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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Okay thanks. Just making sure I wasn't missing some sort of 'game mode' or something.
  2. Yes, but it's all manual correct? You know you have 2 AP, so you move a model 5" with the keyboard or by using the measure tape and dragging the model (and like in the table top game, it's up to you to not cheat and move further than you are allowed to), then tell your opponent that you're using whatever Attack action and they need to flip and tell you the results so you can figure out who won the duel and such? Even things like tracking victory conditions, you need to check at the end of the turn to make sure that you qualify for the VP for the scheme or strategy and manually add the point to the objective tile?
  3. Depends what you want to do. Performers are more active models for pushing enemies around the table and debuffing around scheme markers. Mr Tannen is a more passive model with his auras stopping people from cheating fate or interacting. They offer different types of table control.
  4. Question about Vassal since a couple of us want to try it to get games in. I've installed it and been playing around with it. It seems that it doesn't actually do any of the game tracking itself, is that right? It's literally just a way to represent the board digitally? So you need to flip your cards, tell each other the results via the in game chat, compare to physical cards, and manually apply damage, conditions, manually move models while making sure they don't move too far, etc? Doesn't seem like there's a 'start game' and 'end game' eaither, you just figure out your lists, put them in your deployment zone, and agree when you start, etc? Do people find it better to just have a fate deck beside them or use the in game fate decks?
  5. There's a saying in wargames - directly comparing models in different factions is a fools errand. Each one has access to things that the other doesn't. In Malifaux case, upgrades and auras from models the other can't get. You're ignoring all the advice being given to you and keep going back to 'Yanusori hits harder'. Listen to these people, they know what they're talking about.
  6. Of course it is to make the argument actually work. Otherwise he's wrong.
  7. @Claymore65 he appears to be talking about LE cards, which are harder to update than just throwing on wargamevault. Some LE cards, like foil master cards, are not for general sale but won't be updated - or at least I haven't seen how they could be.
  8. Page 93 of the M2E rulebook, where Perdita speaks to Francisco about '12 names for 13 Tyrants'. Meridion is mentioned by name with the other 11. Dang it beated by about 2 seconds.
  9. Gibbering Hordes for a couple of reasons. First, I like the aquatic theme. I feel it's really underutilised in this hobby. You get the occasional monster or walking bipedal fishmen, but as a full range it's fairly rare. Secondly, I'm a refugee from 40k who used to play Tyranids, so it's scratching all those itches well.
  10. Not even just summoning armies, when you've got the likes of Tyranids where you take multiple Gaunt squads, any single squad numbering as many models as a 1 commander list for TOS
  11. Huh, could have sworn he was a 30mm like Tannen. I stand corrected. I could live with Mr Graves and Changeling Orphans. Gives Ten Thunders and Neverborn alt models. By 'what's the Krampus', do you mean the history behind it that Wyrd are borrowing? Krampus is a European Christmas figure accompanying Saint Nicolas in some areas, who punishes the abd children.
  12. It's definitely something I want to see more of from Wyrd. New stuff for your factions for regular play is nice, but story encounters are what make the game. There's so much character in this game, it would be a shame to not do more like the Carver and Tortoise and Hare.
  13. Snowstorm and Copellius are 50mm and 30mm based. Krampus is 40mm based
  14. What about the LE master cards though? Will there be a way to replace them?
  15. Guessing for the master cards it'll be like guilders - we mail the old LE card back and get sent a new one? Being able to buy them from drivethruRPG would make them being tournament prizes kind of redundant.
  16. Any additional activation is worthwhile, because any additional activation is one more than your opponent might have. And Guardsmen are hardly worse than Bayou Gremlins, and people are more than happy to spend master actions on summoning those. Probably because Gremlin players know the value of an additional activation.
  17. Summoning Guardsmen can at least give you some additional acivations, which is always helpful.
  18. I've gotten used to painting lots of models one colour - I played Tyranids afterall. I'll likely stick with the official colours because I like them, but for the Frenzy I'm considering painting each one as a different breed of shark.
  19. All the more reason to finally give us one with a Twisted Alternate set! I'm sure there's something he could be an alternate for. Unfortunately Blessed of December just got one, which would have been really suitable. Orphans could be alternate Croogligans or Stolen or Changelings (or all three, 2 cards for each).
  20. @JDAntoine they are doing acrylic tokens as a stretch goal so I'd assume they're speaking to customeeple about it.
  21. Wyrd, any chance of a Krampus model now that it's in a scenario, like we got the Carver? Could even do a PVC pack with the orphan miniatures.
  22. Australia so I deal with ridiculous pricing due to exchange rates and ridiculous shipping. Comes out to nearly $1au per card for me and shipping will probably $20au. However no it doesn't bother me. It's not like I need every card. Out of this I need 6. $6 plus shipping for correct cards? I'm good with that. A new scheme and strategy deck every time they change gaining grounds I'm okay with and its not like it's mandatory since you can print them off and flip for them like normal anyway. So yeah. I'm good with it and I pay dumb prices for them.
  23. The good thing about what they've shown for The Other Side is you won't need an app for tracking the game. There's a smaller pool of needed tokens than Malifaux, and the tokens you need come in the allegiance box. No wound tracking either as all models have 1 wound plus in some cases damageable assets, so everything is tracked by tokens and cards that they give you, without even the need to mark off things like wounds with a marker over a sleeved card like you do for Malifaux.
  24. 50c each from an online store isn't exactly pricey or difficult.
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