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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Worst game I ever had was a 30pt Slow Grow game where my opponent Pine Box'ed Pandora. He had a good card to cheat, and my hand was entirely garbage and I flipped low. Bye bye Pandora. Next turn my hand wasn't any better, and Pandora failed to get out. Two turns without Pandora when you built your crew using mostly her crew box isn't fun.
  2. Generalist upgrade deck 2 had 49, 3 of which are Metal Gamin Errata cards. If they go with @retnabs idea of doubling up the non-uniques (which makes sense - they do this in the Malifaux decks for cards that can be taken multiple times) for 58 total, that's more than the Generalist upgrade deck 2 and the Scheme and Strategy deck.
  3. Given the cost of the PDFs and how many you'll get, I'd just buy the big rulebook. It's got all of the cards in it to read, and you'll get the cards when you buy any miniatures you want to use. Arsenal decks really were for those with metal collections so they didn't have to buy duplicate plastic miniatures just for the cards.
  4. My guess is a generalist upgrade set, like Malifaux, with both Earthside and Malifaux cards.
  5. I clip everything off the sprue for the model I'm working on. Which is an important distinction. The kits post 1.5e have every model in its own little frame. So I'll pick one model to build, load up the instructions on my PC, clip the pieces off for that model only, clean mold lines and sprue connection points and set about building that model. I find sprue connection points more important than mold lines to pay attention to. I'll always miss mold lines and have to clean more after priming, which seems to annoyingly highlight any you missed. But sprue connection points are often on flat surfaces where parts join together or along joining edges. This is very clever from a design point of view, because you've got less risk of needing to clean a point in the middle of a bunch of detail, but if you don't make sure to clean them properly, parts won't join together correctly.
  6. Well it's got a lifetime warranty and they assure you that it's tough. If it's damaged you've got that warranty.
  7. Err, the point is the generic totems usually aren't less efficient.
  8. Bad JuJu isn't the only Mire Golem, at least going by Into the Bayou. Fated can summon them, and there is a general Mire Golem entry in the bestiary.
  9. @Da Git It's at the declaration stage for the model within the aura, not the target. 'When you declare a target of an action that is not this model'. Charge requires a target. So even if the target is outside of the aura, if the model declaring the charge is inside the aura and declares the charge against a model that is not Barbaros, they need to pass a TN 14 Wp duel. - Model within Challenge Aura declares charge action target outside of Challenge aura. - Model is not Barbaros, acting model must pass Wp 14 Duel. - If passed, Charge takes place. If failed, Charge does not take place, action is spent.. As for which to do first, I personally haven't done this yet (I have not gotten Titania on the table yet) but I'd start with the model that's more likely to be able to eat an incoming attack. If the model that starts the combo doesn't have the remaining wounds to eat one of the likely incoming attacks, then it's not a great place to start as it'll probably die before the combo starts.
  10. To make it more fun in a campaign you can have the masters Avatar, the factions Emmisary which is the normal game replacement of that idea and the Effigy that became the Emmisary.
  11. For "From Malifaux We Are Born", possibly anywhere on the centerline? That would tie in similarly with Vanessas 'Harness Leyline' skill as well, since magic is important in Malifaux, and Leylines are always a part of magic. Lets you hide it better than being in the middle of the scrum.
  12. This is fantastic. 3" didn't make much sense when they were making customised official Malifaux cases when there's enough models taller than 3" to warrant a deeper case. The fact that the price is the same is great. Are there any Malifaux models that won't fit a 4" case? The only one I think might not is the Shadow Emmisary, but I don't have one to measure. My tallest model is Lord Chompy Bits at 3.25.
  13. Primordial Magic is always good to have available. I'm also seeing an almost complete lack of Nephilim. If anything, Terror Tots are always good for scheme running, and I generally recommend when buying minions that are in a crew box to just go for the crew box, so I'll go ahead and suggest Liliths crew box. Lilith is never a bad master to have available and Barbaros is fantastic with Pandora and Titania.
  14. Personally it doesn't influence me that much. I might take a model/upgrade or two specifically to deal with what that faction can do (like the above example, if I'm facing Ressers, I'll take something that can deal with Corpse Markers), but it's not going to influence my master of choice or bulk of my crew for dealing with the schemes and strategy.
  15. Honestly I'd never even consider base level box. As you say, a plain rectangular wooden box in a fairly common wood shouldn't be that expensive. After the custom staining, hand carved design on the top and more exotic woods used in the higher tiers, the price is high but what I'd expect for such a product.
  16. The Barbaros trick is a bit more interesting than that. Behold My Glory makes enemies discard 2 cards unless they attack Titania. Barbaros Challenge makes enemies pass a TN14 WP duel unless they attack Barbaros. If they're in his Challenge aura and they try to attack either of them, they have to pass one of those. If they want to do something else entirely they have to do both. It can really make your opponent burn through their hand.
  17. Glad the Viktoria players in my area still stick with the Student then.
  18. Fair enough. In my area it's still the slingshot.
  19. The praise in here has made me reconsider the poltergeist. I'll give it another go running alongside the Will o' the Wisp.
  20. I take it you don't face the Viktorias often.
  21. Teddy goes with any Neverborn master. He's a solid beater that will draw attention away from the rest of your crew to bring him down because he's such a threat (he's made of fabric and stuffing though, so he's not very tough). With Titania, while some have mellowed on the upgrade, he works well with The Queens Champion. He gains a positive to his attack actions, will drop scheme markers every time he causes damage and gains Armour +1 which can help keep him alive. He basically becomes a better, tougher beater that drops scheme markers like candy. If you give him Malifaux Provides, he can eat those scheme markers as well to help regain lost wounds.
  22. I'm sold on a Flamebirch Ruby Neverborn case if they can get a 4" deep offering up, it's just beautiful work. 3" doesn't really work with Malifaux with some of the Emmisaries and Lord Chompy Bits sitting at near 4".
  23. I like Titanias model as a 'just emerged from the ruins of Nythera' look but I hope if there's ever a second alt (doubtful) they give her a more Queenly look.
  24. I've considered it, but taking a 3ss model to 'fix' a 5ss model I'm already unhappy with doesn't seem like a good use of 8ss. I've got some games coming up and I've just painted a Wisp, so I might give it a go. That's still 8ss to do the Paranormal Activity trick. I can think of other uses for the 6ss left after hiring the puke snake.
  25. You missed the Poltergeist, Pandoras Totem, in 'Those that suffer from not being the Primordial Magic'. Neverborn aren't alone in this. Gremlins, for example, have the odd Totem that works really well with the masters playstyle (like Skeeters), otherwise Old Cranky. I feel in the next round of errata, they could really do with giving the really underused Totems a looking at. A price drop is the easiest but laziest way to fix them. The best way would be fixing them to work better with their masters playstyle. Personally I gave it my best to make the Poltergiest work for me, but for 2ss it's just too hard to pass on the Primordial Magic. Personally I do like the Cherub though, I think it's pretty underrated. I'll also be giving the Gorar a real run as well when I start putting Titania on the table.
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