom right rather than top left, since it currently takes up a fair bit of space on the model's portrait but having the cost and whether it's a unique model be more clear and visible is a nice touch
  8. We've reached the $300k stretch goal, that's another $15 freebie per pledge tier Commander and above for everyone!
  9. He may be not technically Cult, but we have Binh Nguyen's card so I threw it onto here lol. Sounds like he's quite the beast in melee, and getting us an extra 2 Tactics Tokens when he's in Glory is great!
  10. Yeah, any overhang shouldn't be as big of an issue for the Squads since there's the larger base around the plug bases.
  11. Oh yeah, the Fireteam plug bases should make for some awesome scenic bases. I'm planning on really stepping up my game on basing when I get the models!
  12. They've definitely shown interest in a 2 player starter box before, and if the only thing holding them back from it is trying to find a way to do it and still have a balanced game I'm sure they'll find a good way to do it in the future. Maybe not at launch, but with about 1500 players around the world we should be able to build the hype before then.
  13. I kind of assumed that "Is That... Cinnamon?" was referencing the smell of cinnamon in the air rather than all opponents knowing it to be a famous rhino named Cinnamon, but as Parker says the fluff can fix that pretty easily.
  14. Ironsides getting stuck in with an enemy beater is exactly why I think Lust is just so good with her. If something's a legitimate threat to Ironsides, Lust can "Now, Kiss!" it away from her. Amina should be amazing for that too by making the (non-master) threat Liable. The problem is they're both 9ss models and you're relying on a duel to succeed for the effect to go off.
  15. It's in addition to the normal one, all of these are on top of whatever's in the base pledge
  16. Seems pretty good! For Assets I think I'd try something more like this: Adeodatos - Hovering Portal, A Memory Stirs; Horomatangi - Arcane Tome, Flaming Breath, Uncanny Instincts; Goryshche - Snapping Head, Splitting Tails, Fast Regeneration. But I can really see myself playing Horo pretty aggressively lol, and the Goryshche getting to move after going through a Portal sounds really handy.
  17. Hey all, I wanted to list what all the backers get so I can see what exactly we're getting after what's in the base pledge. Hopefully if you're considering backing you find this interesting! @Aaron if I have any of it wrong let me know and I'll fix it At all pledges Foil cards for all models received via Kickstarter At $99 Champion pledge and higher Beta access Early Vassal access At $160 Commander pledge and higher Special edition Fate Deck Free app access (unknown MSRP) Free tokens, 5 for each 5 types ($20 MSRP) Free 2nd Commander ($18-45 MSRP) Free 4th Squad ($50-60 MSRP) Free Adjunct ($15 MSRP) Free 2nd Adjunct ($15 MSRP) Free single Fireteam unit ($18-30 MSRP) Free 3rd Adjunct ($15 MSRP)
  18. So now that we all know what everything does, has anyone's perspectives on their "must haves" changed?
  19. And we officially have the stats on every Cult model going into the end of the Kickstarter! Wow, does Cinnamon look good or what?
  20. Edit: Both items have now been traded. Hey all, so I have one Ulix foil card and one Witchling Handler special edition (still packaged and on sprue), as seen in the pictures below, that I have no use for. What I'm looking for: an Arcanist foil card, excluding Marcus (I don't play him). Let me know if you have one and are interested in either/both of what I have.
  21. So I had my first game with GG2017 and it was Kaeris vs Resser Yan Lo, strategy was Headhunter and Schemes were Claim Jump, Accusation!, Leave Your Mark, Hunting Party, and Last Stand. I took Leave Your Mark (Carlos and Firestarter tag teamed it for an easy 3) and Hunting Party (Carlos, Envy, and the Emissary made it an easy 3 as well) and my opponent went for Accusation! and Last Stand. Turns out Yan Lo can do Last Stand really easily! The game ended 9-9 (he denied me a Head and I denied him an Accusation!). Things I've learned from the game: Carlos is a beast. It took my opponent a dedicated beatdown to take him out and even then not until the end of turn 4 (where he was ready to heal 5 if he didn't die), and he killed a fair bit in the meantime, plus Practiced Productions on him means I don't need Cassie. Envy is strong at range but really doesn't handle tough melee monsters, may have to try swapping him for a Gunsmith again in the future. The Large Arachnid is an awesome tank and his Torn To Shreds condition is awesome for helping your beaters with anti-armor. I'm still not confident I *get* Kaeris. I played her way more active than I usually do but she still spent a lot of her activations either walking or doing support (turn 1 used Instinctual to combo her (0)'s for an extra 3 cards, move [still within 6" of Envy and Large Arachnid] and set those two on fire, turn 2 double walked and picked up a Head, turn 3 set Yin on fire and brought her down low, turn 4 use G&D to kill Yin, get out of engagement, and grab a Head, and turn 5 G&D'd to move and kill the resummoned Yin and leave a head for Firestarter to grab). My list was Kaeris (Blinding Flame, G&D, Seize The Day), Carlos (PP, Stunt Double), Firestarter (IE), Emissary (Flaming Conflux), Envy, Large Arachnid, Child, 5ss. I don't remember what my opponent's upgrades were but he brought Yan Lo, Toshiro, Yin, Izamu, 2 Komianu, and the Soul Porter. The Komianu got killed real early by Envy and the Emissary, and the Soul Porter suicided to give my opponent the easy Last Stand requirements. Considering the strats, schemes, and enemy faction, what do you all think of the list I brought? How would you have changed it? The biggest problem I had was solid melee damage, I killed Yin but Yan Lo, Izamu, and Toshiro were nowhere near in any danger throughout the game.
  22. We know what the ECB Black Ops do! And wow, what a unit Knocking Down the Pillars of Reality seems unreliable but potentially amazing, especially with no TN to hit and no duel to succeed in!
  23. Hey all, so since we now know what the general and Cult specific Stratagems are, what do you find to be the standouts "I definitely want to take this" and the "meh, doesn't excite me" ones? For myself I'd put the Stratagems in a list where Awesome are things I could see taking very often, Interesting are ones that could get use in some lists but aren't as sweepingly great, and Meh just don't really grab me as something that will make the cut into a 5 Stratagem deck. I am not a playtester so I could be horribly off but hey, I'm sure most of the people reading these forums aren't playtesters yet either so it should be a fun little prediction experiment. So my list right now would be: Awesome Chaos Fissures The Burning Man Descends The Approaching Convergence Temporary Insanity Time Paradox Domination Unchecked Magic Interesting Deranged Laughter From The Aether The Fear Behind Their Eyes Spontaneous Healing Meh Fire From The Sky Disorienting Spell Reveal The Horrifying Truth Looking at my list, I'm noticing that most of the ones I see as awesome are the higher cost ones. That may be related Also just a fun note, has anyone else noticed that only 6 of the 14 Stratagems the Cult has access to can be used more than once per game? So what about everyone else? What Stratagems do you think you will / won't use with the Cult?
  24. Oxfordian Mages and Steam Arachnids are the only things I keep 3 or more of in my carrying case, 2 of everything else is plenty from what I've seen. 3 Mechanical Doves might be good for Colette players though, and Sandeep might want 3 of whatever your favourite Gamin is.
  25. All general Assets and Stratagems are now known! The only secrets left to see are the ECB Black Ops and Cinnamon
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